
Unexpected love (Editing grammar ^^)


(Long chapter!.... let me know what you guys think?... :D) 

Chapter 44



“Hannaa!!!.. Happy Birthday!!” you heard someone say rather loudly.

You turned around to be greeted by Yoseob and Dongwoon.

“Ohh.. hey guys!.. Thanks..” you smiled and they sat near you.

“Were late huh?... sorry I just got back from........” Yoseob hesitated and than finished. “Work..” he smiled.

“On a sunday?....” Zelo asked.

“Yea my boss is an huh?..” Yoseob chuckled. He was a horrible liar like you, but you didn't really care to why he was late. You were glad he made it.

“It's fine... Birthday girl forgot it was her Birthday today .. no one can beat that..” Minzy chuckled. Yoseob turned to you.

“You.. forgot.. your birthday?” he asked In disbelief. Dongwoon was crying of laughter and you started laughing because his laugh was so funny.

“It's only like... 4 days apart from Hyunsung's...” Yoseob finished.

“Yea I know... I sorta forgot...” you chuckled. Well someone was being an last night and ruined her mood till now... that' why. Simon thought, referring to Daniel. Jia finally came and she wished you a happy birthday. You were chatting with her when Inati stole her away to his table.


You Chatted a bit and than you had to use the restroom. The bar was pretty full for a Sunday. You were walking while checking your phone. 11pm already... you bumped into someone and gasped.

“Sorry..” you stopped and said apologetically and bowed. You slowly looked up and saw a handsome man in front of you and he wasn't happy about you spilling a bit of his drink on his shirt. He saw your guilty face and nodded in understanding and left. Woah.. I thought he was going to kill me..


You came out of the bathroom and started walking to the table but stopped when you saw Daniel appear in front of you. He looked sad and he couldn't really meet your eyes.

“Hey..” he started.

“Hey..” you smiled.

“Happy birthday..” he handed you a bouquet of roses and you accepted them.

“Thanks.. they smell great..” you said as you smelled them. You were a bit upset but you couldn't stand his sad face.

“Hana.. about last night.... I'm sorry for going off on you like that.. I didn't mean what I said.. . I was just afraid for you... I don't want to see you get hurt again..” he said slowly and sincerely.

“Yea.. I know.. and I'm sorry for getting upset....”

“You don't have to be sorry for getting upset... I don't blame you.. I was the wrong one...”

“Does this mean we're ok?” he asked unsure.

“We were always ok..” you chuckled. He smiled and wrapped his arms around your shoulders for a hug and kissed your head. You hugged him back and smiled.

“Come on .. let's go celebrate...” he said as he pulled back. You guys sat down and Jisu was already half drunk.


“Hannaaa.. your all grown up....” Jisu whined as he hugged you from behind while you were sitting. Simon scoffed and gulped down his cup of alcohol again.

“I'm only a day older than yesterday Jisu..” you said as you tired to move his hands that were wrapped around your waist. He just held on tighter and you gave up.

“Oh.. look at that..” Jisu said excitedly as he saw a girl wearing a short dress walk by. You rolled your eyes.

“Jisu... how about you stop messing around and actually set for one girl..” you said seriously.

“No.. I don't want to” he pouted.

“Why not?.. you'll be happier.. I promise!” you encouraged and tried to remove his hands again.

“If I get one... will I still be able to do this?..” he held you tighter and put his head on your shoulder and cuddled. Simon wanted to get up and smack Jisu so bad.


“No.. -__-..” you answered Bluntly...

“Than no!... why would I do that to myself?” he asked.

“Why can't he do that of he gets a girlfriend?.” Zelo asked curiously.

“Zelo.. would you like your girlfriend to be all touchy with a different man?” you asked.

“Well.. No...” he answered honestly.


“Me neither. and i'm sure Jisu's future girlfriend wouldn't like it either..” you smiled.

“Ahh... so If I get a girlfriend, I can't hug you all the time and be all touchy?.. because she will be jealous..” he asked cutely.

“Exactly... you're learning well...” you patted his arm.

“Oh... okay noona.. than I won't get a girlfriend!..than I can do as much skin ship as I want with you! ” Zelo smiled. You faced palmed your self. Thats not what I meant.

“That's exactly what I've been saying!...” Jisu high fived Zelo.

“Wait... who said you can be all touchy with Hana?” Jisu held you protectively.

“Idiots...” CL shook her head.


“Hate to burst your little bubbles but that's not going to solve your situation... Hana isn't going to stay single forever... she's going to get a man soon.. and that means none of you guys can be all touchy,,” CL smirked.

“So... that means we have till she gets a boyfriend....” Zelo furrowed his eye brows.

“ Lets make the most of it until than!!” Jisu smiled and high fived Zelo again.

“Aishh.. why am I always doing that... Hana .. are you sure he's a boy?.. he's too cute to be one..” Jisu made a face.


You all laughed and Simon suddenly stood up with his cup and left. You followed your gaze and saw him sit where the bar tender is. Why are they acting like that?.. and why is she letting them?.... Simon was half way drunk and he couldn't stand seeing Jisu all over you.

You kept thinking about Simon. Is he mad?... I hate when Jisu is drunk.. he gets worse with the touching.. you got up and sat next to Simon at the bar tending bar.


You cleared your throat and Simon turned to see you next to him. He didn't say a word to you. Instead, he just ordered another cup of alcohol for himself.

“Umm.. sorry about earlier... Jisu can be a little lovey when he's drunk...” you let out a small nervous chuckle. For some reason you felt like you should apologize.

“Why are you apologizing?.. why would It matter to me?..” Simon smirked. But, He didn't mean it, he just said it out of jealousy.


You were dumbfounded. For some reason you didn't expect him to say that after what happened earlier. He saw you looking confused and lost in your thought.

“About earlier today... don't think too much about it... it was just a kiss to stop up from your rambling.... it didn't mean anything..” he said as he took a sip from his cup. He was not about to admit that he went for you first, he had too much pride. But Your heart sank when those words came out of his mouth... Just a kiss?.. to stop me from my rambling? .... didn't mean anything? You looked away from him and face foreword. Simon saw the hurt and confusion in your face and felt a bit guilty.

“Yea....i figured......” You nodded your head a bit indicating you understood.

You got up and walked back to the table.

Ahh!... F**k!... Simon banged his fist on the table in frustration. A couple minutes passed and it was l2 am already. You were tired so guys decided to leave.


“Daniel.. you take Jisu and Youngwon home.....I'll take Jia and Hana home...” Inati informed.

“What about Simon?...” Youngwon asked.

“He said he'll go home a bit later....” Inati informed you guys.

“Oh.. i'll go with Daniel... he'll need help with these two drunkies...” you smiled and walked away with Daniel before Inati can say anything. When you guys got out of the bar Daniel looked at you and you chuckled.

“I shall never be the third wheel for those 2..” you shivered and Daniel chuckled.

You took a shower and sat on your bed.


*At the bar*


It was 1am and Simon was still alone in the bar drinking. He was already drunk and he couldn't stop thinking about you. Ahhh Hana... what have you done to me?... he took another sip of his drink.

When I kissed her.... it.... it felt different.... or so I think it did... isn't that how all my kisses feel like... exciting and my hearts beat real fast... I have to make sure.... how do I do that? Simon looked around and saw a pretty girl sitting a couple of seats away from him. She looked at him and smirked.


I know how... Simon got up and walked towards her....

“Hey there.... Whats your name?” he smirked a bit trying to keep his balance.

“Tiffany...” the girl said seductively.

“Pretty name.. and nice lips.. mind if I try them?..” he leaned in and crushed his lips with hers. She didn't fight back, instead she kissed him back. How can she reject someone as hot as him. Simon made out with her for a couple of seconds.


He didn't stop because he was waiting for that feeling to come. That feeling he felt when he kissed you. But he was interrupted when someone grabbed his collar.

“What the F**k are you doing?” the man said angrily.

“Why the hell do you care?..” Simon smirked.

“Because that's my girl your kissing...” The man said pissed.

“Really?.. than why would she kiss back?..” Simon asked. The man grew angrier and punched Simon in the face and he fell. Simon's lip was bleeding and he couldn't get up because he was so Drunk.


The man was about to grab Simon and land some more punches on him when Someone stopped him.

“Not in my bar Jaejoong....” Donghae warned. Jaejoong glared at Simon.

“We'll meet again..” Jaejoong simply said and walked away. Tiffany followed him and grabbed his arm.

“You....... get your ty hands off of me..” he removed her hands and walked away.



It was 2am already and you couldn't go to sleep. You kept thinking about Simon and the kiss you guys shared. Was it really nothing to him?. A couple minutes passed and you heard noise coming from the living room. You slowly walked out and the lights. You saw Simon standing trying to keep his balance. You ran to him and caught him when he almost fell. You saw his bleeding lip and gasped.

“What happened to you?” you asked Worriedly. Simon looked up at you.

“Got my kicked..” he chuckled and you can smell alcohol from his breath.

“How much did you drink?..” you scolded and walked him to his room. You got the first aid kit and returned. Simon saw your worried face and he remembered kissing you and he couldn't help but stare at you seriously. You opened the first aid kit and got the ointment out. But before you can sit on the bed and put it on him, He got up and pushed you against the wall. You're eyes went wide in shock and you were surprised at his sudden move. He put both hands on the wall near your head and he stared at you with sad eyes.


“S ..Simon?... are you okay?..” you stuttered a bit and dropped the ointment from your hand. He was so close to you and you were freaking out.

“It wasn't the same..... Hana... It wasn't the same...” he whispered softly. He was only inches away from your face. Before you could ask what wasn't the same, he attacked your lips with his and you froze. He pulled out only to attach your lips again. What is he doing?.. again?... didn't he just say they were nothing to him?.. you tried pushing him away but he just grabbed both of your hands with one hand and held the back of your head with his other hand bringing you closer to him.


He pulled out and you were relieved until he started kissing your jaw and going downer to your neck. If he wasn't drunk, this wouldn't have freaked you out as much, but You were freaking out because you knew he was drunk and he had no limits.

“S..Simon... please stop..” you begged. But he just continued. You wanted to scream but Inati would just wake up and kill Simon.


“Simon....” you begged but he just went for your lips again. By now tears were pouring and you started crying. Simon stopped and pulled out when he tasted your tear that had rolled down. He looked at you and you had your eyes shut tightly with tears pouring out of them. Why is she crying? He let go of your hands and you opened your eyes to see Simon still close to you looking at you with sad guilty eyes.

“You don't want it?..” he whispered softly... you blinked the tears and shook your head slowly. He backed away and looked down. What was i thinking?... she doesn't feel the same way..

“I'm sorry..... I didn't ….” he couldn't even finish his sentence. He turned around and sat on his bed with his head hanged low. You felt bad because you know this isn't the real Simon. He was just drunk and he didn't mean to upset you. You picked the ointment from the floor and slowly put it next to him. You left to your room quickly and sat on your bed. What just happened?.. Why is he doing this to me.... One second he kisses me than the other second he tells me it's nothing... and then he kisses me again... you sighed and that night you couldn't sleep till sunrise.  


(OoOoh...... Feel free to bash me in the comments if you

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Chapter 77: You know what it took me one and half day to finish this story trully this is the most attractive and best story. But sadly it has end. I can't even stop reading it it just to addictive hahaha
NComel11 #3
Chapter 77: Interesting story,Im sad because it is over
YellowClover #4
nice story!
xternalov3x #5
Chapter 77: WOW SUCH A GOOD STORY WRITTEN!! Thank you for finishing the story.. And I can't believe that I just only found the story now! :D
atiqahque #6
Chapter 77: I laughed, cried, cringed, angry while reading this. This is the best. Two thumbs up ^^
rayvhengoldwater #7
Chapter 77: i read this in two days lol
Chapter 77: Q_Q
i can't believe this story is over :cccc
nevertheless, thank u so much for it!
u really did a great job!
muneka10 #9
Chapter 77: So this isnt over right? I love this story and I hope you can give us a lil bit more of simon and dmtn. I really do! =)
Chapter 77: Nooooooooo don't stop!!!!!!!!!