You mean so much to me

We fell in love in little words and steps


Gikwang’s POV

I was so confused. What is going on? Ji eun goes from hating me since birth, to blinking constantly in a sweet manner and stupidly touching her hair. Does this really work on some guys? I can’t even remember why I used to have a crush on her. ‘So there was something I wanted to say…’ she starts. I just stand there, gobsmacked. I’m not that stupid. It’s probably a dare or whatever. I’m just wondering why, or what it is that makes her be so nice to me, so…Girly, In a Ji eun way. She awaits for my approval when I just stand there. She clears and smiles at me widely. Ji eun is pretty…behind the layer of make up and tan, which looks strange for such a traditional looking Korean girl. ‘W-what Is it…’ I quietly mutter to the ground with my chin pointing down at my feet. It was so strange having her in front of me if it wasn’t for insulting me or throwing me something.

I admit I was intimidated. To be honest, mostly just prepared for what would come, that she would take out some harmful object, or maybe she was trying to distract me before a bunch of people would pop out of nowhere and attack me? Who knows, I’ve experience almost every trick by now, so I guess one more won’t hurt. I’ll just see what she has to say first. Maybe she’s apologizing, wait, no, this is Ji eun, that would never happen. ‘I never told you how hot I think you are’ she says taking a step towards me. It frightens me, taking me a step back I look up at her in horror, afraid of what’s coming next. For a moment, I thought I heard someone curse, someone around her, and then it went silent again.

‘You’re so…y’ a seductive, ty voice, and another step forward. Hot? y? What the hell is she talking about, ‘I know you still have a thing for me Kwang, just say it’ She winks weirdly. Did she just call me Kwang? I’ve never heard those words come out of towards me, unless they were used against me. ‘So because you’re so lucky, and you know me well...I give you the honour to be my boyfriend’ she says with a hand on her waist. I beg for anyone’s pardon, but I couldn’t help it, a little snicker escaped me. Her face suddenly changes, insulted. ‘W-why are you laughing?’ Did Ji eun just stutter? To me? And why wouldn’t I be. The honor? To be hers? This must be a joke. ‘Because it’s funny’ I say, amazed with my bravery of not chickening out and muttering under my collar, down to the floor, but straight to her face.

‘What’s funny?’ she says challenged, but I can tell she’s slowly fading, she’s facing her one true fear, probably. Rejection. Something I face, everyday. ‘Well, first of all the way you think I’m an idiot’ I say, putting it clearly. She opens her  mouth, but it’s my turn to talk, still. ‘You clearly want me to ‘have the honour’ to accept your heart, and to leave Miu isolated. That’s your plan, am I right?’ I state. She gulps hard and looks down for a moment. ‘And for a single second, you thought that I could forget the countless years, of living misery that you put me through’ I say, and she now looks up at me, with a concerned face. I don’t feel bad. Not at all. I hope she does, I hope she realises how I felt. I’m not being my bravest, not yelling or anything. I’m just quietly speaking, with a smile.

‘First day of school. My dad was going away for 10 weeks to Japan for work. He got me a robot, and a pokemon packed lunch. A second into breaktime and my robot was either stolen, or destroyed, and my packed lunch, on the floor. You threw it, you took my robot. I did nothing’ I recite, at this point, she looks down in shame while I stand here formally.

‘The school trip to Busan. Each of us got a smoothie from the teacher, except me. Because you took mine. I thought you felt bad for doing it when I saw you walk up to me with it in your hands, but all you did was pour it onto my head’ My smile remains plastered on my face. Not leaving a single trace of memories. I hope it pains her like it pained me.

‘What more? The first school dance, the visit to the zoo, the science fair, and countless other events when I’ve been either publicly victimised, humiliated, or physically harmed by, you.’ She looks up slowly, I can see she feels bad. She feels terrible, but never will she let me know that. ‘I thought you were going to apologize, but how could I ever expect that from you, Kim Ji eun’ I say simply. ‘You’re rejecting me, for her? Because she’s the only person that talks to you? Even though she’s a to you everyday? You know she only does because everyone hates her’ she suddenly speaks. Not a single bit of pain in her eyes, but arrogance, and a smirk. I make up my mind, and my words come to me fast.

Miu’s POV

I was so entertained, listening to all of this, until she mentioned me. That’s when I got angry. ‘‘You’re rejecting me, for her? Because she’s the only person that talks to you? Even though she’s a to you every day? You know she only does because everyone hates her’ I curl up my fists and try not to punch her all of sudden. Gikwang lets out a tiny, tiny, small, laugh. So small, only I probably heard it, in his voice. ‘I don’t hate her’ he softly speaks. I smiled just a little when he said that. It felt nice. ‘Miu has been incredible to me.’ He says looking down, until his eyes meet hers. ‘If it wasn’t for me, she would probably be smiling next to you, being your friend.’ He quietly spoke, his voice a bit more serious.’ She’d be popular and wouldn’t have to hide in the library at recess, she’d be liked’ He smiles ‘But she isn’t. Because she did the stupid thing to stick up, for me. And now, you’re right. Everyone hates her, all because she stood up, for ME’ he says putting emphasis on the last word. A pounding in my chest became slowly stronger hearing his voice talk of me. It made me feel so safe, and like a better person. Like there was a place for me here. Ji eun slightly flinches and glares, she’s hurt, she better be. ‘Everyone messes with her, because of me. And you know what, never in a million years, would I risk leaving someone who goes through that, just for me’ he pains In his voice. My eyes close and my neck stiffens, I breathe in and feel the magic inside me.

The strange feelings going on inside my stomach. The words travelling into my ears and into my brain, reacting inside me. ‘She’s my best friend. My only friend.’ He says quietly this time. ‘I like her, and for whatever reason she has to behave that way with me, I forgive it, because I know Miu. No one knows her like I do’ he smiles, and my chest becomes tight and a smile lands on my face to the words:  I like her. ‘As much as it kills me to reject such a privileged offer, I think I’ll pass’ He mocks, turns and picks up his bag without looking away from her shameful face, now looking down. ‘So, No thank you Ji eun’ He respectfully walks away, and as I see him walk into the direction I’m hiding in, he smiles to himself with the chocolates in his hand, happy with what he’s said. I watch him leave as Ji eun bursts out grunting. I come out and pick up my bag, and on my way home, I was happy. Happy that I meant something to Gikwang.

 ‘I like her, and for whatever reason she has to behave that way with me, I forgive it, because I know Miu. No one knows her like I do’I repeat in my head. I feel the butterflies in my stomach and think to myself, is it real? Are these words real? One thing I’m certain of, is my feelings for Gikwang. It may not be best to feel this way, but can I help it? I kicked a pebble doing  a little dance on my way home. Swimming in the wind and stretching out my arms, I thought about how his face lit up when he found those chocolates, how he’ll probably keep them until they rot. The thought of it made me laugh, and smile, it  made me clap my hands and twirl around in joy. I think I like you, Gikwang. 

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Chapter 67: Gikwang >< the story is so great!
nurinhidayahh #2
Chapter 27: Omg the story is so damn great! Can't wait to finish it !
Aya02Cancer #3
Chapter 67: oh my goddd!!!!it's to sweet for me to bear!!! i wish i could write like you, something that could make me cringe out of sweeeeetnesss... LOVE IT!!!
HyeJi_MyPink #4
HyeJi_MyPink #5
I Love The Story! Version 2 Please!! >~<
tiffani123456 #6
Chapter 67: So romantic !!!!
tiffani123456 #7
Chapter 34: So hot gikwang
EmilyChan21 #8
Chapter 51: Omg pleaseee make a sequel <3
fareencheolyong #9
hehe sequal?