
The Moon is Broken
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Chapter 6: Rapunzel


“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie The Pooh


Choi Bom often felt like she was trapped. Since her parents divorced they had been fighting over her mercilessly. Well, to be precise, her father had eyes only for her stepbrother and her mother was blindly enraged by unforgivable grudges against the father. There was no place for Bom in this mess for she didn't wish to get involved in any of the drama. Her stepbrother had moved out long ago, rebelling against his father's dictatorship but, Bom and him, they sometimes met. He was a gentle guy, not born for the harsh reality of their family business. Gangsters, drugs, and violence. Except that her mother was a prosecutor, though it was certainly very unclear whether she had stayed committed to the morale of humanity or changed to the dark side.


Living with her father was hard. He was unbelievably strict for understandable safety reasons, though was rarely home to nag at her. Bom would have preferred to live with her mother but wasn't permitted to even met her, though she did in secret, anyway. She knew her mother was up to something, always busy plotting plots and setting traps for her father to fall into, equivalently her father had the same problem. The war was escalating to inappropriate levels. In these unusual circumstances Bom's character had developed to be difficult, she was cold and distant, never opening up to even her closest friends, her best friend of all being her step brother whom she couldn't see much anymore. Deep inside she was just a high school girl with your usual problems of love and pimples, though much mature for her age. It was rather sad and lonely, her enchanted life.


Usually she would live a quiet life, go to school, hang out with friends and nicely come home before her curfew. She didn't want to attract much attention to herself and usually kept a low profile, though sometimes her temper would cause problems at school. And her character was so tremendously outstanding she never got unnoticed from anyone, smart and beautiful, the Ice Queen of Seoul High. She never dated a guy in her life, only went on dates her father kept setting up. His plan was to marry her off into a successful family as soon as she turned 21, and this year she would be already 19. She wanted to go to university but it was much unlikely if depending on her father. Very much unlikely. He had his own reasons for keeping her away and hidden, like Rapunzel in her tower. 


Gaston: It's not right for a woman to read. Soon she starts getting *ideas*, and *thinking*...

- Disney: Beauty and the Beast



Not being the kind of girl who would be waiting for her prince to come and save her, Bom occasionally sneaked out and did something rebellious, wishing her destiny would offer her some sort of salvation. Throwing your braid out from the only window and waiting for the prince, it would take too long and was way too boring.


This time one of her friends suggested they'd go watch illegal street racing. Though not alone, having come with a company, a group of people they didn't know so well, high schoolers from other schools. Bom had never done such a thing before and was extremely excited to roam around the designed grounds, ogling handsome guys with their motorcycles and then spazzing with her, as excited, friend.


Everyone was talking about gambling and tried to find out on who put theirs stakes, lively buzz was twirling in the air and the atmosphere was rather cozy. To set up the right feel someone had put a fire in a few metal barrels, a short, fat guy was selling pizza and alcohol. Bom bought a beer from him and sipped it slowly as her eyes kept roaming around, finally landing on a silver colored Yamaha. It was pretty and she though she'd bet for it. A red haired guy was fussing around the bike, engaged in a lively discussion with his friends.


"Hey, what's your number?" Bom asked idly as she stopped next to the bike.

"What the he-ll?" the red haired guy turned to glare at her. "Piss off bit.ch."

"You don't want me to bet for you?" Bom asked indifferently, her face was blank showing no emotion.

"Tsh" The red haired guy scoffed. "Shoulda said so in the first place. The name is Dong Wook and the number is 2."

"Not 1?" Bom pondered aloud. "Who is number 1 then?"

"The number has nothing to do with the skill" Dong Wook snapped "Stupid". He looked at Bom from head to toe as he wiped his hands with a torn dirty cloth, probably making them even dirtier. She was wearing gray tube dress, a cardigan and pair of boots. Her make up was rather simple but her nails were manicured with style. She smelled of money."How old are you, don't tell me you are a minor?"

"What doe sit matter, anyway?" Bom asked, her cold eyes landing on Dong Wook.

"Hyung, here it is!" A way too childish voice called out,. 

"Thanks sunshine" Dong Wook flashed a smile as he grabbed a tool from a little boy's hand.

"What the?" Bom gaped at the little boy. "How old is he, like 10?"

"13" Dong Wook corrected. "And besides, what's it to you, Ms Minor?"

"Hey, I'm 18, soon 19."

"Still too young to hang out here. Are you looking for a hot guy to date?"

"I'm so not betting for you."

"Wanna date me?" Dong Wook pointed at himself, trying to save the situation which was suddenly heading to a wrong direction. Bom snorted.

"A monkey with red hair, not thanks."

"Tsh, look in the mirror miss eel!"

"Eel?" Bom gasped. "Just what part about me looks like an eel?" She was immediately remained about Seung Hyun which made her face more animated and alive.

"Don't wear adult clothes when your body is not developed enough."

"ert, you were the one who wanted to date this undeveloped body."

"I wasn't serious, retard."

"Hyung, you should concentrate on the bike, the race starts soon" the kid interrupted.

"You are right, Daesung" Dong Wook nodded. "Shoo, go find yourself a sugar daddy elsewhere."

Bom's emotionless eyes were glued on Daesung. "Hey boy, shouldn't you be at home?"

"He is my business" Dong Wook growled.

"You are way too rude for your own good." Besides, this red haired guy didn't look much older either...

"Sweetie" Dong Wook looked at Bom dully. "Just fuc.k off."

"Daesung, come here" Bom called for the boy who gave her a confused look. "I'll buy you something to eat."

"What are you, a social worker?" Dong Wook stared at Bom in disbelief. "He is working."

"He is just a kid and should be home."

"Go preach elsewhere, we are busy."

"I'm hungry though" Daesung mumbled.

"You are always hungry!" 

"But I think I am done with work, can't I go with pretty nuna now?"


"Jjang hyung would have let me go."

Dong Wook groaned. "He is spoiling you way too much!"

"See you after the race!" Daesung smiled and rushed towards Bom who hadn't actually expected him to come.

"I'll show you around!" he beamed, grabbing her hand.

"What a player" Dong Wook muttered under his breathe.

"All right" Bom smiled faintly but it came off rather forced. "I'll buy you some pizza."

"I loooove pizza!" Daesung exclaimed.

"Just come back on time" Dong Wook reminded.

"I might just adopt him and take with me" Bom smirked.

"Do that and you will get a very angry man coming after you. Yo! Sang Doo, come here I need your help, man."

"Come nuna, I'll introduce all the racers to you."

"That would be great" Bom said rather coldly but for a faint second wondered how would this very angry man look like. How scary could someone like Taeyang be?


She bought Daesung pizza, soft drinks and ice cream. It turned out he loved ice cream more than anything else in whole world and his dream was to go to an ice cream land. She listened to his random blabbering quietly, sadness wallowing in her eyes. What would make a 13 years old kid to end up in such a place, surrounded by troublemakers and crime. She ruffled his hair and removed his bangs from his face but for some reason, it was hard to respond to his smile. She always found it hard to smile at people.


"Nuna, you seem very kind" Daesung noted after Bom had wiped a few stains from his face. "But I'm not a little kid, you know."

"I know" Bom sighed.

"You don't smile a lot..."

"I don't like smiling."

"That's so sad."

"I guess it is..."

Daesung pouted, holding onto her warm smooth hand. This girl, he thought she was kind and likable but her face, it was too icy and cold. She was pretty and dressed up in stylish clothes, he wondered if she was rich.

"Nuna are you a princess?"

"No, I'm a queen" Bom flashed a grin. Even though it was just an amused expression Daesung was happy to see any expression her face.

"An ice queen."


They didn't have much time to walk around because Daesung had taken too much time eating, Bom already thought his stomach was bottomless when she watched pizza, piece after another, disappear into his mouth. When he was finally full he took her for a small tour. 

"Number four is already taking his bike to the start line, he was the last one" Daesung pouted. "He is a handsome hyung too."

"Is he good?"

"It's either him or Dong Wook hyung, they both keep winning."

"Who should I bet for then?" Bom pondered aloud.

"Of course, our team!" Daesung smiled brightly and his smile was irresistible.

"Okay, then I will bet for him but if he loses" Bom faked a strict look.

"I can't promise anything!" Daesung smirked. "It's impossible to tell, it's either us or number 4." He grabbed her hand again and started pulling her towards the crowd that was gathering at the starting line.When Bom joined her friends with Daesung by her side everyone gathered around him, and as soon as they saw him smile they kept ruffling his hair and telling him how cute he was. And giving him food, which he kept eating never getting full.


The race started, went on and ended. Overall an exited experience. Bom couldn't take her eyes off the silver and green bikes, they both lead the race from the very start. Number 2 and 4, this time it was 4 who came in first. She was thrilled, her adrenaline had started boiling while she watched the race and she couldn't remember when she had been so excited the last time. Deep inside Bom just knew that this would become a habit, she'd be coming her more and more.The roar of the motorbikes quieted down and the crowd started to disperse. Daesung grabbed her hand again.

"Nuna, let's go I'll show you who the number 4 driver is."

"Well, I don't really care" she yawned. "If I come her again how can I bet for anyone but your team?"

"Very kind of you" Daesung smiled. "But still, you should know who are the best drivers around here. Sang Doo and Dong Wook you saw them already, now you must know Seung Hyun's face."

Bom's body froze. "What?" she gasped. "Seung Hyun?" It must be a wicked coincidence. It must be.

"Come, he usually leaves fast because he doesn't like the fan girls."

"Who does?"

"Sang Doo hyung likes them a lot."

"Because he can't get any better."

Daesung chuckled. '"Let's go! Go!"


She saw him from behind already, quite tall and lanky, the hair was black and messy. Bom bit her lower lip, she grew nervous as she came closer and closer to the driver of the green bike, he was dressed into black and red motorbike jacket and was wearing a pair of comfortable looking boots on his feet. His helmed was lying on the ground and he was on the phone when Bom and Daesung came close, the guy kept running his hand trough his hair and then he turned sideways, a cigarette was dangling from his lips.


"This time you win but next time there is no chance" Dong Wook's voice reached Seung Hyun's ears.

"The fagg.ot is here" one of his friends commented.

"What do you want?" Seung Hyun growled in annoyance.

"To kiss you of course, you y beast" Dong Wook said dryly.

"I wish I could kill you right now and here."

"Sooner or later you will get your chance, for sure. If I don't get mine first."

"If you came here to piss me off then fu.ck off, I couldn't care less."

", you need some anger management" Dong Wook hissed trough gritted teeth. He threw something at Seung Hyun's chest. "Here! Sorry for doing you a favor, dear archenemy drama queen honey!"

"Weird creeper..."

"Hey Seung Hyun hyung!" familiar voice interrupted Seung Hyun's thoughts while he was looking at the little bag Dong Wook had delivered.

"Hey there" Seung Hyun flashed a kind smile. "How's my dongseng doing?" his hand found it's way to ruffle Daesung's blond hair that seemed to glow in the darkness.

"Look, I brought you a queen."

Seung Hyun looked up and his eyes met with familiar coldness, which soon meted away though.

"Well well well... This is rather interesting" Bom flashed a smirk, her arms were crossed over her chest because she was feeling a bit cold.

"What are you doing here?" Seung Hyun asked dully but a bit surprised.

"I'd like to ask the same of you"

"Oh boy, oh boy" Seung Hyun ruffled his hair, lowering his face for a while. "Can't we pretend we never met here?" he asked but when he looked up Bom was not standing where she had previously stood, she was standing in front of his motorbike.

"Green is such a lame color,."

"Hey, I like green!"

"Suits the frog" Bom smiled.

Seung Hyun flashed a smile too. "Gray suits eels too."

Bom stuck her tongue at him. "How about you take me home?" she pat the seat of his bike. "On one condition, of course, if you drive faster than during the competition."

"Nuna" Daesung gaped at the girl he couldn't recognize. "You are smiling, your smile is very pretty too! Oh my God, you are so pretty!"

"Huh?" Bom looked at the kid, that warm smile still lingering on her lips.

"Are you two dating?" Daesung squinted his eyes that kept darting between the two. "Hyung, you seem different too."

"Nonsense" Seung Hyun brushed it all off. "We just know each other from school."

"School?" Daesung raised a brow. 

"Seoul high" Bom mentioned.

Seung Hyun tried to signal to Daesung not to continue but the kid didn't get it. "Hyung, you are 23 years old and still in high school? That's kind of lame."

"I will kill you!" Seung Hyun snapped. "Come here."

"I think I need to go" Daesung backed.

"23 years old?" Bom stared at Seung Hyun. "Well that would explain many things."

"Come here you little rat!" Seung Hyun was already chasing Daesung all over.

"Or would it?" Bom touched her lower lip with her finger. "Sometimes he seems younger

than me." She smiled. "He so cute."



"Rapunzel, Rapunzel,
Let down your hair."



The ride home was unusual, Bom truly enjoyed her place behind Seung Hyun on his motorbike. It felt nice leaning on him, his warmth was comforting and the speed somehow relaxing. She closed her eyes, her cheek pressed against his cold jacket, and her hold around his waist tightened. She wondered how would it feel like to be wrapped in a hug by his strong arms. Definitely, she was starting lose it for good. Ever since he had presented his winning knit scarf, which was a splendid piece of art, something in her heart had clicked on it's place. Or was it last Thursday when she had heard him play that lively composition on the piano. Or was it when she had first seen him, his upper body sprawled on his desk, deep asleep. She didn't know anymore. She just knew she was attracted to him.


"We are here" Seung Hyun announced since Bom didn't show any sign of letting go.


"Don't call me that, it's weird. Besides, what if you get used to it and start calling me oppa in school?"

"We can just say you are a few months older..."

"Get off."

"Let's date."

Seung Hyun's jaw dropped. "What did you just say?"

"There is no one worth you in the school and surely no one who could match me either. Besides, it's annoying how guys are always trying to hit on me. I'm sure you are getting sick of all those girls too."

"Stop taking care of your appearance and it will be solved" Seung Hyun snickered. "Or just be scary, that's how I do it."

"Not funny."

"I think it is. From eel to a goblin."

"Oppa, I'm serious!"

"You are being weird" Seung Hyun finally said sincerely. He liked bickering Bom more. "Get off and go home, you must be tired."


She slowly climbed off his bike but didn't leave. "I'm serious, date me" her decisive eyes caught him into a firm trap. Seung Hyun sighed and ran his hand trough his hair. "I'm going to say this straight, I am not a dating person. I don't like that kind of things..."

"Do you like someone else?"

For some reason Ji Hee's face flashed trough his mind but he didn't see her that often, he barely knew her and besides it would be too complicated and she was pretty too, probably had a boyfriend already and... whatever, he crossed her name from his mind. Enough. Seung Hyun shook his head. "No, like I just said, I just don't like dating stuff."

Bom bit her lower lip. "Let's try it anyway."

"I said no."

She took in a sharp breathe, determined to get him do what she wanted. "But to just try for a little while?" She got flicked in the forehead.


"Do you even like me or is this some kind of game?" he raised a brow, she didn't really look like a girl in love rather she looked like she was bothered by something. Bom shrugged.

"I don't know" she said truthfully. "But you do make me feel comfortable."

"So let's just be friends."

"Why not try out dating?" she tried again.

"Look, is this about the crap Daesung said when he mentioned you look different around me and that I am the one who brings you to life and other ? Don't listen to him, he is always talking nonsense."

"I was just wondering" Bom shrugged. "How it is to date someone."

"That's very kind of you" Seung Hyun said dryly, this kid didn't know what she was talking about anyway.

"You do make my heart beat faster though."

"Maybe you hate me too much?"

"No!" Bom denied quickly. "I think you are cute."

"Cute? Well thank you..." Seung Hyun didn't sound all that happy.

"Let's try for just a little while."

"No, I'm going."

"Wait!" Bom suddenly grabbed him by collar. Seung Hyun narrowed his eyes at her and waited patiently for the next move. She was supposed to kiss him, he knew this technique very well. But she suddenly froze

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enairaellesoj1516 #1
Ive read this one for 3 weeks. Why? Bcoz i make sure that i will understand everything. And its a nice fic. You make me think and conclude what will happen next. Good job authornim.
Chapter 1: Mesmerized
Chapter 96: I love this story so much, I reread so much. Thank you for this story so much, for sharing.
vaasandara #4
Chapter 37: my third time reading this. for the first time i read it. i was confused. i was like dara. i was so lost to the point that i even study this story. i was like. ok jiyong this but why seunghyun beling like that. i even draw a rough summary for this. the second time. i still confused but i understand bit by bit. for the third time. you guys who is wondering for the answer. this answer is here. chapter 15. dara is so stupid. well i was a fool too. i took 3 times to read this story until i finally understand. i hate seunghyun for the lame flirting. but i love jiyong a lot here. well. for those who's still frustrating and confused, goodluck and enjoy this roller coaster ride.
qriyoung #5
Chapter 11: I had read this fanfic a couple of years back, and somehow a few days ago i was reminded of this story so I'm here rereading it from chapter 1. I realise that there're actually a lot of hint and I felt stupid for not realising it sooner
Chapter 37: as much as i want to read all the chapters word by word , ..its frustrating and very confusing...so i just skip to the revelation part..heheh..
Zaflores14 #7
Chapter 30: This is so confusing. Damn. It's so frustrating that I just want to give up reading but there's a strong urge to know what really happened. I admire how Dara's handling everything. If I was her, I would've move to another country. Lol but good job authornim! I'm going to finish this! Fighting! :)
acaj_1630 #8
Chapter 96: after 1 week of reading this story finally it's finish.. my head is spinning around bcoz of curiosity and confused. when is started reading this i thought im crazy to think that gd and top changing their identity but when i continue reading my thought is correct..
acaj_1630 #9
Chapter 42: I feel so frustrated.. So confusing.. I really want to escape chapter and jump in the revelation part but i cant scared to miss out very important details in this story.. Sometimes im thinking what if jiyong and top change their personality like having a surgery like that hahaha im funny right?? But truly its so confusing urggghh
gingersoup #10
Chapter 76: Usually a silent reader but couldnt help it but to post this time round. The story was crazily confusing at first but it slowly reveals towards the end... Which was a longgggg process. Tbh dara's character in this story makes me wanna strangle her, she talks too much, annoy ppl too much and is very frustrating. (If someone ever format my computer w impt info, i will kill her on the spot. She is so childish it makes me wanna slap her.) Sometimes i hope she will shut her trap and just go away. There are too many theories abt the fairytales thingy and makes it really draggy and frustrating, i usually skipped about 3-4 paragraphs of words cos they dont really matter in the story.

Its still a good read, different and unique in its way. Thanks for the remake.