Hungry Demon

Demon of My Life
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Nayeon as a demon, easily get bored. She keep on staring at the girl who was peacefully sleeping at her bed. Jungyeon still wearing her towel around her body. To bad for nayeon, Jungyeon's body was like what she and her superior have. It was like nothing to her, for now.

"Ugh! What am I gonna do!? It's been hours since this girl loss her concious." nayeon got nothing to do. She just get out of the room and innocently went to the kitchen.

She weirdly took glances at the things she first time saw. As a demon, nayeon never exposed from the things which people have or been doing at earth. They've just party all night and do bad things to each other. But now that she's living as a person, she had to face the reality that she'll get hungry. And yes, Demons & Devils never gotten hungry.

She continued on looking around. Then, she felt something hurt at her tummy. And that it is, She is so damn hungry. Nayeon disappeared and appeared at the top of jungyeon who was still sleeping. Nayeon think her mission could help her about sudden storm inside her tummy.

Nayeon didn't know how to awake the girl up.

She then lay her body next to the girl and whine. "What is this? Waaah! what's happening to me? Why am i feeling something inside of this stupdid tummy!?" she pouted and ruined her hair. "I wish superior is here." she added. Because she's moving so much, the girl beside her get up.

"Yah! Unnie! It's too early for school
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Happyhungry #1
Chapter 68: Sooo in the end nayeon is still unable to remember her past with jeongyeon... they will be with eachother but one of them is not able to remember... pls post an update of nayeon remembering if its not possible maybe both of them creating new memories