Kyu-hyun's Date

Stuck With You


~ Yuna’s P.O.V. ~


                “Mean dragon!” I screamed again as I started pounding on one of the pillows. I was hitting it for the past minute already and I’m hitting it harder now. I just… I don’t know. I find it annoying to be left like that by Kyu-hyun just when I’m starting to feel better. But I find it more annoying to find myself as mad as this when I really don’t have any reason to be like this.


                “Gaaaahhhh!!!” I screamed, holding the pillow on my face to at least minimize the volume of it.


                “Yuna, are you alright?” Kyu-hyun’s voice surfaced my voice as he banged the door open. “What happened?”


                I dropped the pillow and stared at him madly. “There’s a lizard at the ceiling and it dropped on me.” I lied. “I really wanted to chase that lizard and cut its tail for startling me like that.” I twisted the pillow on my hand as my eyes turned to slits staring at Kyu-hyun.


                “I thought something happened.” He sighed. “Are you hungry?”


                “Did Yoona unnie left already?” I asked, getting out of the bed and looking out of the window.


                “Yes. She said she had to do something.” He replied as he followed me. “Why? Do you need to talk to her?”


                “No. I just thought that—” you two we’re having the greatest time of your life as I was sulking alone here. “—you two wanted more time to be together since you both have hectic schedules.”


                “Yuna, listen.” He grabbed my arm as he twisted my upper torso so that he could see my expression which is, I know, all scrunched up. “I need to tell you something.” He finished as I face him fully.


                I crossed my arms in front of my chest as I waited for his next words, but before he could add another thing, my phone rang in my pocket. I held my hand up, signalling him to wait, as I pick up the phone.


                “Hello?” I said as Kyu-hyun frowned in frustration.


                “Yuna? It’s you’re unnie! Yoona unnie.” The sweet voice of the girl echoed in the line. “I’m just so happy now and I can’t actually wait to tell you the great news!” she said enthusiastically.


                “Oh, unnie.” I murmured, loud enough for Kyu-hyun to hear. I watched as his eyes grew bigger watching me talk to his girl on the phone. It’s like something happened that I shouldn’t know.


                “Kyu-hyun just asked me to go out with him!” Yoona’s ecstatic voice announced. I almost dropped my phone, if only Kyu-hyun wasn’t there. “It’ll be our first date as a couple!” she added.


                So, this is what Kyu-hyun’s about to tell me earlier. I tried to smile and think of beautiful things just so I could pretend that everything is nice and pleasant. But my mind isn’t cooperating as scenarios of Yoona and Kyu-hyun together flooded my vision.


                Yoona and Kyu-hyun were walking hand in hand. Yoona and Kyu-hyun eating at a secret place romantically. Yoona and Kyu-hyun feeding each other.  Yoona and Kyu-hyun dancing around with a sweet melody. Yoona and Kyu-hyun staring deep into each others eyes. Then, slowly, Kyu-hyun will lean closer and… and…


                “Yuna? Are you still there?” I heard Yoona’s worried voice on the other line.


                “Ah, ne.” I sighed. I lifted my head up and met Kyu-hyun’s worried eyes. I shook my head at him.


                “Listen, it’s our secret and I’m telling only you about this so don’t tell anyone, okay?” she giggled. “Kyu-hyun just thought that you might worry if he won’t be there at some time so I’m telling you now. Don’t worry.”


                “Arasso, unnie.” I nodded my head stiffly.


                “Okay, I got to go.” Yoona’s excited voice said again. “Thank you for listening, my dongsaeng! Bye!”


                “Bye.” I almost whispered as I press the end button. I put my phone down on the table beside me and faced Kyu-hyun. He still looks like he’s about to die from anxiety as he watched me lean back on the wall.


                “What?” he asked, not able to take his worry anymore.


                “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone.” I honestly stated. “You can relax now.”


                I started walking towards the bed. I wanted to scream again to the fullest because of… because of… because of… I don’t even know what I’m feeling now! I know, I’m crazy.


                “Yuna, listen.” Kyu-hyun pulled my arm back but I resisted. I turned my head to face him and shook my head. He loosened his grip on my arm and I managed to sit down on the bed. I held onto the sheets as I forced myself not to scream out.


                “I already know, Kyu-hyun.” I admitted. “You’re having a date with Yoona and you wanted it to be a secret. You don’t even have to worry about how I feel anymore. You have your own life anyway and I’m not included in it.”


                I closed my eyes as that truth sank in. I’m not really included in his life, right? I’m just another burden he carries. I’m just an extra variable which makes his life more complicated.


                I opened my eyes when I heard Kyu-hyun’s heavy footsteps go out of the room. I sighed before I started on screaming on one of the pillows again.




                “It’s quiet today.” Wo-chen murmured as I started to prepare for the end of my shift. I agree with him anyway. It’s unusually quiet today. “Kyu-hyun didn’t come. Did you have a fight with him?” he asked.


                I shook my head as I let out a loud sigh. “I guess he’s preparing for his date.” I admitted.


                “Date? With who?” Wo-chen gave a tiny nod as he finished wiping the counter clean. Then he faced me with his brows pressed together.


                Then I remembered I shouldn’t tell anyone about it. I have such a big mouth when I’m mad. Wait, why am I mad again?


                “Date? Who said date?” I tried to skip away from the question.


                “Yuna, you’re a pretty bad liar.” He laughed and I started to blush.


                “Don’t ask me about it, please. Or else I’ll get into trouble.” I pleaded, walking towards the locker room.


                “Should I ask Kyu-hyun about it then?” Wo-chen’s mocking tone made me turn my head back. I stuck out my tongue to him and winked before closing the door behind me.


                “Aish, I’m being mad for no reason again. I think I should work on my temper now.” I murmured as I started to gather my things. I checked my phone and saw two messages. The first one is from Dong-hae oppa, saying that he’s free for the rest of the day and asking me if it’s fine if we eat some nice food together. I started to type a reply saying it is fine and that I wanted to go home and rest, but then I thought better about it. We haven’t talked to each other that much since their return from China because of their schedule and I guess I should really grab this opportunity now.


                I sent my reply quickly saying that I’m off work now and that I’ll wait for him here. Then, I checked the other message. It’s from Yoona. I frowned as I tried to understand what she sent me but I can’t anyway. I scrolled down and read the last sentence saying “We’ll have a date in this romantic place!” my jaw dropped in shock. Why does she need to tell me this? Can’t they just keep it as a secret?


                I stomped my feet hardly on the ground and banged my locker. I heard Wo-chen shout outside asking me if something’s wrong but I can’t find it in myself to reply ‘I’m fine’. I’m mad; no, I’m enraged. I don’t give a damn about their date so why bother me about it? It’s not like I’d go there to ruin their moment, right?


                My phone vibrated on my hand and saw Dong-hae’s reply. He said he’s on his way and that he’ll be here in ten minutes. Now I regret telling him that I’ll accompany him. I just wanted to spend the rest of the day in the dorm, alone. At least there, no one could see me like this.


                I don’t know how long I’ve been standing there in front of my jammed locker but the next thing I heard is Wo-chen’s voice telling me that Dong-hae is there already. I quickly arranged my hair and erased any trace of madness on my face before going out. It didn’t take long before the noisy streets passed us by.


                “What’s wrong?” Dong-hae pulled me to a stop in a corner of a quiet street. “Is there anything that bothers you?”


                “I’m just tired.” I lied. “Let’s go home instead.”


                “You’re such a bad liar.” He murmured beside me. I tried hard not to laugh, hearing that for the second time today. Am I really that bad in lying?


                “It’s nothing, oppa.” I replied.


                “Tell me.” He ordered instead and I bowed my head in shyness. It’s really hard to resist Dong-hae oppa, especially when I know that he’s just really worried about me. I put out my phone and showed him the message Yoona sent me.


                “Do you know where this is?” I asked. Dong-hae smiled at me and nodded. Then, he pulled me into a taxi and told the driver where to go. I just sat on the side and watched, clutching my phone on my hand and asking myself over and over again; what am I doing?



thanks so much for reading! ^___^





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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...