Mysterious Figure

An Extraordinary Journey Of Light

The last building awaits! Yukiya who once had no clue about his comrades now is risking his life for the sake of his friends, is this his dream come true? During that time, a new mysterious hero comes along! Who is the identity of this guy? Find out 


Yukiya's POV


I'm in front this final building, I gulp because I wonder what I will find, it will be far too depressing if there's no one in here. I look at Mr. Goro and Sunny before I open the door, well here goes nothing!


Everything become silent when i open it up, there situation was noisy because there's a group of men dressed like a nawy, I encourage myself to ask them.


"Hello sir, what is this place?"


"This place is a rest are for us workers who are assigned to rebuild Sendai. So if there's another tremor we can take a quick action. Come on too, join us. We have plenty of spaces here" He welcomes us.


"No, sir. I'm sorry"


"So be it then, have a good time!" he gets back where he's left off.


"Sir, do you know what happened to the residences of the building called Sunnyday? The orphans from the earthquake lived there but that building is no more. Do you have any idea about them?"


"Ah, I've heard about that place once. I was told then when an aftershick occured, destroyed the whole building, the residences were separated, but I have no idea where they went" that man gives us unsatisfying answer.


"Well, do you know any brown-haired girl that has the same age as me, do you ever see her?"


"I'm sorry but no one's like that ever came to this place, I'm so sorry I can't be any help"


"I see, goodbye then" I leave quietly, feeling depressed that the last hope is gone. I look down while Sunny tries to lift my spirit up, although I didn't ask her.


"Dongsaeng, this trials keep coming and coming, but we have to face them in order to find your friends, be strong darling"


Usually she always put a smile on my face, but now I couldn't. Because I don't even know when we will pass this tests,  it's too painful I can't endure it much longer, I get on the truck without a single word, ignoring Sunny. 


Sunny's POV


I look deeply at him, he's completely wounded by the warning the worker gave to us earlier. He's so blue, and doesn't want to talk to somebody else, including me.


"Miss, what do you think of that boy?" Mr. Goro asks me out of nowhere.


"Ever since I met him,  I think he's a sweet and caring person, he always put the others before himself. His rage for his friends, his honesty is so true. People who met him always rely their backs on him, not to mention that he has a great burden. I never thought anyone like him still exists in this world" I clarify his true self to Mr. Goro.


"Sounds like you already have a good time with him, I'm glad for you" he smiles brightly.


"Thanks to you, mister. We've been through a lot of good times and hard times" i smile back, it's reasurring to tell about his kindness, I'm happy that he's my brother.


We get on th truck, he still ignores my presence and look at the outside blankly. But, he still talks to me.


"Noona, do you remember when I boasted that I will help and save my friends?" he's not looking at me while talking.


"Maybe you were right, noona. It was futile trying to save them without knowing their whereabouts, I'm a fool...why would I come to Japan anyway?"


"Yukiya" my hand's trying to reach his shoulder, but when I feel his tremble, I undo my intention. He's crying in the back, I can't see it, but I can feel it.


"I realy, really want to save them. But there's not even a single sign that I will find them. This is so discouraging..." he sobs, I put his head on my shoulder and his bangs, I can't find the right word, I'm afraid it will only hurt him even more so this is the least I can do. After he stops sobbing, he sleeps on me, it must be a long day for him,


Mr. Goro gets on too after he finishes checking up his vehicle, he gives us a sweet look when he sees Yukiya sleeping on me. He doesn't have any idea where to go so he gives us a ride back to Tokyo. It's sad, but there's nothing we can do right now, this is for the best. There is another group worker, Probably there's a switch between the workers. We keep on to Tokyo, now.


One Of The Worker's POV


Whew, it's exhausting to work like this. I must take a rest and it a day! It's always a pleasant view to see the rest area, it's the heaven for us workers. When I get there, the feeling is quite tense, everyone is talking about something new. 


"Do you know about that boy that came earlier?" one of the workers whispered.


"No idea, he came out of nowhere and asked about Sunnyday. That building was destroyed not long time ago, right?"


My ear tingles when they said "Sunnyday"


"Excuse me, but what are you guys talking about?" I ask the other workers.


"Ah yes, you haven't heard it right? There's a stranger, a boy that came to search the whereabouts of residences ofSunnyday, that orphan house that has been destroyed recently. I bet he was one of the residents because he was looking hard to find them"


"What?! You should have told me sooner, I've got an idea about their location" I blame him,


"How should I know that you knew about them, you're the one who suppose to ask me earlier" he blames me back, well, what's past is past, I'm not even sure, I may direct them to the wrong place anyway. When I'm about to end the conversation, he surprises me..


"And, he also mentioned that he's looking for a brown-haired girl that has the same age as he is, I think he's fifteen or older"


There's a thought come to my mind, could it be.....Soojin? Her hair is brown, and she's sixteen, I must find out about this! I will catch up with them to ask if it is true.


"Hey, where are you going?!" he asks me.


"Searching for the possible" I reply with a smirk.


Wait for me, Soojin! I'm about to save you! I dash to where the direction they went.


Sunny's POV


Everyone is silent while Yukiya's sleeping, Mr. Goro doesn't even talk a bit. In the midst of the silence, Mr. Goro suddenly brakes. I was shaken, but Yukiya's still sleeping tightly.


"Mr. Goro, what is it?"


"There's someone lying on the ground, look" he points, it's true, there's someone lying unconciously in the ground. I can't saw it properly because it's getting dark here, the sun's going down. I put Yukiya off me for a while and get off the vehicle. I wake the person up, it's girl. She has a brown hair and completely covered by dirt. I wonder who is she? I lift her up and put her in the back of the truck, she's full of wounds and dirty. I ought to take care of her when we're back to Tokyo. Then, we continue our journey, with my sleeping baby beside me.


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Chapter 64: First time reading this story and it totally hook me up. And I like it.. good job. Any plan on doing a sequel in case that you already have it?
poppop3 #2
this is super nice thanks for writing youre a SONE?? <3
@Wick3d : Thanks for commenting, I really appreciate it :) I still need to improve it sincethis my "first-step" of my career as an author in aff. I hope you enjoy it :D
Wick3d #4
Wow the ending was soso sad especially listening to sad music. You write so well and I can say that this was truly an extordinary journey of light. Although I didn't beat the other guy I read ur story without stopping for 5 hours lol.
@qrieya really? Exactly 3 hours?! My you're a light-speed reader :o haha anyway, thanks for your recommendation! I feel honored by your praise that said my story gave you motivation, that's the very reason why I wrote this story and you're the first to mention it :) I sincerely thank you for that, I hope you will continue to read my writings! Annyeong! :D<br />
<br />
P.S. : believe me, I don't know that Yukiya was an artist, really hha
@Soshilove & seohyun110 : I'll try my best to do so, thanks for reading :)
Taehyun #7
This was one of the best stories I've read..<br />
Hopefully you can write a sequel on how Yukiya and Taeyeon's relationship goes
seohyun110 #8
plss... make a sequal for taeyeon and yukiya.......<br />
@fickyz : thank you for being a loyal reader all this time, I hope the ending satisfy you :D thanks a lot!