{chenjoo/layjoo} Please Love Her

ExoPink Oneshot Collection

Title: Please Love Her

Characters: Kim Jongdae (Chen), Kim Namjoo and Zhang Yixing (Lay)

Pairing(s): Chen x Namjoo (main), Lay x Namjoo (main)

Genre: Romance/Angst

Jongdae drove his car back home that cold afternoon with a smile on his face like always. He was listening to the radio as he tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. He was about to get home when his phone suddenly rang. A huge grin appeared on his face when he saw Namjoo's name on the screen.

"Hey Namjoo" Jongdae happily answered the phone, but his expression changed when he only heard sobs on the other line. He suddenly got worried and frowned. "Namjoo, are you ok?"

"J-Jongdae oppa" she said between sobs and he could feel his heart breaking. "Can you pick me up?"

"Yes, of course Namjoo" he inmediately said and he could hear more sobs. "Please calm down, stop crying. I'll be there in no time"

Namjoo told him where she was and then didn't say anything else. Jongdae could only hear sobs on the other line and was starting to get really worried. It hurt him to hear her cry like that. Did he make her cry again? He inmediately rushed to look for her and hoped she would be alright.

When he arrived to the place she said, he parked his car and walked out as fast as he could. He looked around and saw her sitting on a bus stop, with her head down. She was there, crying, as he had expected and his heart broke once again by seeing her in that state.

"Namjoo" he said softly as he rushed towards her side and sat next to her. "Did he make you cry again?"

Namjoo didn't reply and Jongdae knew in that moment that he was right. He didn't know much about the guy Namjoo was dating, he simply knew that she loved him very much. However, they were in a weird in and out relationship. They broke up oftently and then got back together, something Jongdae would never understand. 

Jongdae sighed and looked at Namjoo with a sad expression. She would never know how much he loved her. Yes, he was madly in love with her but she loved that other man. That man that was currently making her cry. And he couldn't understand how she could love him so much when he always made her cry.

"Please don't cry anymore" he said softly as he caressed her hair lightly "He doesn't deserve your tears"

"I love him so much Jongdae..." Namjoo said between sobs once again and he sighed. It felt like daggers were thrown at his heart when she heard those words from her "And sometimes I wonder if he loves me too"

"Don't say that" he said and suddenly pulled her into a tight embrace. Namjoo rested her head on his chest and sobbed as he caressed her back "He would be a fool if he didn't love you"

It broke his heart to see the girl he loved so much crying over another man, but as best friend, it was his duty to be there for her and to tell her that everything was going to be alright. He had to be there for her and hope he would come back to her, even if it hurt.


Jongdae took a deep breath as he knocked on the door of that house. He had been thinking about it for a long time and he came to the conclusion that it was the right the thing to do. He waited for a while and then the door opened. The person who opened the door seemed to be startled.

"Who are you?" the young guy asked with a somehow confused expression.

"Are you Yixing?" he asked and the man seemed surprised that he knew his name. Jongdae looked at him and couldn't help but notice that he had a sad expression on his face. 

"Yes, I am" he simply said "Who are you?"

"I'm Namjoo's friend" he replied and Yixing's eyes suddenly widened. He then looked down and Jongdae looked at him sternly. "Why do you hurt Namjoo so much?! She doesn't deserve that, you know?!"

Jongdae was really upset when he said those words and Yixing only clenched his fists in anger. It angered him that a guy that barely even knew him, questioned him like that.

"You don't understand!" he said upset as he looked down "Listen..."

"No, you listen to me!" Jongdae said angrily as he grabbed Yixing's collar, startling "You are the one who doesn't understand. You haven't seen Namjoo cry her heart out because of you. You don't understand how much she loves you."

Yixing only looked down once again and some tears were threatening to fall down his eyes. Jongdae let go of his collar and sighed as he looked at him.

"She is too precious to be suffering so much" this time, Jongdae didn't sound mad. Instead, he sounded as he was begging. His voice was weak and he wiped the tears falling from his eyes. "Please, love her. Please cherish her and don't make her cry. You don't know how lucky you are to have a girl like her"

Yixing sighed and looked at him with surprised eyes.

"You love her, don't you?" he asked softly and Jongdae only smiled faintly, which told Yixing that he was right. 

"It doesn't matter what I feel" Jongdae simply said "She loves you and only you. Please, don't hurt her anymore"

With that, Jongdae wipped the remaining tears from his eyes and walked towards the door. As he was about to open the door, Yixing spoke once again.

"I do love her, just so you know" he said softly and Jongdae smiled faintly once again

"Then don't make her suffer anymore" he simply said before walking out of Yixing's house and closing the door.


The next day, Jongdae walked towards his classes still feeling sad. However, he felt a little more relieved after talking to Yixing. If he couldn't be the one to make Namjoo happy, the least he could do was talk to the guy Namjoo loved so much and make sure he made her happy.

When he arrived, he saw Namjoo and smiled. He also noticed how she didn't seem to be sad anymore and it made his heart warm. Knowing that she wasn't sad anymore was enough for him to feel better.

"Hey Namjoo" he said as he walked towards her. Namjoo turned around and smiled brightly when she saw him.

"Hi Jongdae oppa" she said 

"Are you ok? You don't seem down anymore" he said and with that, Namjoo smiled even brighter.

"Yixing talked to me yesterday" she said happily and he was surprised "He told he loved me and that everything was going to be different from now on!"

Namjoo seemed so happy and excited when she said that that Jongdae could just smile for her. He was happy for her, he truly was. Even if deep inside his heart was breaking.

"I'm glad to hear that" he said with a faint smile

"Me too" she said "You don't know how long I've been waiting to hear him say that"

"Namjoo ah!" they both heard a voice calling her and turned around. Jongdae was surprised to see Yixing walking towards them. Namjoo's expression brightened when she saw him walking towards them. 

"Hi Yixing oppa!" she said as she hugged him tightly. He hugged her back and rested his chin on her head.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked and Namjoo nodded happily

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you" Namjoo said as she face palmed herself "Jongdae oppa, this is Yixing my boyfriend. Yixing oppa, this is Jongdae, the best friend ever"

Jongdae smiled sincerely when she called him that. The two guys only looked at each other and shook their hands and neither of them mentioned that they had already met. She smiled and then looked at her watch and her eye suddenly widened.

"I have to go now! It's getting late" she said and then smiled at Jongdae "Bye oppa"

Namjoo suddenly run, leaving the two guys alone for a moment. Yixing turned to Jongdae and simply smiled.

"Thank you" he just said and Jongdae smiled faintly once again

"Please, take care of her" he only said and Yixing nodded. He then waved at him and walked towards Namjoo who smiled brightly and hugged him once again. Jongdae only watched as the two of them walked hand in hand, happily. A sad smile appeared on his face. She would never know how much he loved her and it hurt him, but as long as she was happy, he would be happy too even if it was painful to see her with another man.

Please love her Yixing...the girl I love. Please, love her.

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Chapter 7: chanji ~~~
Chapter 32: This is too sad
Chapter 11: I love this chapter
Chapter 64: This chapter breaks my heart :(
silly_bomi #5
Chapter 63: baekmi seyoung surong chohan huhu i miss
Penawar #6
more chohan please
silly_bomi #7
Chapter 63: so sad :-(
pls make more seyoung and baekmi hihi ^^
silly_bomi #8
Chapter 35: awww so sweet
SofiaTan082201 #9
Chapter 17: i really love this but it would be more better if it was longer kekeke by the way tnx for the HanMi fanfic...
luving_apink #10
Chapter 63: Good story!!♥