
Unexpected love (Editing grammar ^^)


Chapter 55


“If Hana and Jessica both wanted to go on a ride... who would you go on with?” Simon asked.

Youngwon wondered what does this have to do with what they are taking about but answered.

“Hana..” He answered in a matter of fact.

“If both girls were in trouble.. and you can only save one... who would you save?” Simon asked.

“Well..” Youngwon didn't want to be blunt and say You.

“Hana right?..” Simon asked and Youngwon stayed quite trying to figure out where this is going.

“That's why my answers would be Jessica.... not because she means more than Hana... but because I know that in that situation you'd run to save Hana without a second thought.” Simon explained to Youngwon and he nodded in understanding.


“Hana will always have you, Jisu and Daniel to her rescue..But who would Jessica have if we all run to Hana?..” Simon asked.

“I understand... but through out this conversation you never denied liking Hana... so im assuming you do have feelings for her, but let me ask you this.... If Hana wants to fall in love and start a family... are you not going to be with her because she has me, Jisu and Daniel by her side who will run to be there for her... are you going to be with Jessica because she doesn't have anyone?...” Youngwon asked waiting for an answer.

Simon thought about it but didn't answer. And Youngwon shook his head.

“Well if Hana isn't your first priority, than dream about having her because it won't happen..” Youngwon scoffed.

“It's not up to you..” Simon replied.

“True.. maybe it isn't ...but it's up to Hana and im sure she wouldn't stay with someone who is willing to leave her side for some girl because he pitys her...” Youngwon smirked. Simon clenched his jaw and was about to say something but you and Jessica came back from the bathroom.


“What took you guys so long?..” Youngwon asked trying to change the mood.

“There was a line in the bathroom..” Jessica lied and looked at you than smiled. You guys were actually secretly planning on what to do for Simon's surprise. Youngwon got a phone call and walked out of the table to answer it. The waiter came and Simon ordered what he wanted.

“I'll go see what Youngwon wants...” He stood up.

“I'll get a grilled sandwich..” you said.

“And i'll get a shrimp salad... but no nuts please.... im allergic to it..” Jessica informed the waiter.

Simon came just in time and sat.

“Youngwon said he'll have what your having..” Simon said and you ordered his food. You guys all ate and you decided it was time to get the stuff ready.


“I don't feel well... so im going to head home first...” you stood up and Youngwon eyed Simon and stood up too.

“I'll take you home....” he smiled and you guys started walking. Did she not take her meds today? Simon thought worriedly.

“It's raining... great..-__-..” Youngwon complained.

“Why?.. I love the rain....” you smiled and you guys ran to a bus stop.

“Lets go to the market.... I have to buy a cake and treats for Simons surprise later...” You told Youngwon and he nodded.

“Thats why you guys took forever in the bathroom... you guys were planning that?..” He asked.

“Yup..” you replied.

“He's not worth it..” Youngwon mumbled.


“Nothing... lets go..” he replied



Chocolate or Vanilla....... I'll go for Chocolate.. you picked the cake.

“Ooh.. brownies.... yumm” Youngwon helped you pick some treats and snacks. It was around 8 and you put the cake in the fridge. You took a shower and wore clean warm clothes. By 10 Daniel and Jisu came over.

“It's early...” You said as you opened the door.

“Like Daniel said... business is slow...” Jisu smiled and sat.

“Oh ok... good.. you guys can help with the balloons...” you held the bag up.

“Nope...” Jisu turned the TV on.

“I like seeing you do it better..” Youngwon teased. They all knew how much you hated balloons. You were too scared to blow them because you were scared they would pop.


“Awww....” you took a balloon and Youngwon took his phone out to record you without your knowledge.

You started blowing the balloon. You squinted your eyes and made frighted expressions as you were waiting for it to pop. You stopped half way and held your heart and exhaled. Youngwon and Jisu were dying of laughter and Daniel chuckled as he helped you blow some balloons.

“Here Hana... let me pop this near you..” Jisu grabbed a balloon and started walking towards you.

“Jisu!!... Don't even think about it...aaahhh” you started running around the living room while Jisu chased you.

“Daniel save mee...” you pleaded as you ran behind him. Daniel gave Jisu a glare and he stopped and gave Youngwon another death glare and he stopped recording.


“Party pooper.....” Jisu muttered and started helping you put the balloons up. You sent a text to Jessica at 10 to let her know you guys were ready. You turned off all the lights and waited until you heard the door knob move. The door opened and you the lights on.

“SURPRISEE!!!” you all screamed together and Simon was surprised. He didn't think you guys would make it this big of a deal. You all sang happy birthday and Simon blew the candles. You all ate cake and chatted for a bit. Youngwon caught Simon looking at you admiringly and Youngwon shook his head. This man doesn't know what he wants He thought.


“I'll head home before it rains more... see you guys tomorrow...” Daniel waved at you and left.

“I have to go to bed... see you guys tomorrow....” Youngwon stood up.

“Me too..” Jisu yawned and walked out. It was just you, Simon and Jessica.

“Im going to go change..” Simon left to his room and You started cleaning the kitchen and Jessica helped you put the treats away. You ate a piece of brownie and Jessica smiled.

“Ooh that looks good~~” Jessica took a bite of another brownie while you started cleaning the dishes. After a couple of minutes you were almost done with the dishes.

“Simon....” You heard Jessica faintly say. You turned to look at her and she had her hands on the table and she didn't look good. You rinsed your hands real quick and Simon came out of his room.

“Yea?..” he saw her and his eyebrows furrowed.

“Jessica are you ok?” He asked worriedly. She looked like she was going to collapse any second. He took her hands and saw red patched all over her arms.

“Jessica what did you eat?...” he asked with wide eyes. You just stood near them with wide eyes frightened. Simon realized this is what would happen whenever she ate nuts and had an allergic reaction.

“What did she eat?” Simon asked quickly. You stood frozen for a second and opened your mouth only to close it back when Simon looked at you.

“What did she eat Hana?!” Simon asked pissed.

“..I.. I don't know.. she just ate some brownies...” you said frightened. Simon looked over at the table and noticed little pieces of nuts in it. He clenched his jaw in anger and looked at Jessica who was in his arms barely breathing.

“Jessica where's your medication?..” He asked.

“In.. In my bag...” She answered softly with her eyes half closed. You ran to Simons room and went through her bag. You got her meds and a cup of water and gave it to Simon. Jessica drank her pill and Simon held her in his arms. He was scared if he was too late on giving her the medication. He rubbed her arm to calm her don and sighed in relief when her breathing became normal again. He picked Jessica up bridal style and put her on his bed. You stood frozen in your spot trying to process what just happened. Simon came out looking pissed and you looked at him.


“Damn it Hana!...” He burst and made you jump.

“Why would you get something she's allergiced to?...” He asked furious. He was only a couple of feet away from you.

“I didn't know the...”

“You knew she was Allergiced to Nuts......” Simon came closer to you.

“If I was a second late she could have died....” He said through clenched teeth with fire coming out of his eyes. What's wrong with him?.. why Is he acting like this?

“I'm sorry.. .. I wasn't the..” You started to explain but Simon cut you off again.

“I was worried that Jessica would get Jealous.... not the other way around.. I thought you were wiser... and you wouldn't do anything like this.. even with the feelings you have towards me.. I never thought that Jealousy would make you go this far...” he shook his head and looked at you pissed. You couldn’t believe he sad what he said.


“What??.... you think I gave it to her?... and on purpose??” you scoffed.

“She told you that she was allergic to nuts... She told you..” He argued and got closer to you.

“I didn't know they had nuts... I wasn't the one who took them!” you argued back.

“I actually thought you were a nice different girl, but your the same as all the other girls who would do like this to get to me...” Simon said as he remembered the other girls in town who would try to hurt Jessica or befriend her just to get close to him. You couldn't believe your ears. Tears were coming out of your eyes and you couldn’t handle this anymore. Anger took over you.


“Don't think so highly of yourself.... you're not worth doing anything extreme for... and you're no better than those accusing jerks....” you were about to turn around but stopped and faced him.

“I'm not like those girl you speak of..... I wouldn’t swoop that low to hurt someone for a person that liked me…. let alone for someone who doesn't give a about me...” you glared at him and walked out the door. Simon let out a long breath and sat on the sofa. He covered his face wit his hands and For some reason he felt uneasy and wondered if he did the right thing.   

(Stayed up until 4am writing... but im looking forward for your comments and feed back!) 

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Chapter 77: You know what it took me one and half day to finish this story trully this is the most attractive and best story. But sadly it has end. I can't even stop reading it it just to addictive hahaha
NComel11 #3
Chapter 77: Interesting story,Im sad because it is over
YellowClover #4
nice story!
xternalov3x #5
Chapter 77: WOW SUCH A GOOD STORY WRITTEN!! Thank you for finishing the story.. And I can't believe that I just only found the story now! :D
atiqahque #6
Chapter 77: I laughed, cried, cringed, angry while reading this. This is the best. Two thumbs up ^^
rayvhengoldwater #7
Chapter 77: i read this in two days lol
Chapter 77: Q_Q
i can't believe this story is over :cccc
nevertheless, thank u so much for it!
u really did a great job!
muneka10 #9
Chapter 77: So this isnt over right? I love this story and I hope you can give us a lil bit more of simon and dmtn. I really do! =)
Chapter 77: Nooooooooo don't stop!!!!!!!!!