Review: exoxoticake

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From Nerd To Popular
- by exoxoticake

reviewer: WolfGirl88

 + REVIEW                                                                                                                                                               

 TITLE 3.5/5: I'll have to admit that your title here suits your story and your theme. It's an attractive title, however, it's just another common titles and I believe that I've saw some titles the same as yours. And for that, it's not considered unique anymore. Whatever it is, I do believe that you can attract readers with this title. The thing is, what is your real title actually? Is it 'From Nerd To Popular' or 'Nerd To Popular'? But I do suggest you to use 'From Nerd To Popular' though. Because 'Nerd To Popular' doesn't sounds right to me.

♥ FOREWORD + DESCRIPTION 7.5/10: Your description is seriously messy. Why don't you try to shorten it a bit by deleting those bothering spaces? And I'm sure you can still attract readers even if the colour of your text is black. I do agree if you make 'Park Chanyeol' a bit colourful because it's the main point there. Still, it doesn't reveal too much and it's very inviting too. You don't really have a foreword here and everything else is just fine.

♥ STYLE + DESIGN 3/5As I've said before, your story's layout are messy. Why don't you just justify the words in your description? And as for the poster, it matches well with your story. But your background couldn't be considered as a background anymore. In my eyes, they're poster. And they honestly doesn't fit the theme of your story. What kind of bright and happy themed story like yours use background (which is actually a poster) with dark colours? You need more bright colours, dear.

♥ PLOT 24/30The plots are very interesting. It's also very creative and I believe that it's not yet considered as cliché. However, there are some parts that doesn't make sense and also very confusing here. Which is the day she turned into someone very popular. Your plots are well developed anyway, but I can't really judge that much since there's only five chapters and I'm sure you probably have an explanation about what happened to her that day, am I right? If you don't, I suggest you to re-read or edit it back and prepare an explanation because it will surely confuse your readers. I believe that's all for this section.

♥ CHARACTERIZATION 14/15: Jaeli is perfectly believable and well developed. She got a unique personalities here too. The same goes to Baekhyun and Chanyeol. You did good in this section.

♥ GRAMMAR + SPELLING 15/20: I do believe that your spelling is perfect but you mixed up present and past tense in this story. Remember, if you use past tense, do not insert present tense. If you use present tense, do not insert past tense. Unless you're writing about something in the past, yes, you may use past tense. But since you used both, I'll have to point this out. For example, in the first chapter you use 'giggled'. You added -ed there. Meaning to say it's past tense. But then I scroll down and I saw 'shrieks' this time. You used past tense, so it should've been 'shrieked.' Am I right? I can't say much since English is your first language. So I do believe that you've learned how to write stories using the right tense, right? Do re-read your story and you'll find a lot of past tense mixed up with present tense. You might want to correct it and decide whether to use past or present tense.

♥ FLOW 8/10: The flow of your story is going perfectly well. Not too fast and not that slow at the same time. Keep up with this pace. Don't make it too fast and too slow next time, alright?

♥ OVERALL ENJOYMENT 5/5: I love romance and drama stories. Yes, I do enjoy your story and I do believe that your readers enjoy your story too.


a/n: You got a good score, right? I hope you're satisfied with this review. Do not hesitate to contact me if you want to ask for my help on anything or if you have any question about this review, all right? Thanks for requesting from me. I hope you will request from us again. And if you ever feel like requesting from me again, I am more than delighted to do it. Don't forget to follow the rules, okay?

 + REMINDER                                  

01. Don't forget to comment after picking up the review
02. Also follow at the rules of somnium review shop
03. Do comeback again ;)

layout by xxesmeeee - ramyunsoup  





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Picked up! Im sorry for picking it up so late..
kingfei #2
Chapter 28: I enjoy reading your reviews but feel there are some things I should point out ( just some stuff I noticed for this review. I'm sorry if these have already been mentioned.)
The 'u' in words like 'flavor' (-> flavour), behavior (-> behaviour), savior (-> saviour) isn't wrong, it's just the British way of spelling those words.
To say ' If I/you/he/she/it were ' instead of using 'was' isn't wrong and actually considered more correct in Writing.
Thanks for your hard work and good luck !!