Take It Back.

Its A Full House. . . Filled With Idiots.


Yejin's POV 



"It was about Key" I whispered. I heard multiple gasps but I didn't look up. I was staring at the ring he had given me. 


Tears started to fall down my cheeks again. 


"Because of me?" I heard Key speak up. 


I looked up at him and he was pointing his finger to himself. I nodded slightly. 


"Waegurae?" He asked. 


I frowned at the thought of him kissing another girl. I turned to Taemin and whispered the answer to his questions. I didn't want to say it out loud. Because if I did, it would be like plunging a knife onto my own heart. Taemin nodded and I stared at them blankly. I didn't want to cry anymore. It hurts much more when I see him now acting like nothing is wrong. I'm not even sure if his feelings are true or not. I took off the ring and handed it over to Taemin to give back to him. 


"Why are you giving me this?" He asked. 


"I don't know. It just doesn't feel right. You have a girlfriend." I told him. 


"Girlfriend? What girlfriend?" He asked dumbfounded. 


"Hyung! You didn't tell me you have a girlfriend?" Minho asked a little bit stunned. 


"WHAT?! KIM KIBUM!" Jonghyun burst out in rage. "HOW DARE YOU DO THAT?!" 


"Do what?!" Key looked at Jonghyun. 


"I gave up on Yejin so you could have her and protect her and now you do this?!" Jonghyun grabbed onto Key's collar. 


"WAIT!" Taemin shouted. 


"What?!" Jonghyun was about to blow a punch on Key's face when Taemin shouted. 


"Stop! Don't do it hyung." Taemin loosened Jonghyun's grip on Key's collar. "I'm sure hyung has a good explanation." Taemin said. 


"Let me hear it then." Jonghyun said irritated. 


"I guess you saw that girl, huh?" Key looked at me. 


I nodded. 


"She wasn't my girlfriend. I admit I was a little drunk but I wasn't the one kissing her. She was the one who initiated it." Key explained. 


As much as I wanted to believe it. I just couldn't. And why the heck should I be mad at him for. He's not my boyfriend. Its not like he's mine. 


"Its fine. You don't need to explain to me. Just take the ring." I said bitterly. 


He started to speak but I cut him off by glaring at him. I sighed. 


"Just go. I don't want to see you now." I said. 


"B-but.." He stuttered. 


"C'mon hung. She doesn't want to see you right now." Minho said towing Key out the door. 


"Thanks Minho." I muttered under my breath. 


"So, noona. You're getting out of the hospital today." Taemin said enthusiastically trying to lighten up the mood. 


It didn't work but I appreciated his efforts anyway. I nodded. 


"Mmmm! Do you want to do something today?" I looked at Jonghyun and Onew who was standing right next to me. 


"Sure." Onew said with a small smile on his face. Jonghyun just went with it. I was guessing he was still a little pissed about that thing with Key. 


I tugged onto the hem of his shirt. He looked down on me. "What is it?" 


"Don't let it get to you. I'm fine. Its not like he's mine anyway. I have no right to be so possessive." I said. 


He just nodded with a stern look on his face. I smiled at him to ease his worry. His expression softened. The nurses and the doctor came in the room. (a/n : blue means they are talking in english.) 


"Miss Lee?" The doctor asked. 


"Yes?" I asked.


"Are you feeling well?" 


I nodded. 


"Does anything else hurt?" 


"Not really. Just aching and a little sting here and there." I said smiling at my doctor. 


"Would you like to go home now Miss Lee?" she asked. 


"Yes. Definitely. Its pretty boring here." I said honestly. 


She chuckled. "It definitely is. But I bet it wasn't that boring since you have these handsome boys to accompany you." She said. 


"No." My expression changed. "Not really. Trust me. It will turn from boring to disastrous." I said to her. 


She giggled. "Indeed. Anyway, I'll get ready the paper works for you to fill out before you could leave and here's the list of the meds you'll need. If you have any problem with the pain please don't hesitate to call me. I don't mind even if it is midnight." She smiled at me. 


"Thank you." I said. 



Author's Notes : OH HEAYYY! Wassup peeps? Did I leave you hangin' last night? Sorry. I fell asleep after that. Kind of woke up after 14 hours later. T_T anyways, how'd you like this chapter? T_T I don't think it was good enough. T^T Soooo.... I'll write a cast talk for ya! :) just to make up for the -ish chapter. :) 




Cast Talk : 


Onew : Where are we going Yejin?


Taemin : Yeah. Where are we going noona? 


Yejin : You'll see. ^_^ 


Jonghyun : I wonder where the other two are. 


Yejin : Psh. Key can go jump out of a building for all I care. 


Minho : Bitter much? 


Yejin : *turns around shocked with Minho's precence.* Wha-? I thought you brought out Key. 


Minho : I did. *smirks* 


Yejin : Wanna come with? 


Key : *pops out of no where* 


Yejin : WAAAAH! T_T Where'd you come from? 


Key : What? I'm coming. 


Yejin : *frowns* Why? 


Key : *dramatic acting* ouch! I'm hurt! Babe of course I'm coming. 


Me : *slaps the back of Key's head* 


Key : *rubs the back of his head* What was that for?! What did I do?! 


Me : That was for kissing another girl. 


Key : Wha-?! I thought I already explained it. 


Me : HRMPH! You still hurt my Yejin Unnie! 


Taemin : *hugs me from behind.*


Me : *looks up to see Tae* What? 


Taemin : Nothing. You're just so fluffy. 


Me : O_O 





I'm bored. Hihi! niweis, we have a simulation exam tomorrow. T_T huhuhu~! I can't believe that i'll be taking UPCAT on the eighth already! I'M NOT READY FOR COLLEGE YET! NUUUU! T_T okay, I'm done. :) COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE DEARIEEESS! :) I love you guys too~ :) hihihi~ Some of you were asking how was my trip? IT WENT GREAT! *here's a little secret I went out a couple of times with my crush. TROLOLOLOLOL!* HAHA! 


-Jae <3 

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Michellesofjan #1
Aika0330 #2
WAHHHH!!!! SEQUEL!! fklgmgdk;fm you're so awesome! :D
inadzirah #3
Oh I really wanted to know who Youngmin ended up with :)
neshiiee #4
i really like this fic, ur awsome<br />
love the ending !!!
looks interesting <br />
ill read chapter one now ^^
Zicokooooo #7
omg!!!!!!!! it ended!!! with a beautiful ending of course! <3333 Author dear, kamsahamnida!!!!!!!! ^_^ A sequel?? Gonna wait for it! Fighting!!!!!!
pinkypn #9
youre going to post the link to the sequel here right