Halloween party

Unexpected love (Editing grammar ^^)



Chapter 9


You guys decided to grab something to eat before you guys go your separate ways.
"I want some meat!" Ken said hungrily.
"Ok ..lets go eat at Jongup's family ramyun.. I haven't seen him in forever.." CL said..
You guys entered and was greeted happily..
"CL! Hana! .. Long time no see.. you guys used to come here all the time.." Jongup pouted as he held a plate full of dirty dishes.

"Haha.. Sorry .. We've been busy.. But we'll come more often now.. Right Hana? " CL asked you..
"Yea. Of course.. And you know we only came here to see you in the first place.. It's not like we came here because of the yummy food.." You sarcastically said and giggled..

"Aiishhh... " Jongup said then chuckled.

"Yea.. nice to see you too Jongup" Ken said with a gloomy face from behind you.
"Oh hey guys.. " Jongup nodded their way. Its not that he didn't like Leo and ken its just that he didn't know them that well..

You all sat and Jongup was taking your guys orders.
"I'm going to eat fried noodles and chicken” You said as you put your menu down.

“Really.. are you sure?” CL asked you.

“Yea.. Its a one time anyways ..." You Replied.

"Are you sure? I was there last time at the flower shop when you ate fried food with Daehyun for lunch. You looked like you were going to die when we went out after that." Jongup said as he looked at you unsure.
"Yea Hana .. I saw you that day.. Are you sure?" Ken asked.

"Yea. That's because i didn't drink my medication that day.. I just have to get them from Daniel.. I forgot to get them from him yesterday.." You said assuring everyone
"Ok" Jongup said still not sure.


You can stay a couple of days without taking your medication if you don't eat the food your not supposed to. But if you eat anything fried,spicy, or anything that has caffeine and not take your medication .. Your stomach will kill you.

After eating your food they dropped you off at your apartment since it was still 4pm and the party doesn't start till 8pm.


“I'll come over with Bom at 6 to get ready at your place! Ok?” CL informed you.

“Ok..i'll be waiting.” you smiled. You opened the front door and went in. There was no one home so you decided to take a shower.

You let your hair air dry and decided to style it in big natural waves. You finished at 5:30 and your stomach kind of hurt you.

“Ughh..i have to ask Daniel for my medication.... I hope I don't forget.” you thought to yourself.


CL and Bom came at 6 and you all got ready in your room. You mostly just chatted and slowly got ready. Since you were in the mood, you let CL do your make up. But under the condition that it must be light. By 7:40 you were all ready. Bom was a y Maid and CL dressed in all black With crazy accessories. You guys were just waiting on Leo and Ken to pick you guys up, since you all plan to go together. You with Leo and Ken with CL..as friends.


*Knock Knock*


You heard the knocking and came out of the bathroom, But Bom beat you to it and opened the living room door. The girls weren't in your room so you went to the living room. You were walking and fixing your bracelet at the same time.

“Did the boys come?” you walked into the living room with your eyes on your bracelet. You then looked up and stopped.

“Oh..” You paused for a second.

“Hey..” you greeted casually. You're not mad at him. You were just disappointed in him. But you don't know why. It's not like you guys are close anyways.

“Hey..” Simon replied awkwardly. He didn't know what to say. He wanted to apologize to you but didn't know how. CL saw the tension and thought of a plan.


“Oh..i forgot to add mascara!...Bommie come help me..” CL said while dragging Bom into your room.

“But you do have some already..” Bom said confused. CL looked back and gave her the 'go with the flow' look.

“Ohh..yea..you need a lot more!!” Bom exaggerated. You chuckled at them and knew what CL was doing.

It was awkward for a bit. You were wearing a black dress that was just above your knees and it had short sleeves to your elbows. It was thin and kind of loose but it fit perfectly. You also wore black laced leggings under. Your makeup was light with black eyeliner and your hair in long waves. It wasn't something you'd wear. It was funky and perfect for a Halloween party. You looked beautiful and he wanted you to know that.


Simon took long towards you as you stared at him.

“Hana... about yesterday...” Simon started. You can see the guilt in his eyes.

“Simon..it's fine..” you interrupted him.

“No..i'm sorry.. I know I was wrong in letting her speak like that...i just didn't expect her to say that... ..i think your parents did an amazing job in raising you even though they had little time..” Simon finished making you emotional at the mention of your parents and your eyes were getting a bit teary but you held it in..


“And I hope you can forgive me.” he added while furrowing his eyes hoping you wouldn't cry. Simon isn't the type to hurt people, so he isn't used to apologizing. He didn't know if he was doing it right.

“There's no need....” you said and Simon grew upset..

“Because I already forgave you...” you smiled sweetly. Simon looked up. He was just about to give you a hug but a knock on the door interrupted him and you went to open the door.


“Oh ..hey guys..took you long enough.” you said smiling. Ken was dressed as a y fireman and Leo dressed casual.

“Well I had to drag Leo here... he wouldn't come..” Ken scoffed while coming in.

“Tsk... Leo it's fine if you don't want to go with me.. we can trade... I'll go with Ken and you can go with CL if you want..” you chuckled. ..It was just as friends...nothing more..... you thought to yourself.

Leo looked up from the floor and looked at you confused. ..Wait..what?..no one said I was going with Hana...i don't mind going with her... Leo thought.


“Yea..lets trade...you can go with CL...she's scary..” Ken joked... Well it's CL that paired you guys up like that. She was closer with Ken and she knew you wouldn't care with either of them but She didn't want to pair up with Leo because he's not as entertaining as Ken.

“I heard that!” CL came in staring at Ken..

“Hehe..just kidding??” Ken laughed and made everyone else laugh.

“Simon are you going too?” Ken asked as he faced him.

“Uhh..yea I guess” Simon answered.


“Oh..you wanna come with us?” CL asked, But before Simon can answer, Leo walked to you and grabbed your hand and started walking to the front door. He didn't know why he didn't like Simon..he didn't have a good feeling about him.

“No..i still need to get ready” Simon replied confused at why Leo just took you.

“Ok then..see you there..” you said before Leo dragged you out the door.


“What was that?..” Ken asked...surprised by Leo's actions

“I think he likes her..” CL thought out loud..

“Whaat?!!” Ken asked and Simon had this weird feeling he didn't like.

“Well.. it is possible actually..I've noticed he is different around her...or maybe he just sees her as a close friend...” Ken said as he tipped his index finger on his chin.

“Either way, it's shocking” CL chuckled..

“Come on lets go..see you there Simon.” Ken said and left with CL.



You guys entered Nichkhuns house. It was big and it was decorated for Halloween. You kept looking around amazed as you walked side by side with Leo.

“Hey guys..welcome.. good to see you guys..there's food and games ..so have fun!” Nichkhun greeted you guys.

“Hey.. ok..thanks” you replied. You walked In and saw girls dressed in everything. So many pretty girls and half of them were dressed in “” costumes. Leo saw your expression and chuckled to himself.


“OoOoh...let's go to the games..” You dragged Leo with you. We just got here* Leo thought and let himself be dragged by you. You saw CL and Ken already looking at the couples playing.

They were playing the pocky game. Where each person eats from each end of the pocky stick and whoever leaves the smallest piece wins. First place will win couple cell phones and second will win couple phone accessories and third will win couple bracelets.


“Awww..i want that..Hana..this is why we need Boyfriends!!” CL pouted.

“Come on...i'll play with you..” Ken smiled. He didn't care.. he sees CL as a friend and she feels the same way..

“Haha..ok..you guys play too!!” CL said and ken nodded.. you glanced up at Leo..then back at CL

“We'll just watch.. you guys go on..” You said sadly but tried to smile. You knew there was no way Leo would play.


“Ok..” CL replied and Leo felt bad ..I'm just repaying her for being nice to me Leo thought and grabbed your hand and followed Ken and CL surprising you ,but you got back to your senses when the game started,

You were eating slowly. You were so nervous, you've only been this close to one person. Which was your ex Junhyung. Leo was getting closer. He was mostly doing all the work. He was so close. You thought ..one more second and your lips will touch. You closed your eyes shut.


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Chapter 77: You know what it took me one and half day to finish this story trully this is the most attractive and best story. But sadly it has end. I can't even stop reading it it just to addictive hahaha
NComel11 #3
Chapter 77: Interesting story,Im sad because it is over
YellowClover #4
nice story!
xternalov3x #5
Chapter 77: WOW SUCH A GOOD STORY WRITTEN!! Thank you for finishing the story.. And I can't believe that I just only found the story now! :D
atiqahque #6
Chapter 77: I laughed, cried, cringed, angry while reading this. This is the best. Two thumbs up ^^
rayvhengoldwater #7
Chapter 77: i read this in two days lol
Chapter 77: Q_Q
i can't believe this story is over :cccc
nevertheless, thank u so much for it!
u really did a great job!
muneka10 #9
Chapter 77: So this isnt over right? I love this story and I hope you can give us a lil bit more of simon and dmtn. I really do! =)
Chapter 77: Nooooooooo don't stop!!!!!!!!!