Helping Out

Stuck With You




~ Yuna’s P.O.V. ~


                “Yuna, you’re hyped up today!” Wo-chen yelled while watching me do my duties. There are some new costumers in the shop; people I never really saw eat ice cream there before, and it’s quite busy. But, since my day had a good start, I think I could last for another hour working even if my shift ends in about three minutes.


                “Here’s your order sir.” I gleefully said as I put the fresh dessert down on the table. “Enjoy!” I bowed then left the man smiling at his sweet.


                “So, what happened?” Wo-chen tried to squeeze out information from me again about yesterday, or the reason why I’m so happy now. I faced him smugly.


                “Nothing!” I exclaimed, rapidly changing my expression into a jolly one. “It’s supposed to be a secret.” I giggled. He waved his hand in the air as if pushing me away but his smile didn’t waver.


                “Fine, don’t tell me. You’ve really grown. You’re keeping secrets now. I wonder what Kyu-hyun would say about this development.” He babbled and I smiled at him for that reminder. I have to tell Kyu-hyun about my date tomorrow with Ki-bum.


                “I won’t work tomorrow so I’ll work overtime today. Is that fine?” I sweetly asked him before turning to another costumer.


                “Again?” he asked curiously, rather than madly.


                “I... uhmm... have to go... somewhere.” I replied in between my nods to the customer. “Thank you.” I whispered to the person in front of me as I got her order. “Is it fine?” I asked again, facing Wo-chen now.


                “You’ll work for another two hours today. And there’ll be another two hours added to your shift for the next day, arasso?” he pointed, snatching the order form from my hand. I beamed at him and nodded before facing the counter again.




                The extended two hours of work didn’t affect me the way it would have in other normal days. I was still hoping happily when I logged out of the shop. As far as I know, it’s Ye-sung who’s supposed to fetch me today. I waited for him up front and it didn’t take long for him to arrive. As always, he’s in the black huge van of SME, sitting alone at the back seat maybe. I greeted the driver and the manager as they waved at me. I entered the van with no question and sat back comfortably on the vacant space opposite the door in it.


                “How are you today?” I heard Ye-sung’s voice behind me. I was about to answer when he added “I know you’re not used to being outside the dorm but I hope you enjoyed.”


                I turned my head towards him as a faint giggle echoed in the van. I found him sitting, cross-legged on the small space holding a small land turtle on his lap. Beside him sits Yoona, giggling silently.


                “Oh.” Was all that slipped off my mouth as I watch Ye-sung examine Ddangkoma in his palm. Yoona lifted her head up and smiled at me.


                “I wanted to see you so I thought I’d come with Ye-sung oppa.” she said while touching the shell of the turtle. “Don’t you miss your noona?”


                I shook my head, then I nodded again and then I shook it again. Being confused with my own actions, I spoke instead. “I didn’t... I mean... I missed you of course.” I shook my head clear of the swirling thoughts in it like ‘why would she miss someone like me?’ and ‘who am I to be missed?’ and other non-sense.


                “Ddangkoma is tired playing outside today.” Ye-sung suddenly blurted and I’m glad to shift my attention to something else. “Although he didn’t really move at all.”


                I giggled, together with Yoona, looking at the little creature at Ye-sung’s hand. Unexpectedly, Ddangkoma moved his head towards me and he stayed like that for a whole minute, or more I guess, before resuming to his previous position.


                “He feels you.” Ye-sung stated, putting Ddangkoma down beside him. “Are you tired?” he finally faced me directly after putting his pet down.


                “No, not really.” I smiled at him. “You?”


                “No. It’s just Ddangkoma who got tired. He’s so tired he can’t move anymore.” He explained, looking down beside him again.


                “You seem so happy.” Yoona commented, reminding me that she’s there. “What is up?”


                I beamed at her instead. The car pulled in the lot in the front side of the dorm. The doors at the front of the van opened and the matured voice of their manager outside dragged me out of the car, too. Ye-sung and Yoona followed closely behind me and we all bowed at the same time to bid them goodbye. When the van was gone, I started on my way inside the house.


                “Could you show me Kyu-hyun’s room? I heard you’re using it temporarily.” Yoona said as we entered the dorm.


                “Sure.” I said, less ecstatic than her state. I lead the way up and I could hear her greet each of the other members we bumped in to. I gave the other members my warm smile and bow as I acknowledge them too.


                When we entered Kyu-hyun’s room, I quickly tidied up any mess I saw and motioned for Yoona to sit on the bed. She willingly followed. She inspected everything around her with her eyes; the wall, the bed, the table, the closet, the posters, everything. It didn’t bother me as much as Kyu-hyun’s reaction did if he finds out I let his girlfriend in here.


                “Mind telling me why you’re aura is so bright?” she asked me again while I stumble on picking up my things.


                I glanced at the closed door and thought of telling her the reason. She helped me last time, perhaps I could trust her with this too. Besides, I could also ask for her advice since I’m going out with a celebrity too.


                “We’re going out tomorrow at the Amusement Park.” I told her shyly. “Ki-bum and me.”I added when I saw her smile disappear for a jiffy.


                “Oh. That’s nice.” She said while nodding to herself. She walked across the room towards the shelf. “Want me to help you?” she offered. I beamed at her, nodded and went back on cleaning up.


                “I’ve never been in his room before.” Yoona suddenly said out of nowhere after looking at the books. I glanced back at her and saw her opening an album on her hands. I quickly stride towards her and snatched it, and then I carefully put it back its place. When I faced her, she’s all smiling.


                “Sorry. It’s just that Kyu-hyun didn’t want his things to be touched by other people.” I reasoned. She snickered at me before I realized my mistake. She’s no ‘other people’.


                “But he allows you to do so, right?” she asked as she sat on the bed, grabbing a pillow on it. I tilted my head in confusion about her question. Isn’t she supposed to be mad because I just called her ‘other people’?


                “It’s because I’m staying here and he...” I’m not actually sure what I’m talking about right now. “...he trusts... me”


                Yoona nodded as she stretched out on the bed. She yawned and her eyes fluttered as if she’s going to sleep.


                “He trusts you.” She repeated. I nodded furiously. “I trust you too, you know.” She added.


                I just stared at her as if her words don’t make sense. Well, it really don’t. I can’t understand what she’s talking about and I can’t understand her point. She’s reacting in every unexpected way. Shouldn’t she be mad because another girl, like me, uses her boyfriend’s room? Not to mention that we’re close and everything. I can’t even understand what she meant by saying that she trusts me! I’m feeling dizzy now.


                “Can I rest here for a while?” she snapped her eyes open and she stared right at me. “Our manager said he’d pick me up at ten and I really don’t have anything to do ‘til then. That’s why I went here with you anyway.”


                I just smiled at her. I’m not uncomfortable with her but I’m not comfortable either. Being with her makes me feel inferior and alone. Just thinking that she’s the girl of Kyu-hyun makes me feel upset, really. (And feeling that way makes me feel more confused because I don’t understand why I’m upset in the first place!)


                I climbed up the bed and took my place on the other side of it. I pulled the covers on me and closed my eyes forcefully. I don’t have any intention of sleeping here while Yoona is here too, but it’s better to close my eyes than to look at her and feel bad for myself more. Everything went black in my mind as I tried to shut everything round me down. And then, that faint voice inside my head started screaming ‘Why am I not blessed like her?’ over and over again.


                I felt her move beside me. She pulled the covers over her too as she snuggled closer to me. I’m not as irritated as I expected myself to be. Instead, I felt good feeling like I’m needed and important. I felt her arm hugging me on my waist. I didn’t dare pull back.


                “Yuna, you’re not sleeping, right?” she asked, her voice so close to my ear, I can imagine her lips just inches away from my ear.


                I shook my head. I don’t want to open my eyes just yet. I’ll let myself imagine that the person behind me is my mom, cooing and babying me all over again.


                “I miss Kyu-hyun.” She whispered again. “He didn’t call me yet since he went to China. I really miss him.”


                Thoughts ran in my mind. First, why wouldn’t Kyu-hyun contact his girlfriend? Second, why did he contacted me? Third, why is she whining about it at me? I shook my head to clear my head again. Why am I even disturbed with these thoughts?


                “He hasn’t called you too, right?” she pulled the hair on my face to the side, as if wanting to see a clearer view of me. I shuddered at her touch.


                I shook my head again, harder this time. I know lying is bad, but she’ll be upset if I told her the truth. I don’t want her to be upset.


                “I want to call him. do you have his number?” she sat up and I suddenly opened my eyes to see what she’s doing. She’s pulling out her phone while grabbing mine on the bedside table. Maybe it’s fine to give her the number. She’s his girl anyway.


                She’s surfing my phonebook when I grabbed it from her. I smiled at her and searched for Kyu-hyun’s number; the one he’s using to call me from China. I gave it to Yoona and she smiled at me too. She dialed the number and we both waited for him to answer. I just hope he’s not busy now. He must be missing his girlfriend too.



~ Yoona’s P.O.V. ~


                She confidently gave me Kyu-hyun’s number. I don’t know if she knew that Kyu-hyun can’t use his number here at Korea to call from China. I guess she should know that. She gave me her phone which is now displaying Kyu-hyun’s number. It’s a different number; and I mean different from the normal numbers here in Korea.


                I smiled at Yuna.


                Kyu-hyun’s yawning voice answered the other line with a faint ‘hello’. I beamed at Yuna and pointed at the phone on my hand, signaling her that he picked up.


                “Kyu-hyun oppa.” I said with my sweetest voice. “I missed you!”


                I heard something fall from the other line, followed by other shuffling things. Maybe he fell down from his seat. He didn’t expect me calling him. “Who’s this?” he replied after a few more seconds.


                “Kyu-hyun oppa, don’t you miss your girlfriend too?” I asked sweetly again. “I missed you so much!”


                I glanced at Yuna and saw her back in front of me. Unfortunately, she’s facing the window which reflects her expression quite clearly; she’s annoyed. I giggled victoriously on the phone.


                “Yoona? I mean, Yoona of SNSD?” Kyu-hyun’s voice pulled me back to the phone conversation.


                “Oh, I’m so touched. You’re so sweet oppa.” I said loud enough for Yuna to hear.


                “What are you saying? Didn’t I tell you to stop this non sense already?” his high pitched voice echoed on my phone. I nodded my head as if he could see my action.


                “Actually, I’m here with Yuna in your room. She gave me your number.” I stated and I noticed Yuna’s expression twitch a little. Guilty much? “She’s such a sweetie, right?”


                “You’re with Yuna? In my room? She gave you my number? What are you talking about? You’re kidding, right?”


                “Yuna, he wants to say ‘hi’ to you.” I pulled Yuna to face me and I noticed her extremely red face. I pushed my phone on her hand and she rejected it. “Oh, come on. Just say ‘hi’ to him too. I know you hadn’t talked with each other since he went to China too, so don’t be shy. I’m your unnie, remember?” I pushed the phone in her hand again, making sure that the person on the other line could hear my words for Yuna. She accepted it coldly.


                “Uhmm, hi Kyu-hyun.” She murmured. Then she pushed the phone back in my hand and she ran outside the room. When the door closed behind her, I burst into laughter.


                “Heard her?” I asked Kyu-hyun, now with my normal voice. “She’s all red and she ran away!” I exclaimed.


                “Yoona, what are you doing?” he asked back. “Why are you with her being all ‘unnie-like’ and pretending to be my girlfriend at the same time?”


                “I’m having fun.” I answered gleefully. “You should’ve seen her face when I’m all sweet talking to you. She’s annoyed and her face is all scrunched up.”




                “She likes you. You know that, I know.” I stated in a matter-of-fact tone.




                “Don’t act dumb, Kyu-hyun.” I answered annoyingly. “I’m helping you two out. I want to see you together but you’re being way too good to her that you even gave her a dress for her date with Ki-bum!” I scratched the pillow beside me to let out my frustration on their chaotic story.


                “Yuna likes Ki-bum!” he screamed on the other line.


                “Yuna loves you, Kyu-hyun!” I reasoned out, squeezing the pillow now. “You’re really dumb and idiot and fool and... you’re just stupid!”


                “Yoona will you stop shouting! Yuna might hear you.” His voice all hushed down. “Look, I’m not giving her up, but it’ll be better if she’ll realize her true feelings on her own.”


                I threw the pillow across the room and let out a short groan. I’m so over this conversation of ‘letting-her-on-her-own’. I want to see some development but I can’t move on my own without his cooperation. This is so frustrating.


                “Hey, we have to go now.” He said after my show of madness. “Don’t do anything foolish. Don’t disturb her. Don’t get involved. And end these crazy pretentions. Okay?”


                “Okay, okay. I get it.” I stood up to pick up the pillow from where it landed. “But, seriously, you should come back here, quick. They’re going to the amusement park tomorrow. They’ll be having their second date.” I quickly said as if I’m in a race while glancing back at the door.


                “They’re what? No. No, Yuna is going to the amusement park with Ki-bum? But that’s suicidal!” he started on shouting on the other line. I frowned.


                “Suicidal?” I sat back on the bed again, placing the pillow on my lap. “Why?”


                “Ki-bum’s an idol! He’s not just a normal someone, remember? He’s...” I frowned more as his words slowly sinks in my mind. “...that shouldn’t happen. You have to do something.”


                “Me? Didn’t you just tell me to stay out of it?” I asked, remembering his exact words earlier. A smile forming in my face.


                “Just once. Just this one, help her.” his voice is pleading but it’s not hard to tune it down. I pressed the end button and stretched wildly on the bed. My phone rang again and when I saw Kyu-hyun’s number, I turned it off.


                Now, what to do? What to do?




wahhh you don't know how much your comment affected me!! i was smiling from ear to ear! i even pulled my mom, my brother, my best friend, my other friends and any other people who passes by me just to read it!! ^___^ i look like an addict and your comments is my heroine!





KyuWook_21... there'll be more KyuNa moments in the future.. that i can assure you!! ^___^ i just love YuKi for now.. ♥

ShiroiParadise... now i wish i didn't put that Kyu-hyun part.. (actually i just miss Kyuhyun so much that i started on typing in his POV) O___O i need supporters for YuKi pairing.. they're just adorable.. anyway, it's KyuNa again.. what do you think?

niqho07... LOL you're comment made me read my story over again, looking for the interesting parts.. unfortunately, i find it difficult to point which part is good because i feel like that would be boasting so much.. THANK YOU SO MUCH! and tell your classmate my thanks too.. your support guys are so appreciated! ^____^

Trishdicator... i'll try to keep the good work! hope you won't get tired on waiting for my once-in-a-blue-moon updates.. sorry about that.. it's just that i wanted the ideas to flow naturally instead of forcing myself to come up with one because, then the update would be ssomehow chaotic... thanks!

chocolate... let's hope he won't get caught! well... i would want to say my biggest,gigantic THANK YOU! you're one of my most active reader and commenter.. you don't have any idea how much that means to me... ♥

Zailei... heya my beloved classmate/friend/groupmate/unnie!!! well, all i want to say is.. YUKI FTW!!!

lovesujuforever... if i'd hear some guy say that i look the same because i'm already pretty in his eyes, i would faint.. but if it's Kyu-hyun, I'D DIE! >LOL< this pretty messed up love story is getting somewhere in my miind. thanks so much!

akishaire... aki aki aki!!! a solid KyuNa shipper! ^___^ the one who helped me in this fic from the very beggining.. thank you!! i don't know why i'm saying so many thank you's now, i just feel like it! thanks, again!





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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...