Substitute Babysitter

Stuck With You




~ Sung-min’s P.O.V. ~


                “Yuna, gwenchana?” I asked the teary-eyed girl in front of Lee-teuk hyung. I glanced at Lee-teuk but he raise both of his hands in the air as if saying that he didn’t do anything.


                “Yuna.” Hee-chul hyung called behind me.


                I shook Yuna by the shoulder again and stared at her eyes still looking at me. “Yuna.” I tried again.


                “Kyu – Kyu-hyun.” She managed to choke out. I smiled at her and nodded.


                “It’s fine, Yuna. Come on, let’s go.” I pulled her up with me and glanced at Lee-teuk hyung now discussing something with Hee-chul hyung. I shook my head and dragged the currently immobilized and scared-to-the-bone girl beside me out of the cafeteria.


                She’s still shaking when we got out of the building. I sighed and stared at her for a while. She really looks like a vulnerable and weak kid for me. She’s easily affected by the opinion of other people that surrounds her. I wonder how Kyu-hyun even put up with her until now; or Ki-bum.


~ flashback ~


                “Hyung.” Kyu-hyun called before we went off to the airport to send them off. They’ll be staying at China for a week for their promotional activities and, as a group, we decided we should at least go with them until there.


                I glanced at him and saw him all worried and pale, as if he’s going to be sick or something. I approached him and pulled him to sit with me on my bed.


                “Are you okay?” I asked worriedly as I felt his temperature on his forehead. “Are you sick?” I asked again, still checking his temperature, comparing it with mine.


                “I’m fine.” He murmured but then he shook his head. “I’m nervous.”


                I laughed at his words. He’s nervous? Yeah, right. As if he didn’t handle this very same pressure when KRY debuted. Well, the pressure back then is worst than this, actually. At least, now they’re six in the group unlike the three of them at KRY. Why would he be nervous now when he pulled out a fantastic performance back then?


                “Breathe in. Breathe out.” I instructed him. “You’ll be fine, don’t worry.”


                “No.” he pushed my hand away from his forehead. “I’m not nervous because of the sub-group.” He started on explaining. I smiled at him though.


                “Don’t worry about us. We’ll be fine too. Although we’d be eating take-out’s mostly since Wookie’s with you. But we’ll survive. Not unless…”


                “Hyung!” he interrupted my sweet thoughts. “You’re kidding, right?” he almost giggled.


                “What?” I asked foolishly while raising one of my eyebrows at him.


                “I know you’ll survive without us.” He stated. “You hardly even need us here, right?” he explained before I get too melodramatic. “But Yuna…”


                “Wa – wa – wait. Yuna? Our Yuna? The cry-baby mascot of Super Junior who hates pink?” my tone raised better than I wanted it to be and it left Kyu-hyun open-mouthed for a while.


                “Yes?” he replied, unsurely. “Anyway, I don’t know if she’ll be fine without us.”


                “You mean you. She won’t be fine without you.” I agreed.


                I saw how Kyu-hyun took care of that kid for the past month that she’s here. I envied her sometimes but I never spoke of it with anyone on the team. It may look like he’s always bullying her but I can see that he’s just trying his best to make Yuna comfortable here on our dorm. I’m annoyed at her sometimes too, sine she’s always crying over small things, like a baby. She doesn’t even look and act like her age! And, yeah, she hates pink.


                Once, I left my guitar at the lounge and then I saw her insulting it saying things like ‘why the hell is this pink?’, ‘it looks awful’ and ‘it’d be better if it’s yellow’. I mean, come on! That’s my favorite color! Who is she to insult my favorite color? Anyway, I let her go back then (just don’t insult pink anymore!) and overlooked what she’d said.


                “Yeah. Maybe.” Kyu-hyun whispered while scratching the back of his neck. “Well, you see, Wookie, Si-won and Dong-hae hyung are with me. They’re the other members who are close enough to Yuna and are willing to take care of her.”


                “Ki-bum’s here. I heard they had a date last night.” I defended, following his logic quite effectively.


                “Ki-bum’s oblivious to her emotions.”


                “And you’re not?”


                “Hyung! Can you please listen for now? Just, let me speak.” He held both of my arms at my side as if that would keep me from talking anymore. I can sense that he’s worrying too much about this kid. I can sense something else is going on inside him  that he’s not telling us.


                “Fine. Speak.” I sighed, pulling my arms off his grasp.


                “All of her friends, close friends in our group are going to China and that would leave her with no one.” He stated in a rush as if he’s running out of time. “I’m just asking you one favor. Please.” He clapped his hands together and stared at me with his begging eyes.


                I sighed in defeat and nodded to him. “Just don’t ask me to lend my things to her.”


                “Take care of her. Watch out for her. You know she’s a cry-baby, right? Please, help her when she’s sad or when you sense that she’s in trouble. Please.” He begged again, rubbing his palms together in front of me.


                I laughed a little as I absorbed his words. “You mean I need to babysit her?”


                “No.” he grunted. He bowed his head and started to shake it hardly. “Fine. I’ll ask someone else.” He concluded as he started to stand up.


                “Kyu-hyun, you’re really an open book now.” I giggled. He turned and looked at me for a while then he started on getting out of my room again. “Fine, I’ll do it.” I stood up from the bed too and held him in his shoulder. “I’ll babysit her.” I smiled and he grunted again at my words.


                “Seriously, hyung.” He said still with his pleading eyes.


                “I’ll take care of her for a week.” I tapped him on his shoulder. “I promise.”


                He smiled at me and hugged me in joy. Now, I guess Kyu-min is real, eh? I pulled out from the hug and pushed him out of my room.


                “Go and look out for your little baby.” I smirked. “Because you won’t be seeing her for a week.” I winked and he smirked at me. I was laughing as I was closing the door.


~ end of flashback ~


                “Yuna.” I called her again as I sat down beside her on one of the benches right at the back of the building. “Calm down.” I murmured as I caressed her back to help her stabilize her breathing.


                “I–I’m s–sc–scared.” She stuttered.


                “It’s fine now.” I told her, although I’m not quite sure what she’s scared of.”You’re fine now.”


                “I-I’m…” she started again, her words still drowned with her tears and sobs. “S-so se-self- selfish.” She shook her head and covered her face with her palms.


                “No. you’re not.” I tried again. I guess I’m not a good babysitter. “Tell me what happened so I can help.” I murmured, still patting her back.


                “I-I wi-wish Kyu-hyun is… is here.” She murmured. I tried hard to understand her words since her voice is now muffled by her hands that cover her face, however, when I heard her say this, I can’t keep myself from smiling.


                Kyu-hyun, you’ve spoiled her too much.


                “Am I not enough, then?” I asked her, raising my eyebrow again. “Should I leave?” I started to stand up.


                “No!” she almost screamed and it made me sit back again with her hands closing around my arm.


                “Okay. Okay.” I giggled as I broke free from her grip and started on wiping her tears away with my handkerchief. “Just don’t cry anymore.”


                She nodded as she, too, started wiping her face with the back of her hands. I pushed her hands away and glared at her.


                “Hands are dirty.” I murmured as I continued to wipe her tears with the piece of cloth on my hand. “That’s why they made handkerchiefs.” I reasoned while staring at her, putting up my irresistible cute and adorable smile. She nodded again, dropping her hands to her lap.


                “Sorry.” She whispered, looking down at her hands.


                “Don’t worry about it.” I finally sighed while keeping my now wet handkerchief in my pocket. “Why are you crying in the first place? Did Lee-teuk hyung say something disappointing?”


                She shook her head furiously. “No.” she defended. “He was just concerned about the safety of the team.”


                “The safety of the team?” I frowned. “Lee-teuk hyung is really a responsible leader, but sometimes he’s stressing himself too much. His words are sometimes hurtful too, once it concerns the whole team. Sorry about that. He’s really just being a good hyung and leader, you know?” I started playing with my fingers as I explained it to her. There are no other people here at this side of the building during these times. I know I should be comfortable with her by now, but I’m not really close to her so it’s pretty awkward.


                “I know. He’s a good leader.” She agreed. “You’re all lucky to have him.”


                I smiled at her words but my mind is too focused on the reason of her crying so my frown quickly returned to my face. “So if it isn’t Lee-teuk hyung and his words, what made you cry?” I faced her again and saw her eyes brimmed with tears again.


                “No-nothing i-important.” She started sobbing and I shook my head in defeat. How could I help if I don’t even know what her problem is?!


                “Sung-min-ah!” someone shouted from the door and I quickly glanced up to look at it. I found Hee-chul hyung peeking from it while smiling widely at me.


                “Hyung!” I called back, waving my hand on the air.


                “Practice is cancelled.” He announced as he made his way towards us. “The main choreographer who’s supposed to teach us the steps is sick.” He beamed at me.


                “Really?” I asked unbelievably. “You mean…”


                “Our schedule for the day is cleared since we can’t do anything without him.” he smiled again. “We’ll head home, except Lee-teuk and Eun-hyuk.”


                I smiled at his words and thoughts of spending my day at the dorm filled my mind for a brief while.


                “I’ll be going back to the ice cream shop now.” Yuna suddenly said as she stood up from the bench. “Thank you very much, Sung-min oppa.” She bowed and she started to leave.


                I stared at her while she’s walking away and almost ran up to her again when she almost bumped her head with the post of the door. Hee-chul giggled beside me. I glanced at him and saw that he’s also watching Yuna make her clumsy exit. I returned my gaze back to Yuna but all I saw is the door, closing slowly behind her.


                “Hyung, can I go shopping?” I asked Hee-chul while he’s still absorbed in making sure that Yuna didn’t stumble down on something.


                “Shopping? Today? Alone?” he asked unstoppably as if what I’m suggesting is a huge joke.


                “Shopping. Today. But not alone.” I smiled at him. I didn’t wait for his reply and permission as I ran back into the building to chase the clumsy girl I’m supposed to babysit for Kyu-hyun.





ShiroiParadise____uhmm, it's MINNIE! LOL, well of course you know that now.. anyway, wwhat progress-es should happen between Ki-bum and Yuna? give me an idea, please??

TuvaLiv ____HEARTBROKENKYU?? oh no, that's sad.. he won't be heartbroken because he still have me (and his macbook, recently) anyway, Yuna is inlove with Kyu?? Let's see.. ROFL, thanks!!!

iYiepy____if you find Ki-bum cute, why won't you go with YuKi?? just asking.. and yeah, that's the longest comment you've posted (for me, as far as i know) and i really love it!!! thanks so much!! anyway, i hate school too, it gets in the way of my life as a fan girl!! gahhhh!!!    ♥ 사랑해 ♡ !!!!!! ♪(*^^)o∀*∀o(^^*)♪

akishaire____and i'll still go with Ki-bum... (for now..?) LOL thanks for always being there aki!! ^____^






>>trying so hard to update twice during weekends... LOL<<

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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...