
Stuck With You

♦sorry to keep you waiting. i'm just busy with my thesis. anyways. enjoy. and please do comment. i still need help in developing the story. thanks !♦





“Where is it?!” I screamed in rage when my hands failed to feel it and my eyes can’t see it.



Everybody in the mini bus looked at me, as if I shouldn’t be there.







They started to talk to me, I guess, after some seconds of silence. I can’t understand a thing they were saying! “Got to learn the language first.” I mumbled to myself, easing the tension inside of me.


            The voice of a guy with cute side dimples reigned everybody else’s tone. He silenced them and motioned for a cute guy to come forward. “Okay, now I’m running out of adjectives to describe them one by one.” I breathed.


            They’re all good looking, I could die now. But I don’t like their tone, or the frown starting to form on their faces. It’s like they’re getting impatient for my stillness. The guy with dimples talked to the other guy he called for.


            The cute guy came forward, but my attention isn’t on him, or to the dimpled guy. I was caught off guarded by a guy at the back; he smirked at me, murmured something, stuck out his tongue, turned around and sat silently on the front, ignoring us all together at the back. What is that for? Grrrr, he’s making me loose my patience. I want to go to him and punch him straight to the face!


            “Can you speak Korean?” the cute guy in front of me asked. I shifted back my attention to the present situation. They are all waiting for my answer. “No.” I replied.


            They breathed all together, as if their answers have been answered. The dimpled guy shook his head, and then he turned his back to me, facing the others.




Kyu-hyun’s P.O.V



            What is this? A fan got on the bus with us? How did that even happen? We’re supposed to be talking about our upcoming vacation for the next two months after our next concert in Seoul, then all of a sudden this girl screamed, disturbing our quiet discussion.


            We just escaped from the fans that chased us at the airport; I don’t know why they were chasing us, maybe because we’re too famous? But they don’t have to chase us, we never run, except when hundreds of them starts to pile up.


            She looked at me, the girl. It’s like she’s examining us one by one. I smirked at her, “What nerves?” I hissed. She stared at me more, so I stuck out my tongue to . She frowned.


            “She can’t understand us.” I heard Lee-teuk said from the back of the bus.


            “How did she even get on our bus?” Kang-in asked.


            “She’s cute.” Shin-dong concluded. I looked at them in amazement. Cute? Who? She’s not Korean; she wears clothes which looks so out of style. Her eyes were round, as well as her face. She has chubby cheeks and thin lips. Her forehead has creases and she has brown complexion. Simple, yes, but not cute.


            “Let’s introduce ourselves, then.” Ryeo-wook suggested.


            “Stars never introduce their selves. They were known by heart.” Hee-chul fought back. I rolled my eyes in approval.


            Ki-bum started to talk to her again. I can hear his voice loudly as everybody else kept quiet. I looked at them; they were all watching her, waiting for her reply. She suddenly cupped her face with her hands and started to sob.


            “She’s lost,” Ki-bum translated. Everybody gave out a sigh, including me. “And she doesn’t know us.” He continued.



            Doesn’t know us? Is she kidding?

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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...