Dear Puffy

Stuck With You




~ Yuna’s P.O.V. ~


                The day was long for me. Too many things happened. And now, I’m here at Kyu-hyun’s room waiting for Ki-bum. I’m tired and my knees are sore from all of the shaking it did on the motor cycle. Well, we have to stop over at the SME building to drop the motorcycle and take the van instead towards the dorm so I should’ve been able to relax now. However, my insides are still tied up in knots.


                I pulled Kyu-hyun’s laptop and started on typing another entry for my blog. I smiled as I read Kyu-hyun’s comment on my blog earlier.



                I know I’m good. You don’t have to thank me anyway. Cheon-sa’s fine; no broken stitches yet. Have a fun time at work! I’m sure Wo-chen will be touched by your punctuality.




                I giggled as I re-read what I typed earlier. It was a short entry, but I realized it was funny. I shook my head and started on typing a new one.


Dear Puffy,


                I had a great time with Sung-min Oppa today! He brought me a yellow smiley sweater and he treated me at a spa. It was fun! We also had dinner outside. We ate some pasta and we talked about our favorite colors. I think I’ll start to like pink from now on. Sung-min oppa is just so... influential. His smile is something you can’t ignore. He’s sweet!



                I stopped for a while and laughed on my own as I remember his smile at me when he’s urging me to ride that motorcycle. I stopped laughing and started on typing again.



                Anyway, he drove a motorcycle and I was so scared! I don’t know how he can smile like that after that ride. In our country, motorcycles are the major cause of road accidents; so I’m really, really scared! My knees are still trembling until now.


                I have this new haircut too and the other members looked at me like I was different when we arrived at home. Sung-min oppa said I looked matured and that you were lying last night if you said I didn’t look any different. You mean dragon!


                How can idols like you know so much about skin? Sung-min oppa bought a whole bunch of facial creams and cleansers for me saying I should use it twice a day. Are you like that too? if you are, then why do you still have those pimple marks on your face? Hmmm...


                I’m waiting for Ki-bum oppa now. I want him to see my new look. I want to surprise him! And since you’re not here yet (and because I’m such a good person) I’ll take a photo of myself for you!


                I clicked the capture photo on the lower section of the blog and I started to twist on the bed; trying to find a good light for the picture. I was lying back down on the bed when I captured the photo. My hair is all messy but my bangs are still visible. The make-up is clear too and I really hope Kyu-hyun would see how it changed me.


                The photo was pretty good. And I smiled to myself as I waited it to be uploaded on the web. I quickly posted it on my blog and added a caption under it which says “I’m pretty, right?”


                I giggled to myself before continuing my entry.



                Don’t give the other members a hard time there because of taking care of you and your craziness. Work hard and bring something back for us here. Take care of Cheon-sa too! Don’t harm him too much or I’ll beat you up when you get back here.




                I posted it up and sighed. I think he’s too busy now, singing and dancing out there. I closed my eyes and thought about everything that happened today; things that I have no courage of telling to anyone.


                First, the conversation with Lee-teuk. That’s scary; more scary than Cha-eun’s threats. Then Cha-eun was there too. I’m still scared at her because I know she can do things that I can’t.


                “You chose the hard way then. Good luck.” Those were her words to me when I bumped into her on my out of the building, before Sung-min oppa found me slumped on the floor. Yes, I didn’t slip at the expensive tiles of SME; I was forced down there because of her. She said that my knight isn’t around so she won’t be good anymore; although I didn’t quite got her point there. I don’t exactly know to whom she was referring to but I could care less for now. All I care for is that I might be into her game and plot again without me realizing it. What’s worse is that I know that, whatever game she was talking about, I’m about to lose it!


                I opened my eyes and stared at the lamp beside me; hoping it would chase her words away. Then I glanced back to the laptop to turn it off. But I saw this little change on the lower part of the screen. There’s a... comment?


                Yeah, right. I had a great time here too! I bullied Cheon-sa all day long in between our breaks and I was imagining that he was you. And my pimple marks aren’t visible on camera so shh! You know what, Bear? I had lots of good times with Sung-min hyung too and a girl like you won’t break us apart! (Okay, I was kidding.) and I won’t change my words last night. YOU STILL LOOK THE SAME! So don’t force me to stare at your picture and look for the ‘maturity’ you’re talking about. Don’t abuse my Sung-min’s kindness too! and you know you can’t beat me, right?


                I miss you too! (Don’t you miss me?)





                I laughed hard because of what I just read. The timeline said it was posted for like a minute ago so I think he’s still online now, right? I hurriedly typed a reply to his long comment.



                Don’t bully Cheon-sa! He’ll be taken to a hospital if you’d continue to bully him! and yes! Your pimple marks are visible on close-ups. Hahah! I have no intention of breaking up the Kyu-min couple so don’t worry. I’m satisfied with my lot.


                I’ll have all the members sign a paper saying I look different. Then you’ll be sent to an optical clinic for your eye check-up. xP I don’t miss you anyway..





                I posted it up and laughed at my lie. I don’t miss you anyway... Yeah right. As if I wasn’t wishing earlier that he is here with me so that I’d be all fine. I typed a follow-up comment to cover it up.


                Okay. I missed you. When will you be back? Can’t you take a plane now and go back here?



                A full two minutes passed before he replied.


                I know you do miss me! I need to bully Cheon-sa for now or else my hyungs would suffer. Do you want that? And, no. I can’t go back there now. Anyway, it’s only a week so hold on there. Don’t be stubborn, okay?


                Go to sleep! It’s late.



                I glanced at the clock and saw the time. 9:48pm. Okay, it is late. I don’t know the time differences so I don’t want to ask him about it for now. My fingers hovered on the keyboard again.


                Fine! Bully Cheon-sa but make sure he’s still in one piece when you get back here. I have no one to play here with so I’m sad. Not that I need you for anything anyway. I’ll take a nap. Ki-bum oppa’s still not here.




                I laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. I listened for any incoming footsteps or door swinging but heard nothing. I let out a loud sigh before I roll over to my side and lay back on my stomach again to face the laptop. I saw Kyu-hyun’s dismissive reply.


                Okay. Take a rest and scare Ki-bum later with your new look. Good night Wild Bear.



                I typed in a short reply while yawning. I didn’t realize how tired I was before Kyu-hyun mentioned the word sleep.


                Good night Puffy the Mean Dragon. I wish you’re here singing a song to me.



I waited for a whole minute but he didn’t replied. I turned off the laptop and put it aside. I stood up and turned the lights out too before going back to bed. I laid back on the bed on my back and closed my eyes tightly. I needed to sleep and rest. Really.


Before my mind even started on drifting to the unconscious, my phone rang like crazy. My fingers fumbled as it searched the answer button and my head ached when the phone hit my ear.


                “Hello?” I murmured, controlling myself not to yell. I yelled at Lee-teuk oppa earlier and it’s a disaster.


                Instead of an answer, a melodious voice greeted me singing my lullaby; Puff, the Magic Dragon. I closed my eyes as I pushed the phone harder on my ear. I wanted to hear more of him but his voice seems far. No, I don’t want it to be far. No.


                I started humming with him silently. I can hear his deep breath at the other line and I smiled. It’s as if he’s just right there. Near but far away. Whatever.


                When he finished the song, my mind is an inch away from unconsciousness. I heard him mumble “Sweet dreams.” Before I got lost in the darkness of the universe.




                I woke up in a startle. There’s another voice singing beside me and it’s not the sweet one who sang me to sleep earlier. A part of me wants to hate this voice for making the memory of the voice earlier vague. But another part of me says I should listen and love this voice.


                At the end, I decided I should go with my impulse. I screamed to whoever or whatever it may be to stop singing. When it did, it was replaced by loud heaving’s. Irritated, I opened my eyes and saw a silhouette of a man beside me. I screamed for my life at the top of my lungs.




i updated again!! LOLzzz (the effect of being all happy and elated because of a ccertain fic which is FEATURED!


anyway.. if any of you wonder what Yuna typed that morning in her blog.. click here. i just feel like putting it on a different page instead of here.. sorry for the trouble.


please do leave a comment.. i got my writer's block last time because i ran out of ideas.. i get my ideas from your comments so please help me, okay?? THANKS!




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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...