Out With Si-won

Stuck With You

update.. update.. LOL it's finals week and i'm still here updating.. gosh.. anyway.. enjoy!






~Yuna’s P.O.V. ~


            “We’re going now.” Ki-bum said when I went down stairs to check them out. “Si-won has no schedule for today so he’ll accompany you here.” He smiled.


            “Okay.” I replied. I searched for Si-won but found no sign of him.


            They bid goodbye to me, and I did the same. Ryeo-wook whispered something to me but I didn’t understand it. He threw me a worried look before leaving.



            Now what am I going to do here?




            I went on Si-won’s room and knocked. When no one answered, I opened the door gently.


            No one?


            I went inside the room slowly. I checked the bed, but it seems like no one has been there for a while now.


            A door opened behind me so I turned around.




            He’s topless and, gosh, it was like the most perfect body I’ve ever seen! I mean, full pack abs that looks like bread buns in his abdomen, muscular over-alls in the chest and arms! Nosebleed!




            I looked up to his face and saw him staring at me. I feel hot again. He started to talk but I can’t understand it. I shook my head as an answer when he’s done.


            He smiled and walked pass in front of me. Why does he smell so good? It feels like my heart stopped beating.  He picked his phone up on the bed and called someone. He talked there for a while and then he passed the phone to me.


            “Yuna?” the voice from the other line said.




            “It’s Ki-bum—” he replied. I took a glance at Si-won and saw him smiling at me. STOP! “Si-won wants to ask you what the matter is—” he said slowly as if emphasizing each word. He took a deep breath and continued. “And what are you doing in his room?”


            “Ah, that. I—” what am I supposed to say? “I was actually looking for him and wondered if maybe he could teach me some Korean words and phrases.”


            “And? What’s the matter now?”


            What’s the matter? Well, I was currently looking at Si-won’s body and it feels like I’d die losing all of my blood in my system! “Nothing. I was just shocked to see him here.”


            “You said you’re looking for him.” He stated.


            What am I saying?


            “Yes, well, I was just shocked. Anyway, where are you now?”


            “We’re still on the road.” He calmly said, as if being relieved of something. “Yuna, take care, okay?”




            I passed the phone on Si-won, who is still smiling at me. He talked to Ki-bum and then he passed me the phone again. Sorry, Ki-bum oppa, for the trouble.


            “Si-won wants to ask you out to buy some stuff. Is it fine with you?”


            “Yes. Well, I’d better get ready then.”


            “Okay. Be careful.”


            I gave the phone to Si-won and left. I can’t stand looking at him. It makes me want him more. Gah! Why are they so beautiful like this? It’s like a torture to me.


            No. Yuna, get a hold of yourself. Behave.


            I quickly took a shower and get dressed. A pair of jeans, a white shirt and a yellow jacket will do, right?


            I went down the stairs and saw Si-won waiting for me there. At least now he has a shirt on. He wears a pair of khaki jeans and a white long-sleeved shirt. Why does he look so good in such simple clothes?


            He lend out his hand to me, as if inviting me. I accepted his hand and he smiled. I smiled back. We’re about to head out of the house but I remembered one important thing.


            He’s a star. An icon. Anybody would recognize him this way.


            I pulled him back. He stared at me in confusion. I pointed to his face “Wouldn’t it be careless if we go out with you exposing your whole identity?”


            He stared at me more. How can I put this on?


            YES! Those stuffs Ki-bum wore when we went back to the airport! Maybe it’s in his room. I ran upstairs and went to Ki-bum’s room. I’ll apologize later. I found the dorky glasses and the hat. I went down as quickly as I could.


            Si-won is still there at the doorway, waiting. I showed him what I got and started to put it on him. Unfortunately he’s that tall and I’m this short. So, yeah, it’s quite impossible to put it on him.


            He snatched it from my hand and shook his head. He threw the glasses and the hat at the sofa and we head out. (Well, it seems like he dragged me out of the house.)



            We went to a huge mall. But it seems weird. There are only few people here unlike any other mall I’ve been into. The people don’t bother to look at us, or maybe they’re just ignoring us. It looks like they have their own business here.


            Si-won pulled me in to a bookstore. He picked up some books while I look at some magazines. Most of the magazines here have a feature about them. But why is everybody ignoring us if they’re that famous?


            He threw a book at me. I caught it clumsily.


            An English-Korean dictionary?


            He held out another one, smiling at me. I can’t understand what’s written on the cover. I frowned.


            He opened it, searching for something.


            “Let’s go!” he shouted.


            I giggled.


            He paid for the books and then he pulled me out again.


            This time we went to a boutique. Clothes and dresses are on display, and I guess the prices are not good. I pulled my hand from Si-won’s grip and pulled out the dictionary.


            “Expensive.” I said as I point to the clothes. He shook his head and pulled me harder.


            He did a fashion show in front of me, changing clothes now and then. Posing in front of me and asking “Okay?” while sticking out his thumb up.


            I kept on nodding. Everything he wore looks good on him.


            After choosing his clothes and killing me with his looks, he picked up girls clothes and motioned me to fit them up. When I didn’t obey, he gave the clothes to the sales lady and the lady did the job for me.


            I changed for, like, seven times!


            He chose a black polka dot dress that reaches only the top of my knees.


            Do I really have to wear this?


            No! I pulled something off the rack of clothes. A pair of jeans and a set of shirt and jacket. Anything will do, except this dress, I guess. I went in the changing room again. I put on the clothes I didn’t even look at and went out to face Si-won.


            He beamed at me.


            The lady, which is watching us, clapped her hands and smiled at me. She smiled at Si-won, too, then back to me and nodded.


            He pulled me out again after paying the bill.


            What exactly are we doing? I don’t know, okay? He just drags me anywhere he wanted to go. And I am being totally carried by him and his charms. I mean who else can smile like that? The killer side dimples. The thin cute lips. The pointed chinky eyes.  I don’t even know how I didn’t notice him that much in the first place.


            He pointed to a huge sign above us. It has these small English words below ‘Super Market”. Did he notice that they’re running out of food at the dorm? Maybe.


            I smiled widely as we made our way inside. I don’t know what time it is, or where exactly we are right now. Well, Si-won oppa holds my hand and pulls me with him, so I feel kind of safe. I’ll just enjoy this for the moment. (Not even knowing what I look like with the clothes I grabbed.)


~Si-won’s P.O.V ~


            We hurried to the supermarket after buying some clothes. She refused to take the dress I chose and picked something off the rack. I wonder if she even saw what she have chosen. It’s a pair of black skinny jeans and a black ripped off shirt, with this black top jacket.


            She isn’t like those hot models (if you guys are wondering), but she surely looks good on those. It made her look taller and nicer. Her child-like image is replaced by an out going one because of those clothes. I mean, she looks like a total grown-up.


            I looked back at her and smiled. She tries her best to keep up with me as I pull her. She’s cute. Not that I’m-attracted-to-her kind of cute, but something like I-am-her-big-brother kind of cute. Like what Lee-teuk hyung said, she’s like a pre-schooler who needs protection and guidance from us.


            I pulled out a push-cart and motioned her to go inside the market. I guess we should study English now. It’s hard to communicate this way.


            She started to put some stuffs on the cart while I continue to push the cart and observe her.


            She likes flipping off her hair out of her face. Maybe she doesn’t want it to block her eyes. Her hands kept on counting and pointing at something. She’s a little clumsy too, whenever she tries to get something, other things would fall out of place, and then she’ll start arranging the messed up things one by one.


            I laughed hysterically when she tried to get three huge cabbages. Well, I think it is my fault too, but she should’ve waited for me to catch up with her. What she tried to do is she gets all of the three cabbages together and started walking towards me. She tripped on something and lost her balance. The cabbages fell and rolled down the aisle. And then she started chasing them.


            I watched her in amazement. She is too slow, or maybe the cabbages rolls so fast that she can’t catch up with it.


            “Be careful!” a saleslady shouted at her.


            That’s the time I realized I should actually help her and stop laughing at her.


            She got the two cabbages and I got the last one. She pouted at me after putting the vegetables on the cart. I giggled at her expression.


            We got on the car after paying the bills. I noticed the decrease of her energy so I grabbed the dictionary.


            “Want eat?” I asked her. She beamed. “Okay.”


            We went to a drive thru and ordered some foods. And then we head back to the dorm. It’s not yet evening, but I feel like it’d be better to take her home for now. I don’t want the other members to be worried if they arrive there without her.


            I parked my car in front of the dorm. It’s quiet still, so maybe they’re not yet home. I started to go out of the car and dislodge the things we bought. I went inside the dorm and begun to arrange the stuffs. Why isn’t she coming out yet?


            I went back to the car again, only to find her sleeping soundly. I laughed as I carried her inside the house. She’s pretty heavy, even though she’s small. Where is all this weight coming from? I placed her on the sofa gently.


            Man, its hotter here inside. I took off my jacket and shirt, leaving my undershirt on. Maybe I should take off her jacket too? It’d be bad to let her sweat off while sleeping, right?


            I started to pull off her jacket, starting from her neck, to her shoulders, to her arms. She turned to the side. How am I going to take this off her now?


            I pulled her back, making her face me. I kneeled down in front of her, trying to level down at her. I started to pull off her jacket again, gently and slowly now.


            The door banged behind me. “What are you doing?” was all I heard.






long?? ahmmm, hope this chapter s good enough for you guys to like it.. anyway.. leave a comment please.. ♥♥♥




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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...