
Unexpected love (Editing grammar ^^)


Chapter 7



“She's not even pretty... so no need for me to worry” Jessica nodded as Simon mentally face palmed himself.

“Umm..okay..nice to meet you too” you smiled and turned around to start walking.

“But even though ..what kind of girl sleeps in a house with a stranger?... your parents obviously did an awful job in raising you..” Jessica said with a scoff.

You stopped in your tracks and turned around. Jeesu and Daniel were a few feet behind you and heard what Jessica said and they were just as shocked as you were.  Simon was also surprised ,but he knew Jessica always said what was on her mind, regardless if it was right or not. 

“What?..” you asked in disbelief as you faced towards her. She doesn't even know you yet she judged you.

“You wanna talk about me..go ahead.. I couldn't care less.. but don't you dare talk negatively about my parents” You stepped really close to her..”Especially to my face” you said angrily.

“Hana!” Simon put his hand in front of Jessica. He was afraid because it was the first time seeing you mad. You were always happy and smiling. But you looked like you were going to kill her. But of coarse you weren't because your not a violent person.


You turned your head to look at Simon. Your eye brows were still furrowed and you looked pissed and hurt. You couldn't believe Simon would take her side when she was obviously wrong. You turned around and started walking to the apartment without another word.


“Fake!” Jeesu gave Jessica the look and chased after you.

“Next time" Daniel nodded towards Jessica.."Shut her up before I do” Daniel said through gritted teeth and caught up to you and Jeesu.


“Aaishhh.. Do you know what you've done?” Simon asked Jessica once you guys were far and and brushed his hair with his fingers from frustration. He quickly booked Jessica a room in a motel close to the apartment and went home.

You walked home with Jeesu and Daniel and no one said a word. You went straight to your room because you couldn't hold your tears anymore and cried a little. You didn't let everything out and quickly got yourself together and took a quick shower to erase the evidence of your tears.


Jeesu and Daniel were sitting in the sofa because they didn't want to leave until they made sure you were ok. Simon entered the apartment after a couple of minutes and there was an awkward silence but Jeesu couldn't hold it in.

"Yahh.. what the hell was that?" Jeesu yelled as he stood up.

Simon just stayed quite. He already felt bad for not shutting Jessica up.

"What? you have nothing to say?. Jeesu burst.

"What did you want me to say" Simon replied irritated.

"What do you mean? how could you let her say that to Hana?" Daniel replied pissed off. Simon was now getting pissed off too. It's not like he could have prevent it from happening.


"Well... it's easy to misunderstand her situation.. you don't find it normal for a girl to live with someone she barely new..." Simon tried to ease up the situation, but he doesn't know that he was making it worse.

"Mwuahh?" Jeesu and Daniel widened their eyes in surprise.

"Are you saying that Jessica's words are right?. That Hana's parents did an awful job in raising her?." Jeesu asked outraged . “And who said she was living alone with a stranger? She's living with her brother.” Daniel finished.


*What.. that's not what i meant...* Simon thought. but before he can reply he saw Jeesu and Daniel looking behind him with an 'oh ' face.



You finished your shower and got dressed. you wanted to go out and let the boys know you were ok. But as you were about to enter the living room you saw Simon's back facing you and heard Jeesu and Daniel talking to him.


"What you have nothing to say? Jeesu burst.

"What did you want me to say?.." Simon replied irritated.

"What do you mean? how could you let her say that to Hana?" Daniel replied now pissed off.


"Well... it's easy to misunderstand her situation.. you don't find it normal for a girl to live with someone she barely new" Simon replied.

"Mwuahh?" Jeesu and Daniel said at the same time.

"Are you saying that Jessica's words are right?. That Hana's parents did an awful job in raising her?." Jeesu asked outraged.

“And who said she was living alone with a stranger? She's living with her brother.” Daniel finished.


You couldn't believe your ears. You were beyond hurt. You've never had anyone talk about your parents and you couldn't even explain how you felt. Simon turned around and saw you. He looked very shocked. he didn't think you'd be home now and the boy thought you were still in the shower.


"I'm sorry my mother wasn't able to raise me right.. maybe you can tell her that one day" A tear escaped from your eye and you walked back to your room before Simon had the chance to reply to you..

*Uhh.. Why can't i speak!.. I just froze when i saw her tears.. Damn she looked hurt.* Simon thought frustrated.

“Aiishh... this is my first time seeing Hana cry in a long time..." Jeesu said sadly.

Daniel exhaled and faced Simon.

"The reason why we are all quite about you is because Inati approves of you.. and hes more protective about Hana than anyone else” Daniel said then faced Jisu..

“I'm going to head home.. i know Hana wouldn't want to talk now.. check up on her.. ill come tomorrow" He then gave Simon the look and left.

"Yea ok" Jeesu replied. Simon gave up and went in his room and decided he will talk to you tomorrow when your calm.

Jeesu knocked and you didn't want to open the door. He knew you would talk to Youngwon so he left to his apartment and told Youngwon everything and he didn't like what he heard. He got the extra key for your room that you left for him.

Youngwon knocked on your room and you didn't open it. He then used the key and let himself in. What he saw made his heart ache. You were sitting on your bed hugging a pillow and crying. You hated the fact people insulted your parents and you couldn't do anything.


Youngwon climbed on the bed and hugged you.

Simon was passing by to go to the bathroom when he saw your door opened a bit and overheard youngwon talking.

"Hana... don't cry.. they aren't worth your tears... I hate seeing you cry .." Youngwon rubbed your back.

"I'm sure your parents are proud of you because they raised such an amazing girl... and i thank them for that every time i see you." He your hair as you cried harder.

"I.. just.. miss.. them much..." you said through hiccups.

"Yea and I'm sure they miss you too... now stop crying.. you don't look pretty when you cry.." Youngwon hugged you tighter. You cried for a couple minutes and calmed down a bit. Simon felt bad and left to go shower.

"Don't tell Inati anything .. And tell the others not to tell too.. Ok?.. I don't want them to get into a fight because of me.. You know how Inati is..." you said through hiccup and after a while you fell asleep hugging Youngwon..


Youngwon covered you with a blanket and left the room in the same time Simon left the bathroom. They both looked at each other for a couple of seconds without saying a word.

"Hana doesn't get effected by just anyone's words.. only the people that actually mean something to her and the people she cares about. Although its only been a couple of weeks.. but i guess you grew in Hana's eyes.. but don't hurt her anymore... because if you cross the line.. you will lose her trust and it's hard to get it back. " Youngwon said and left.


Simon felt even worse if that was possible. It bugged him that he upset you and that you were hurt and youngwon's words made him feel guiltier.  

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Chapter 77: You know what it took me one and half day to finish this story trully this is the most attractive and best story. But sadly it has end. I can't even stop reading it it just to addictive hahaha
NComel11 #3
Chapter 77: Interesting story,Im sad because it is over
YellowClover #4
nice story!
xternalov3x #5
Chapter 77: WOW SUCH A GOOD STORY WRITTEN!! Thank you for finishing the story.. And I can't believe that I just only found the story now! :D
atiqahque #6
Chapter 77: I laughed, cried, cringed, angry while reading this. This is the best. Two thumbs up ^^
rayvhengoldwater #7
Chapter 77: i read this in two days lol
Chapter 77: Q_Q
i can't believe this story is over :cccc
nevertheless, thank u so much for it!
u really did a great job!
muneka10 #9
Chapter 77: So this isnt over right? I love this story and I hope you can give us a lil bit more of simon and dmtn. I really do! =)
Chapter 77: Nooooooooo don't stop!!!!!!!!!