At the Dorm

Stuck With You


“Ahemm—” someone coughed from the door. I put down the picture and faced the person.


            “YOU?!” I boasted.






Kyu-hyun’s P.O.V


            “She’s awake!” Ki-bum called as he descended down the stairs. I hurried back to my room.


            There she is, admiring my posters. Can she play computer games, too? That’s good. She walked towards my bookshelves and started to pull something, but she put it back again. She went back to bed and sat there, her back facing me. She picked up the picture frame on my bedside table and then she murmured something.


            I don’t even need Ki-bum to translate it for me.


            “...evil Kyu-hyun.”


            Evil? Well I’m used to being called ‘evil’. People love me for being that. Evil maknae. She has the right to say that too. After what I did on the bus, I guess I really am an evil person, at times.


~Flashback~(at the bus)


            They started to introduce their selves to her, one by one. Ki-bum stands as the mediator.


            Traitor Hee-chul. I thought he won’t introduce himself because he said ‘stars never introduce their selves’.


            I concentrated on my game. I’m almost done. I’m winning. Just a little bit more—


            “Kyu-hyun-ah!”  Lee-teuk snatched my headphone from me. He gave me that ‘be-nice-to-her’ look. I paused my game, took a deep breathe, stood up and faced the girl with my annoyed expression on my face.


            I walked towards her, slowly. I can see the tension in her face. She’s scared? Should I scare her more?


            I stopped right in front of her. Her face is all white, it shows that she’s really frightened. “Kyu-hyun-ah.” Lee-teuk called again. I gave out my devilish smile, she backed-off.


            This is going to be fun.


            I bowed down, when I’m pretty sure she’s waiting for me to hit her or to yell at her. I just bowed down. When I stood straight, she’s still staring at me. Her face is now red. Funny! It made me satisfied. I look back at her, showing my satisfaction. That’s great!  I thought. She’s funny, her face shows everything she feels inside her. Now, I have someone to play with.


            I went back to my seat and started to play again. I caught a glimpse of her before I sat down. hung open, her jaw, dropped.


~end of Flashback~


            “Ahemm..”  I coughed to get her attention.


            She faced me and then her face turned red again as if in rage. “YOU?!” she boasted. I just smiled.


            Someone tapped me from behind, I turned and saw Ki-bum, Lee-teuk and Dong-hae have arrived.


            “What did you do” Lee-teuk asked me while looking at the suddenly enraged girl. “Nothing” I mouthed. Ki-bum entered my room and comforted the girl who is still staring at me.


            “If you touch any of my posters there, or played with any of my laptop at my cabinet, or even if you ruin any of my things at my room—” I shouted even though I know she can’t understand me. “You’re dead!” I finished then I walked away. She yelled something back but I didn’t understand it. I went straight to the kitchen and watched Ryeo-wook cook for our brunch.


Ki-bum’s P.O.V.


            “You?!” she boasted when she spotted Kyu-hyun at the door. She’s all red, like a jalapeño, waiting to explode.


            First impression lasts.


            I went in the room without even looking at Kyu-hyun. I sat beside her and patted her head.


            “If you touch any of my posters there, or played with any of my laptop at my cabinet, or even if you ruin any of my things at my room, you’re dead!” Kyu-hyun shouted and then he left.


            “Whatever you say, I don’t care! I can’t understand it!” the girl beside me yelled back.


            Someone’s met his match.


            “He just said that you should take care of his room—” I lied. Well, I don’t want her to be hurt because of Kyu-hyun’s pranks. “Are you alright?”


            She nodded, still staring at the door. I followed her stare and saw Lee-teuk and Dong-hae standing there. I nodded at them, then they left too.


            “They’re just worried about you.” I said.


            “Where am I?” she asked as she faced me.


            I smiled. “You’re at our dorm. You fainted at the bus and we don’t know where you live so we took you here with us.”




            “So may I know your name, now?” I asked her. She’s been with us for half a day now and we don’t even know her name. We just refer to her as ‘the girl’ and I think that’s quite impolite.


            “Yuna. Yuna Sy.”


            “Ah, Yuna. That’s a beautiful name.” I complimented. Am I being too nice now? Better play safe, then.


            “Thanks.” She replied and then she looked away. Is she sick? Why are we having this ‘one question, one answer’ conversation?


            “So, where did you come from?” I tried again. It’s really awkward to talk to a silent girl.




            “And you’re about to have a vacation here at Korea? Or is it for work that you’re here?”


            “Vacation. I’m supposed to have a three month vacation here.”

            “Where are your things?” I noticed she’s empty handed. She doesn’t have a thing with her and she’s looking for something at the bus when we noticed her.


            She froze. She slowly looked at me in the eye. Her face is pale white now, unlike the jalapeño-like red face a while ago. Tears started to form in her eyes and then she started to sob.


            What did I do?




i updated. hahah. i told you guys i'm trying my best! anyway thanks for the views and subscriptions! and for the comments! it really inspires me..



>>more comments wanted here<< 


i really want to know what you're thinking. and i 'd really appreciate it if you'd tell me..







~out. ijjimaseyo~

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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...