
Its A Full House. . . Filled With Idiots.


Yejin's POV


I invited Jonghyun's sister over for breakfast. Believe it or not but me and Jonghyun's sister get a long pretty well. Unlike me and Jonghyun. You could say we are like mortal enemies. Breakfast, wasn't the usual breakfast. Well mostly because this would be the first time I had breakfast with these idiots. Its either I wake up late and they aren't home or I'm too early to wake up and leave the house before they do. To think of it I haven't actually had a meal with SHINee. EVER. I guess this would be the first time. Well they do say there's a first time for everything. I do have to say so myself, breakfast today was unusual and distructive. I never knew this guys would actually fight so much. I actually expected them to have a fight but oh well. They're after all guys. Its their stupid nature. 


"YAH OPPA!" Angel screamed trying to stop Jonghyun and Taemin from fighting. 


"You pabo!" I hit Taemin's head. 


"But noonaaa…." Taemin whined. 


"WAE? You should respect someone older than you…" I said. "Even if he is the dinosaur. " I added. He slumped in his seat with his arms crossed. Aish. This kid really. When is he gonna grow up. He's eighteen already. 


"YAH! CHUGULE?! Who are you calling a DINO?" He asked with a menacing face on. 


"Who do you think you're threatening? YOU THINK I'M AFRAID OF YOU?!" I shot back at him with a glare. 


"YAH OPPA!" Angel tried to stop Jonghyun again. 


"But my princess…" Jongyhun started.


"Oppa! You should know better. You're still older than Taemin oppa. And its not right to fight with a girl." Angel said with a concerned look on her face. She turned to Taemin who was sitting next to me. "Oppa, gwenchana? Jjong oppa didn't hit you right?" She asked full of concern. Then she turned to me, "Unnie, mianhe." She bowed to me. 


"Yeah, I'm okay. Don't need to worry." Taemin said to her and I just shrugged. 


"You shouldn't apologize to me. Its your oppa who did something wrong." I said in a cold tone. 


Be nice Yejin. Be nice Yejin. Be nice Yejin. Be nice Yejin. Be nice Yejin. Be nice Yejin. Be nice Yejin. Be nice Yejin. I repeated the same chant over and over again in my head to keep me calm. I can't help it if Jonghyun was short tempered and I had the same anger issues. 


"Hyung could you pass the fried eggs?" Taemin asked nicely. 


"Get it yourself. You have two hands." Jongyhun said in a cold tone. Obviously he's still irritated. 


"YAH! I already asked nicely." Taemin said obviously he's also irritated. 


"Yeah. And I said you get it yourself." Jonghyun replied back. 


"Will both of you just cool down. You're acting like ten year old children. Get over it." Onew said with his leader tone. 


"Here." Minho handed Taemin the plate of fried eggs calmly. 


Both of them shut up and ate their food. We finished breakfast and I asked the maids to clear out the table already. I asked the maids to prepare the lunch in the garden. Since everyone was so busy with schedules and I myself had to do my job we didn't get to decorate the christmas tree. Me, Jonghyun and Taemin got the decorations in the attic where it was stored. 


"Will both of you just say sorry and let it go?" I said. 


"Fine." They both said in the same time. 


"Mianhe hyung." Taemin said reluctantly. 


"Yeah. I'm sorry too." Jonghyun said in a bitter tone. 


"Then let it go~" I said. Aish. This two really. They are acting like kids fighting over something insignificant. I pointed out the boxes of decorations we should bring down from the attic. In total there were six boxes so each of us would bring down two boxes. 


I quickly carried my part down stairs so the others could start decorating the tree and the living room. I put the boxes down and went back to the attic to close it up. 


"All right. Lets do this." I said tying up my hair in a bun above my head. We finished wonderfully. But then Onew got a sudden call. 


"Yebuhseyo?" He answered his phone. 


"Oh! Neh hyung. We'll wait for the van then." he said and gave us all a disappointed look. 


"I'm sorry guys. But we have a call from hyung and we have a schedule today. Apparently, its a last minute shooting thing." He said. "We have ten minutes to get ready." Then he turned to me. "Yejin-ah! Mianheyo~! I'm sorry for always running out on you." He said with the saddest face I could've ever seen. 


"Its fine. I'm used to it." I said in a cold tone trying not to care. I wanted to cry but what can I do. Its his job. I can't do anything about that. "Bali, ka!" I said to him. "You'll be late if you don't get ready soon." I said to him turning on the other side facing Angel. 


"Lets go. Looks like its just going to be the two of us today." I said to Angel. 


"Neh. Unnie, lets go to the garden." She suggested. And I just went with her. 


Angel's POV 


I feel bad for unnie. She's always being left behind. Always alone in everything. I heard from Key oppa that she's been alone since well she was five. I really feel bad for unnie. I hope she doesn't really take it to heart though. Its not good to keep a grudge. We walked the path outside in the garden. 


"Unnie. Its alright." I put my arm around her shoulder trying to comfort her. "I'm here. You can cry on my shoulder." I said to her. 


She rest her head on my shoulder and began to sob. "I'm sorry Angel." She said. 


"Wae?" I asked confused rubbing my hands together since it was really really cold. 


"Because I'm crying to you now when its christmas." She said to me. 


"Don't be. Its okay. Umma and appa aren't here in Korea either." I said trying to hide my own disappointment. 


"Aren't you sad?" She asked. 


"Of course I am. But its okay because I understand appa, umma and oppa. I know that unnie needs me right now." I said to her. 


"Mianhe." She repeated. 


"Don't need to be sorry unnie. I'm going to be happy if you smile and not feel very sad anymore." I said to her. 


"Gumawo." She just said and she cried her eyes out. I kept my arm around her afraid that if I let go she'll break. Unnie might seem very strong but there's also a weak side to her. She might look hard and cold but on the inside she's warm and soft. She's fragile but she acts strong and tough. I look up to her. I can't do that. I'd easily break. I let her cry her heart out until evening. I can't believe she cried until night. I asked one of their maids to help me bring her to the living room. They left her on the couch sleeping. I asked them to bring me pillows and blankets. I asked for four blankets. Two for her and two for me. 


I placed the pillow carefully and covered her shivering body with the blankets. I asked the maid to put on the fire place for me and wrapped my self with the blanket. I sat on the other couch and sighed. I looked at Yejin unnie face and I could she that her eyes were swollen and it was red. Poor unnie. She endured all those times alone. To imagine she's been living fourteen years of her life alone. It must be very lonely for her. 


I didn't notice but I was already drifting to sleep. 



Author's Notes : OH HAI GUSY! I know its weird to even write a fic in this time line but I couldn't think of anything before Onew's birthday so I made it december. Pretty weird because its already summer. :)))))) Anyway, its a cliffhanggeerrrrrrrr! gonna update you guys later or tomorrow again. :) hihi! Still watching Paradise Ranch though. EEEEEP! SHIM CHANGMIN I LOVE YOUUU! /still spazzing over him when I've got Jaejoong and mini Jaejoong (a.k.a. Karam :> ) 

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Michellesofjan #1
Aika0330 #2
WAHHHH!!!! SEQUEL!! fklgmgdk;fm you're so awesome! :D
inadzirah #3
Oh I really wanted to know who Youngmin ended up with :)
neshiiee #4
i really like this fic, ur awsome<br />
love the ending !!!
looks interesting <br />
ill read chapter one now ^^
Zicokooooo #7
omg!!!!!!!! it ended!!! with a beautiful ending of course! <3333 Author dear, kamsahamnida!!!!!!!! ^_^ A sequel?? Gonna wait for it! Fighting!!!!!!
pinkypn #9
youre going to post the link to the sequel here right