Chapter 40

It Should Have Been Me




Jaehee’s POV


I woke up with a start, well, it’s my alarm clock, I have a big day today, the party. I hopped off my bed and went to the outdoor pool.

“Off for a swim?” My brother asked, he was about to head out.

“Yeah, you?”

“Office, dad called.”

I nodded and went to the garden. Is it me or was my brother smirking?

I took off my robe and checked the water. I was about to jump in when I heard a voice.


I turned and saw Yunho oppa.

“Uhhh, hey oppa.” I got my robe and placed it around me.

“So, what brings you here?” We sat down on the chairs.

“I…wanted to apologize for last time. I took it out on you and your friend, and that.” He pointed toward my ankle.

“Oh, it’s okay oppa, I’m…not mad.” I bit my lip and took a sip from my coffee. CAN IT GET ANY MORE AWKWARD THAN THIS?!

“I am mad.” He said softly. I looked at him in confusion.

“I am mad at myself because I am lying to myself.”

I could only nod, not comprehending.

“Can I tell you the truth?” He looked at me.

“Yeah—sure.” My expression goes like this: (?____?) but I smiled.

“I think….No,…..I’m in love you, Jaehee.”

I stared at him. Still not comprehending.


Yunho’s POV


I saw her bite her lip again.

“Uhmm, Oppa, i—I….can you give me some time?” She asked.

“Sure, I will.” I said.

“Then, can I offer you some coffee?” She said while fidgeting.

“No, thank you, I have a meeting to go to, I’ll see you later at the party then.”

“Of course.” She said. I kissed her hand and left.

I got in my car and drew a big breath. Finally, I said it, I confessed it to her, but I still feel nervous, why? I shook my head as I drove off. I felt myself smile as I remembered her biting her lip.


Your POV


I entered my office while talking on the phone, then I felt something, a presence. I turned and found Hwang Sooyeon sitting on my office chair. HOW DID SHE GET IN HERE?!

“Hello, Miss Jung.” She said while tapping her fingers.

“How did you get in?”

“That doesn’t matter, I’m here to set some things with you.”

“Set it with yourself, I’m busy.” I said in a brusque tone.

“Oh, you wouldn’t, not if I tell you that I know that you’re little love affair with my fiancé is fake.”

I stopped in my tracks.

“No, it’s not.”

“Cut the crap, I know it’s fake. I have proof.”

“… did you know?” I said as I sat down. I am in deep sh.t.

“That’s not important, I just want you to know, that if you want to keep his and your image clean, you better listen to me.“ She crossed her legs.

“Why would i~”

“Well, when I reveal to the public about your lie, your company and his will go down, stocks go whoosh and your squeaky clean image will….shatter.” She smirked.

“Well, unless, you’re willing to sacrifice everything his and your family worked for, I’m cool with that.”

“What do you want?”

“I want you to break up with him.” The moment she said that I felt like a rock was thrown at me.


“Think about it, Jaejoong wont be so happy when you destoy him and his family. Very unpleasant.”

“Fine, I’ll do it, just…..keep your word.”

“I will, and better do it fast, I never was patient and don’t tell anyone or else, I will reveal it.” She said as she left.

I ran m fingers through my hair in frustration. How did she know?! How?!?!


Jaehee’s POV

After lunch, I decided to walk around the house and check the preparations outside. I was passing by the pool when I heard some noise coming from the gym. Someone’s playing. I stepped in the gym.


“Right here.”

I saw my brother playing basketball.


Hey.” He said.

“Oppa, we have a party to fix, and you’re playing here.” I said.

“I’ll be ready by that time.” He said.

Then it hit me.

“You’re going to confess tonight, huh?”

He looked at me.

“I know you brother, this is your way of releasing tension.” I shrugged.

“So what did Yunho say?” He asked while grinning.

“I’m giving you ten minutes.” I said as I turned away and exited the place. As much as they call him the strong and cold businessman, he has a soft side, my best friend. I smiled to myself and walked back to the place.


~~~Narrator’s POV~~~


Hwang Sooyeon exited the Jung office with a smug smiled on her face.

“Well, they should never mess with an enterpreneur’s daughter.” She said as she got in her car.

Her plan? Easy.

If Minyoung wont break up with Jaejoong, she would tell the publice of their fraud. If that happens, it would be good-bye.


It was around 4 PM when guests started to arrive at the Kim Mansion. The BOD came in first and greeted the First Lady.

“Happy birthday, Eomma.” Jaejoong and Jaehee greeted their mom.

“Thank you, dears, you don’t know how surprised I am.” She hugged her two children.

“Jaejoong, you know what would make mom more happy?” Mrs. Kim said.

“What is it mom?” He asked, Jaehee listened with curiousity.

“A grandchild.” His mother said. Jaehee stifled a laugh.

Jaejoong could only smile, awkwardly.


“You know what brother, mom’s right.” Jaehee said as they were walking around the garden. She was holding onto her brother’s arm.

“A niece or a nephew would make me happy.”

“YA~!” Jaejoong said. Jaehee just laughed. Then, they saw Minyoung enter the place.

“She’s here.” Jaehee sing songed as she stepped away and gently pushed her brother to Minyoung’s direction.

“Hey, you…look beautiful.” Jaejoong stuttered as he approached her.

“..Thanks, Jae, you look…dashing.” Minyoung said.

“Can I have a minute of your time? I have something to say.”

“….Okay.” Minyoung nodded, they walked to quiet place of the garden.


“Jaehee makes a great party organizer.” Minyoung commented as they sat down.

“Yeah,…she did well.” Jaejoong was fidgeting in his seat.

“So, what did you want to say? Another new agenda for our relationship?” Minyoung joked.

“About that…..”


“I want it to be real.” Jaejoong looked at her.

“…Real? What?”

“Jung Minyoung, would you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?” He asked as he took her hands in his.



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22 streak #1
Chapter 8: comparing the earlier stories to the present. The writing style is really a bomb!
22 streak #2
Chapter 66: Come to think of it Yunho waited for another 4 years before getting married to Hee
Chapter 66: Amazing re reading it again still loving it.
14 streak #4
Chapter 66: Rereading this again cus its been too long Haha... love the ending.. as always ???
22 streak #5
Chapter 66: I miss Tabi because of this. My heart
14 streak #6
Chapter 66: Omg the ending is so cute.. I was a bit clueless cus of the little girl in the last chapter.. Lol.
Chapter 21: Its not pretend anymore! ^.^
Chapter 18: Omomomo....Yunho!
Chapter 17: Who's back? O.O
Chapter 12: Jaehee! What happened to your plan?!