I don't know

Unexpected love (Editing grammar ^^)

Chapter 64 



“Where's Hana?... She's 30 minutes late for work already..” CL asked worriedly.

“Did you try sending a text to her?..” Ken asked as he put the dirty cups in the sink.

“Yes.. she still hasn't replied..” CL sighed.

“That's weird.. She would tell us if she wasn't coming to work.... she's never this late..” Ken mumbled. Leo furrowed his eyebrows in worry.

Ding … CL got a text.

“Oh its from Hana..” She said and ken and Leo looked up waiting for her to read it.

“Sorry.. I'm not going to work today...text you later...” CL read at loud.

“Well at least we know she's ok..” Ken answered and got to work. However they all still felt a bit uneasy.



You noticed you were sitting on a chair and groaned as you felt something tight around your wrist and your neck was sore. You opened your eyes slowly and squinted as you tried to make out what was in front of you. It looked like you were in a dark big room and you were sure it was an abandoned building. The windows were broken and it looked old and rusty. You tried to move the rope from your wrist but hissed at the pain. You looked around panicked and wondered what on earth were you doing here.

“Looks like the second sleeping beauty is up.......” You heard a man and he entered the huge room with three guys.

“What do you want?...” You asked trying not to look frightened. The man stood in front of you and smirked.

“Nothing much.... I just need some information from you.... answer my questions and I'll let you leave.....” He replied as he took a picture of you with his phone.

“Where's Simon?..” He simply asked. Simon?....What does he want from him?.. you thought but didn't answer.

“Ok........ than answer this.... what are you to Simon?....” He asked again.

“I don't know who Simon is...” You lied and the man scoffed.

“Lets skip this part..yea?...... I'm not asking you if you know him.. because I know you do for sure..” He showed you a picture of you and Simon coming out of a party and you remembered it was the night he took you home from the valentines party.


“ ... Your his lover right?..” He asked.

“No..” you answered and he eyed you carefully.

“Wel..... I'm sure you'd know at least his number..” He as he eyed you.

“I don't...” you lied.

“I see.....” The man nodded than turned around.

“The other one cooperated better... ” he mumbled to himself. The other one? You thought in worry.


“Krystal!..” The man called out and a girl came out walking. She had long hair and was beautiful. It made you wonder why she was here...

“Yes Yoochun?..” She smiled.

“This one wouldn't talk.... get something out of her until Key hacks into her phone.... Don't have any mercy on her... all this is no use without Simon..” he told her but you heard everything.


“Make sure the guards don't let anyone else in until I say so...” Yoochun informed one of his men and he left. Yoochun walked to to the corner to make a call. Krystal stood in front of you shaking her head while crossing her arms. You looked behind her and and the other two guys just stared at you. One looked a bit sorry while the other didn't care.

“Look.. I wouldn't have to hurt you if you would just tell me where Simon is... you said you weren't his lover right?... so just tell me..” she looked at you but you just stayed quite. These guys didn't look like they just wanted to talk to Simon. You knew they wanted to do way more than that. Krystal rolled her eyes at your silence and smacked you across the face. You clenched your jaw at the tingling sensation you felt on your cheek.


“I won't stop until you speak....” She said and gave you another smack. After a couple of smacks your lip was bleeding but you still kept your mouth shut. You knew Simon was in Andong but you weren't going to say so. One of Yoochun's men entered and gave him your phone.

“Key unlocked it....” he said and Yoochun smirked. He looked through your phone and replied to CL's message, pretending to be you. He then held the phone up towards you, but you were to busy getting beat up to notice anything.


Krystal untied your wrist from the chair and made you stand up. The two men came behind you and held you up.

“Spill what you know!..” She hissed and kneed you in the stomach. You bent over and groaned.

“Where is Simon?...” She kneed you again and this time you fell on your knees. However the men lifted you up and made you stand up.

“I don't know..” You answered as you can taste your own blood.


“Yes you do... his lover would know..” She punched you in the stomach and you groaned again. You have never been beaten up in your life and you had no idea how people can handle it.

“I'm not his lover......” You mumbled. Krystal rolled her eyes and nodded at the men and they sat you down on the chair again.

“You asked for it...” She walked away and you took the chance to try to get away. But before you can come up with a plan, Krystal came out carrying a small long medal object in one hand. She stood in front of you and held the medal up. It was about a ft long and you wondered what was she going to do with that.

She than lifted her other hand and you saw what looked like a huge lighter. She turned the lighter on and held the fire under the medal. Your eyes widened and hoped she wasn't going to do what you were thinking. After about two minutes she came closer to you and the top of the medal was red from how hot it was.

“Don't think I wouldn't do it.... if you don't speak.. I will cook you alive...” She hissed and your heart started beating so fast.

One of the men behind you ripped your sweater off of you with a knife leaving you with only your t shirt on. Goosebumps appeared on your arms from the coldness and you shivered.

Fear took over you and you felt numb. She wouldn't you thought scared.

“Where is Simon?..” She gave you a nasty look and you stayed quite. The men held you tight and you couldn't move an inch.


“Fine...” She hissed. It all happened so fast. All you knew was that you felt the burn on your arm and you screamed your lungs out as you felt the burning medal against your skin. She moved the medal and tears poured out of your eyes and you sobbed as you still felt the pain.

“I'll give you one more chance.... what are you to him and where is Simon?” She said through clenched teeth. You had your head down with your hair covering your face. You were scared, you were afraid if you wouldn't be able to tolerate the pain and give in. but thinking about what they are doing to you and they don't even want you made wonder how much worse they'd do to Simon. Which gave you more strength to not give up. Krystal started burning the medal again and you answered.

“I'm nothing to him and I don't know where he is!” You fired back only pissing Her off more. She growled and smashed the medal against your skin again. Only burning a new different area on your arm. You screamed again and tired to move but the guys who were holding you were too strong.

“Stop..” Yoochun hollered and put your phone down. Krystal removed the medal off of you and walked towards Yoochun. You were crying your eyes out and the pain you felt was killing you.


“I got what I want.. she's definitely the girl we need.... now we just have to wait for Simon to arrive....” Yoochun smirked and started doing something on your phone.

“But don't let the first girl out... we don't need her to ruin everything...” He said and Krystal nodded.

“It's 7:30... he'll be here soon though..” Yoochun smiled to himself.  


(Double update for my beautiful Subbers and Commenters!!! )

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Chapter 77: You know what it took me one and half day to finish this story trully this is the most attractive and best story. But sadly it has end. I can't even stop reading it it just to addictive hahaha
NComel11 #3
Chapter 77: Interesting story,Im sad because it is over
YellowClover #4
nice story!
xternalov3x #5
Chapter 77: WOW SUCH A GOOD STORY WRITTEN!! Thank you for finishing the story.. And I can't believe that I just only found the story now! :D
atiqahque #6
Chapter 77: I laughed, cried, cringed, angry while reading this. This is the best. Two thumbs up ^^
rayvhengoldwater #7
Chapter 77: i read this in two days lol
Chapter 77: Q_Q
i can't believe this story is over :cccc
nevertheless, thank u so much for it!
u really did a great job!
muneka10 #9
Chapter 77: So this isnt over right? I love this story and I hope you can give us a lil bit more of simon and dmtn. I really do! =)
Chapter 77: Nooooooooo don't stop!!!!!!!!!