Review: awkwardtofu211

♦ Memories | Somnium Review Shop Archive



Those Six Elites

Author: awkwardtofu211

Reviwer: BFInspirit20

♥ TITLE  4/5

When I first saw the title, I was interested as to who the 6 elites were because usually EXO fanfics are separated into EXO-K or EXO-M. Once I read the story, I realized that it was the main theme of the story and stuck to it. It's simple as well as mysterious, great job.


I was a bit confused reading the description at first, since you didn't explain who the elite was and who the human was. But then you wrote that there were 6 humans and 6 elites, and I instantly became interested as to who was who. Also, I liked the quote "Elites don't fall for humans", a foreshadow as to what would happen, and what events would come along with it. The foreword was very helpful because it explained the class system in a very simple way, which came in handy when I started reading.


Unfortunately, I had to take off points for the poster. I can understand that the animation is used to show the beauty and power that the elites have, but because the animation was taken from a live EXO show, it doesn't fit the theme and feel of the story. I personally thought that the second poster that showed the characters was better, because it truly showed the differences in class between the two groups as well as showing who they are paired with. You don't have to change it or anything , but I personally liked the second poster better than the main one used for the foreword.

♥ PLOT  25/30

I will admit that I was confused about the first chapter because I didn't really know what was going on. But by the second chapter, I was so intrigued by the great detail of the social classes: you really made me feel like I was in an unjust society ruled by a dominant group of people, and those who were poor were lower than the dust. Once they were captured and the parings were revealed, I was so excited to see how the couples would end up. The reason I docked points was because I kind of wanted to see how the elites grew feelings for the humans, but then again, some of them truly didn't care about the humans, especially Suho. I also docked points because the story isn't done yet, and may I say, PLEASE finish this story because I need to know what happens with Tao and his sudden blindness!!


The characters are very real, especially Tao and Baekhyun. They both make comments that seem so real that they make me laugh, and they also hurt my heart because their anguish is almost too unbearable to take. I like how you give bits and pieces of information about each of the character's and not just focusing on Tao, it really sheds light on the others and helps the reader grow attached to them. I took one point off because the story is not done yet, and who knows if one of the character's decides to change in the end. Very well done.


I only saw a few mistakes reading it through, just some missing words and very few punctuation errors. To avoid any mistakes, I suggest reading the passage out loud that way you don't miss writing a word. Other than those two things, you're golden.

♥ FLOW  10/10

I loved the way you put placed Chapters Four through Seven all on the same day in the story, very well done! The story is at the right pace, and even though it isn't done yet, it is progressing perfectly.


I am loving this story! I love the pairings, since EXO pairings are some of the best parings, and I love each individual character, even Kris. I am patiently awaiting the next chapter to see what happens next, you are a very good writer and your story is keeping me at the edge of my seat! Very well done!


♥ OVERALL SCORE:  87/100

A/N: Unfortunately, because you did not receive a 90, your story is not eligible to be featured in the featured story corner. However, this is an amazing story and I will make sure tell people about it! I cannot wait until you update this story again, since I have personally subscribed to it, your story is very good! Thank you for requesting your review:  hope that you enjoyed my review, I hope that it helped you with your writing, and I hope that you'll stop by and visit again soon! Take care :)


layout coded by DobuOnew


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Picked up! Im sorry for picking it up so late..
kingfei #2
Chapter 28: I enjoy reading your reviews but feel there are some things I should point out ( just some stuff I noticed for this review. I'm sorry if these have already been mentioned.)
The 'u' in words like 'flavor' (-> flavour), behavior (-> behaviour), savior (-> saviour) isn't wrong, it's just the British way of spelling those words.
To say ' If I/you/he/she/it were ' instead of using 'was' isn't wrong and actually considered more correct in Writing.
Thanks for your hard work and good luck !!