
Its A Full House. . . Filled With Idiots.


Yejin's POV 


I was sitting on the waiting area by the arrivals area waiting for Maki to arrive. Honestly speaking, Youngmin looks more excited  than I am to meet Maki. He seemed pretty interested in Maki ever since I told him things about her. I don't know why but he even asked me her email and phone number here in Korea. Even though I know he's trying hard to hide it I know he had shown interest in Maki. Finally, I saw Maki walking out from the baggage claim area towards us. I ran to her and gave her a big hug. I sort of bumped into someone with out noticing. 


"Oh I'm sorry." I turned around seeing a tall blonde female. 


"Watch where your going!" She said in english and a  Diva-ish tone.  


"I said I was sorry." I said in my english accented voice. 


"Just watch where you're going." She said in a y tone. 


Hmm. I looked at her from head to toe. She had style and Dolce and Gabbana written all over her. Long blonde hair. Pretty tall. Super model? Seems familiar though. I wonder why.  Pfffttt. I don't have time to deal with this . I'm too overjoyed that Maki's finally hear after being separated with her for a week I really missed her. You wouldn't imagine how lonely it is in the house. I mean, try being used to have a house filled with idiots then suddenly live by yourself. I guess I'm not that used to it. 


"MAKIII!" I hugged her tightly again. 


"Baby Jin!" She shouted that echoed through out the arrivals area. 


I chuckled at her silliness. 


"Do you want to eat at home right now? Youngmin cooked." I pointed at Youngmin who had a wide smile plastered onto his face. 


This kid does not know how to keep his excitement to himself. Eish. 


"Sure! I'm hungry." She said. 


"Arraso! KAJA!" Youngmin said a little too excited. He grabbed Maki's luggage and headed towards the parking lot where Kwangmin had parked the car. 


Yes we brought a car with us. Of course it would be sort of disrespectful if we asked the keys to the car from their manager, right? So we decided to rent a car instead. More convenient. We went back to my apartment to eat. I was tapping my foot against the floor when I saw something pass by on the corner of my eye. Someone familiar. I turned to look and saw Key. And the oddly familiar woman who I bumped into the airport earlier. I turned around again just to realize that my boyfriend is with another girl. WHAT THE HECK?! I rubbed my eyes and blinked a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Apparently, I wasn't. I wonder what he was doing with her. And what she was to her. 


No One's POV 


Yejin, the twins and Maki had arrived at the apartment and ate lunch together. After a few introductions…. and a few spazzing moments of Maki. They all agreed to meet again when the twins were free. Yejin never stopped thinking about why Key was with the girl she had met earlier so she decided to send him a text message. 



To : My Almighty Key


Babe, where are you now? 


From : Yejin


To : Yejin 


I'm at the dorms. Waeyo? 


From : My Almighty Key


To : My Almighty Key


By any chance did you go out today aside from your schedules? 


From : Yejin


To : Yejin


Yeah. I went by your place today but no one was there. Where are you?


From : My Almighty Key


To : My Almighty Key


I'm at home. Why didn't you tell me you were gonna come by? 


From : Yejin


To: Yejin


I wanted to surprise you. I guess it'll have to wait. 


From : My Almighty Key



She didn't reply to him after the last text. She wondered what his surprise would be and  was wondering why he knew that girl. Guess she would just have to ask him another time. 


AUTHOR'S NOTE : HAIIGAIIS! I MISSED YOUUU! ^^ HIHIHIHI~ Stupid school works. Anyways, had a lot of homework today but I'm staying up late to update you guys. kekekeke~ I finished them all! I feel so accomplished and productive today! ^^ ohohohoho~ Anyways, how are you readers doing? TALK TO ME EH? COMMENTS ARE WELCOMED! :) I BEGG YOU! =) LOL. Subscribe too deariess~ and to those silent readers, comment, even once? Pleasee? *insert cute begging face here//puppy dog pout* HAHA! COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE PEOPLE! =)) 


P.S. Don't forget to vote if I should write a sequel or not. ^^ 



Lots of love from author Jaeee~ <3 


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Michellesofjan #1
Aika0330 #2
WAHHHH!!!! SEQUEL!! fklgmgdk;fm you're so awesome! :D
inadzirah #3
Oh I really wanted to know who Youngmin ended up with :)
neshiiee #4
i really like this fic, ur awsome<br />
love the ending !!!
looks interesting <br />
ill read chapter one now ^^
Zicokooooo #7
omg!!!!!!!! it ended!!! with a beautiful ending of course! <3333 Author dear, kamsahamnida!!!!!!!! ^_^ A sequel?? Gonna wait for it! Fighting!!!!!!
pinkypn #9
youre going to post the link to the sequel here right