
Stuck With You


                “You what?” her trembling voice produced. It’s like a melody in my ears.




                “I want you to stay away from him.” I repeated.


                “And who are you to ask me to do that thing?” her pitch got higher.


                “Do you know? I got qualified at S.M.E. yesterday. And do you know what that means?”


                She gave me that I-don’t-care look.


                “It means that I am now qualified to be Ki-bum’s girl.” I smiled, stressing the name of Ki-bum.


                “Just because you got accepted at S.M.E., that doesn’t mean you can be with him.” She fought back.


                What a stupid girl.


                “Don’t you know the rules?”


                “What rules?”


                “Talents of S.M.E. are not allowed to date anyone, unless they’re also a talent of S.M.E.. And that means me.”




                “Ki-bum can’t just date anybody. Not a model. Not an actress. Not a singer. Not a manager. And definitely not an Asian girl who got lost at the age of twenty-one.” I eyed her.


                I sensed my words getting into her, as if stabbing her wishful heart inside. Better die now than hope for nothing. I thought.


                “He—“ she stuttered. “He can’t?”


                I laughed. “They didn’t tell you anything? That’s surprising. Lee-teuk oppa makes sure that rules are well applied in the group, and yet they didn’t tell you?!”


                “Lee-teuk oppa knew this?”


                “He’s the leader, of course he does! But I guess they consider you as their toy now, don’t they? Playing you. Teasing you. Using you.”


                “They—“ she sounds so scared. “They won’t do that!” she stood up.


                “They could do anything to a lost immature girl. I won’t be surprised if one of them will you one of these days.”




                “And haven’t you noticed? No one even bothered to look for you, now that they don’t even know where you are. Have you even called Ki-bum?”


                She checked her phone and tears started to fall from her eyes. I’m right.


                “I’m going home.” She whispered, trying to hold back the sobs.


                “Home? Do you even have one? Or are you leaving for good?”


                “I’m leaving.”


                “Why? Can’t accept the fact that you and Ki-bum are impossible couples?”




                “Think about it. You’ll be doing the right thing if you’d leave them alone. Why? Because being with you is a risk they’re all taking. Don’t you know that you can destroy their career in an instant?”




                “And think about Ki-bum. He’ll loose his fans and his contract will be void if you’d continue to hang out with him. Don’t you care for him in the least bit?”




                “You don’t want him to loose everything he worked hard for, right?”


                She shook her head as she dropped down on the chair again. It’s good that I’ve chosen a private room to have this conversation. I foresaw that some crying would happen.


                “So stay away from him. If you love him that much, you wouldn’t drag him down with you, right? Think about it.”


                Her sobs filled the room just as the waiter came in with our drinks. “She got carried away with my story.” I faked a sob too, covering up everything from the waiter.


                “Oh, should I get you two some tissues, miss?” he asked.


                “No thank you. Just don’t disturb us now. We want some privacy.” I sobbed harder.


                “Okay, miss. Just call me when you need something.” He finally said as he went out.


                I faced the crying girl again. “Drink your juice, your throat might be dry from your oh-so-loud sobbing.” I pushed the glass to her but she ignored it.


                “I’ll leave...” she murmured, calming herself down. “I won’t drag them down in my own mess. I won’t ruin anything. I’ll leave them alone.”


                “Wise decision.” I nodded. “And don’t even tell anyone about this.” I warned her. She lifted her head up and stared at me.


                “Why? Because your image will be ruined by this conversation?”


                “No. I’m thinking about you. Who would believe someone like you who can’t even speak straightly in Hangul? They’ll just call you a liar, and then I’d be the angel in no time.”


                She nodded, as if accepting my explanation. She drank a big gulp on her juice and she stood up again.


                “I’m leaving.”


                “Want me to you?” I teased.


                “Please bring me to the dorm, I’ll get my things.”


                “Don’t expect that I’ll wait for you finish up packing. I won’t be in your service so find someone else.”


                She nodded again.


                We head out of the restaurant and I drove her to the entrance of the subdivision where the dorm is located.


                “Zip your lips.” I reminded her.


                “Don’t worry, I don’t have such a big mouth.” She replied.


                I watched her walk away and waited for her to be engulfed in the darkness.




~Yuna’s P.O.V.~

                I composed my face before entering the dorm. The light is open inside so somebody must have been home. I quietly opened the door and found Kyu-hyun in the living room, playing in his laptop.


                “Yuna!” he called. I gave him a weak smile.


                I can’t put on an act now. I’m so tired to pretend that I’m fine. Cha-eun was right. I should leave, because everything they worked hard for will be gone if I’d stay here longer. And I don’t want that.


                I don’t want to be a life ruiner.


                “Are you okay?” Kyu-hyun asked. I didn’t notice that he moved. He’s shaking me now, as if waking me up from the nightmare I was from. But it won’t be enough to take these horrors in my mind.


                It won’t be enough.


                “Yuna...” his voice is weeaker now.


                “Kyu-hyun-shi, I’m tired now.”


                “Have you cried?”


                I shook my head, but my traitor eyes started to produce tears again, making my lie unbelievable.


                “Why? Did something happened? Did you have a fight with Ki-bum?”


                Why is Ki-bum’s name always coming up? “Nothing. Don’t mind me.”


                “How can I not mind you when I see you like this?” he shouted.


                His voice scared me, it’s the first time he shouted at me. It’s the first time I heard his sweet voice be so harsh.


                I cried harder. “Kyu-hyun...”


                “Sorry. I just...” he hugged me. “I can’t stand it when you’re like this. Please stop crying.” He begged.


                “Kyu-hyun-shi, I’m leaving. Can you help me?” I murmured, raising my head to stare at his eyes.






uhmm.. is Cha-eun too much for an antagonist? what do you guys think?



comments please..




me: *waves bye to Yuna who'll be leaving the dorms* "BYE YUNA! TAKE CARE!"

Yuna: "Yah! don't say goodbye to me as if i won't be back. i haven't even finished packing my things yet!"

me: ohh, sorry..

kyuhyun: Yuna don't leave! i don't want you to go. I... I..


me: *zips the lips of Kyuhyun and drgas him in the room* okay, that's enough Puffy.


Yuna: *stares at rhei and Kyuhyun* what is that all about?

Cha-eun: finish up packing your things and LEAVE!

Yuna: *cries* fine!

me: *rolls the curtain down* THE END.. >lol<

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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...