Stuck With You



                “Give me your phone.” I ordered Yuna as I watch her bite her fingers nervously, waiting for her boss to answer. “Just give it to me and I’ll talk to him.”


                She looked at me in amusement and I returned her gaze with a smile. She nodded then she handed her phone to me with her trembling hand.


                “Hello?” I spoke gently as the person at the other line picked the phone up. “Is this Wo-chen? The boss of Yuna?”


                There’s silence in the other line then a grumbling cough. “You don’t sound like Kyu-hyun.” The person on the other line said. “You’re not Ki-bum either.”


                I giggled. “It’s Sung-min.”


                “You mean the other half of the Kyu-Min couple?” he laughed too.


                “I guess so.” I laughed again. “Can Yuna take a day-off today?”


                “It’s really hard to have an employee who’s a friend of your friend and your friends other friends’ friend.” I can imagine the person on the other line shaking his head as I do; I barely even got his point with what so many ‘friend’ words. “But can’t help it anyway.” He let out a loud laugh. “Just take care of her or Kyu-hyun will kill us both.” He finally answered.


                “Yeah, I know. Kyu-hyun would be scary by then.” I laughed with him again. I lift my head to look at Yuna and saw her pouting. “Thank you.” I said on the person on the other line again before hanging up.


                “You’re free for the rest of the day.” I told Yuna while handing her phone back. “Your boss is nice.” I nodded.


                I grabbed the handle of the motor cycle I borrowed from one of my sunbae at SME and opened the seat to get the helmets. I threw one of the head gears towards Yuna and she caught it clumsily. I smiled at her before putting mine on my head.


                “We’re using a motor cycle?” she asked dumbly, still holding the helmet on her hand.


                “Obviously?” I sat on the mobile and kicked the stand off the ground. I placed my feet flat on the ground again to keep myself and the motor cycle erect. “Are you going to stand there forever?” I asked Yuna sweetly, as if I’m intimidating or anything. I giggled on my own voice.


                She scrambled on putting the gear on her head. Then, she ran up towards me and the vehicle. She swayed her leg off the ground and sat clumsily behind me. Her hands quickly grasped my waist and I felt her heavy heaves on my back.


                “Sung-min oppa, drive carefully, ne?” her voice trembled. Her hands hugged my waist tightly that it’s hard to breath, I started to choke.


                “If you’re going to bear hug me like you’re going to kill me, then I guess we won’t move from here even an inch.” I whispered to her.


                “Sorry.” She murmured as she eased off her hold.


                I laughed again, though I’ve been laughing for so many times now, “Bear.” I nodded.


                She stiffened at my back as if I’ve done something but I ignored it. I held her hand securely on my waist before I kicked the motor to life.


                 “Hold on tight.” I shouted over the roaring engine. I heard her yelp at my back before we even went flying with the wind.




                After a few twist, turns and stops, we finally arrived at the nearest private mall. Well, it’s not actually private, but it’s something like that. It is, as I know, one of the safest, quietest and non-fan girls mall. And because of my head gear, which fully covers my face, we had no fans tailing us behind.


                I parked the motor cycle at the back of the mall. Then, I pulled Yuna with me towards the back entrance. As expected, there are less people here than on other malls at Seoul. I sighed as we walked slowly at the lobby.


                “Oppa, what are you going to buy, anyway?” she asked after a billion seconds of silence.


                I turned to her and saw her shaking. She’s looking at me with those scared eyes. I frowned and wondered if there’s something I did wrong.


                “Are you... okay?” I asked her, still watching her tremble like she did when I picked her up at the lobby of SME.


                “Yes.” Even her voice trembled. “I’m just... the ride was... I’m... okay...” she said in fragments.


                I shook my head and held her shoulders up straight. “Yuna, it is fine. We’re here already. Don’t you trust anyone except Kyu-hyun?”


                “It’s not only Kyu-hyun.” She mumbled as she relaxed a bit. “I trust you, oppa. It’s the motor cycle I don’t trust.” She added.


                “Well, you better trust the motor cycle more because, honestly? I’m not really used to driving one.” I laughed as if my confession is all funny.


                “You’re... not?” I looked at her and saw her eyes full of fear again. “You mean... you drove a two-wheel mobile without any experience of it?”


                “I do have an experience driving it. But only once.” I beamed at her. She trembled again and I laughed at her. “We’re safe and we’re here now. Just, relax!” I nudged her before letting her shoulders drop again. She sighed.


                “So... what are we buying again?” she asked again. I turned my head to look around.


                “Let’s see...” I murmured. The mall isn’t one of those huge, ‘I’m-going-to-be-lost’ kind of mall. It’s a small one with few boutiques around. There’s this signature clothes store at our front. I remember wearing one polo shirt from it once. Beside it is another clothesline store which is full of dresses and girl stuffs. At the middle of the lobby, a huge supermarket entrance is open. I wonder if we still have to shop for groceries or not. At the other end of the hall, there’s a store which sells baby clothes and accessories. Opposite it is a lady’s accessory house and beauty shop. I grimaced as I remembered Yuna being all not-so-pretty by my side. She really needs to go there. Anyway, there’s also a salon and spa upstairs, if my eyes aren’t mistaken. I would want to go there and relax for a bit.


                But first, what to do with Yuna.


                I glanced at her and saw her scanning the mall the way that I did. She’s frowning at each store as if being here is a waste of time.


                “You don’t like shopping?” I asked her as she continued to take in everything around her.


                “I love shopping. But these stores looks like they’ll dig a hole in my pocket.” She pouted. Yeah, money.


                “How about I’ll pay for it now and you can pay me back later?” I tried, giving her my encouraging smile.


                “I’d rather not buy.” She faced me then added “I’ll just accompany you now, Oppa. Community service, ne?”


                I nodded and quickly turned away. Why are girls so practical about spending money? I pulled her with me into the clothes store in front of us. I started on scanning the polo shirts and Yuna started rummaging through the girls’ sweaters. I peeked at what she’s looking at and saw a yellow sweater with a big smiley face printed on it. It’s cute and it suits her jolly self. Plus, it’s yellow.


                I pulled out a pink long sleeved shirt and a matching checkered sleeveless sweater. I turned and saw the fitting room on the other side of the store. The lady who assists me nodded and I headed towards it.


                “Yuna, I’ll just try this.” I waved off to Yuna before I entered the room. It didn’t take me five minutes to change into those clothes. I know my measurements so it fitted perfectly well. I walked out of the small fitting room and called Yuna’s attention.


                “So, what do you think?” I asked her as I turn around.


                “Oppa, why do you like pink?” she replied instead while biting her lips.


                “Why don’t you like pink?” I asked back, sticking my tongue out at her.


                “It looks good sir.” The lady beside me murmured, ignoring our conversation. “You have a good taste on clothes.” She added and I need to smile at her.


                “I’ll take it.” I simply replied as I went back into the fitting room to change back on my own clothes. When I went out, I told the lady that I’ll also take the yellow smiley sweater Yuna’s been looking at. She nodded and walked away.


                We walked out of the store after a few minutes of looking at other items and paying for the clothes we bought. Yuna is all scrunched up as if her day is all ruined and everything. I giggled at her side silently as I pulled out the sweater she so loved to look at.


                “Here” I tossed it towards Yuna and she managed to catch it before it hit the ground.


                “Oppa, what is ...” her eyes widened as she stared at it. She looked up at me and then back to the sweater again. She did it for several times and I have to force myself not to laugh.


                “Try it on.” I pulled the sweater out of her hands and searched for the holes in it. When I found the hole for the head, I shoved it into Yuna’s chubby head and laughed. “Go on!” I told her again.


                She scrambled her arms  to find the other two holes. Then she pulled it down her small and short body. I pouted as I examined it on her. It was quite big for her. It reached half of her legs and the sleeve is way long for her arms. I shook my head but when I looked at Yuna, her face is shining.


                “It’s really pretty.” She whispered to herself. “I love it.”


                “It’s big. Isn’t there any smaller size that’ll suit for you?” I asked, amazed by how much a sweater could make her happy like that.


                “This is the smallest.” She replied. “It’s supposed to be big on you, I think. That’s the style it’s supposed to imply.”


                I shook my head again. How can you call that style with her small body serving as a hanger like that?


                “Thank you, Sung-min Oppa.” she lifted her eyes to meet mine and I realized she’s crying. “Jeongmal Kamsahamnida!” she bowed.


                I reached out to her to wipe her tears, then I remembered my handkerchief is all dirty because of her crying earlier. I can’t use that now again. I looked around and saw the lady’s accessory shop by the end of the hallway. I pulled her towards it.


                Once we’re in it, I quickly searched for some handkerchief. In a store as small as this, it isn’t hard to find one. I picked those three in one pack which is all colored pink in different colors, then I remembered Yuna’s whining about pink. I put the pack back and searched for yellow ones.


                I paid for it at the counter and then I walked out of the store only to see Yuna still sniffing. I pulled one handkerchief out and handed it to her. Her eyes widened for the second time as she grabbed it from me.


                “It’s yellow.” She stated as if it isn’t obvious.


                “You said you like yellow.” I nodded as I kept the remaining two inside my bag.


                “But you said you like pink.” She replied, wiping her tears away.


                “Well, it’s you who’s going to use it. So I thought it’d be better if it’s yellow.” I explained. She stopped sniffing and crying but she’s still staring at the handkerchief. “Why are you crying anyway?”


                “I was just shocked because you bought this for me.” She pulled the sweater off her and she folded it neatly. I gave her the paper bag where it was placed before and she stuck it there slowly and carefully. “I didn’t thought... I can’t...” she sighed and faced me straight. “I’ll pay for it when I have my salary given.” She bowed again.


                I tapped her on her shoulder and pulled her face upfront to meet mine. “Seeing the effect it has on you, I’ll give it to you as a gift.” I beamed at her.


                “Oppa...” she started but I sshh-ed her.


                “In return, you’ll have to follow my orders for today.” I added and she nodded her head continuously.


                “Anything.” She smiled, holding onto the paper bag which contains her new sweater. I smiled back at her as I pulled her back in the store where I bought the handkerchiefs.



                I bought some facial moisturizers and make up inside. I let them put some on Yuna and she didn’t complain even a bit. Well, it’s an order so she has no other choice. She agreed with it anyway. After that, we went to the salon and spa upstairs. It’s one of those spa where you need to be a member to be entertained. Fortunately, I am a member of it already. A lucky day.


                Yuna isn’t a member though, but with a few ‘please’ and ‘aegyo’, the staff agreed to entertain her too.


                I had a foot massage while Yuna chose to have her nails painted. I let her pick the color and, yeah, her nails are all yellow now. She giggled at it and I laughed with her. She said I should have my toe nails painted too, since no one would actually see it underneath my shoes. I never liked having my nails painted, but it’s fine for now. This kid is quite entertaining and persuasive to be ignored. She picked the color and it’s pink! A cute, baby-ish shade of pink. It looked prettier than what I have expected.


                Then, I told her to have a hair cut. I mean, her hair is just straight; it has no style or anything. She didn’t argue but she puffed her cheeks out while the stylist decides which hairstyle would go better for her. The lady settled with a v-shaped curly hair with a thin, layered one-sided bangs. When she’s done, I lifted my two thumbs up at her. She smiled and imitated my action.


                After our good time in the salon and spa, we were both hungry. We went to the nearest Italian restaurant and I ordered for her; some pasta will be good.


                “Oppa, why do you like pink again?” she asked as we waited for our orders.


                “I don’t know. It just looks cute.” I told her honestly as I stole a glimpse of my pink toe nails. “Some people, guys specifically, are afraid to like pink because others would say that they’re gay. So I guess it’s my statement to prove that’s wrong.” I examined my glittering nails again as I explained to her further. “A lot of people out there sure loves pink but they hate to admit it because of the judgmental eyes of everybody else. But, you see, it’s not a gay thing to like pink. Like, why is a girl allowed to like black, red and blue and not called a lesbian while guys aren’t allowed to like pink without being called a gay? We’re all human, you know. We have different preferences and likes and it speaks of our personality as a whole. Pink, for me, is for jolly, happy, sweet, caring and cheerful people. And girls aren’t the only ones who has the right to be like that.” I stuck my feet back on my shoes again as the waiter brought our food over. “Why do you hate pink?” I asked Yuna back as I saw her contemplating with my explanation.


                “I don’t hate pink. I just don’t like it.” She started. I started to twirl on my pasta as she continued to talk. “It burns my eyes.” She put a mouthful of pasta in and she chewed it fast. “Since I was a baby, everything around me is pink, so I guess I just get tired of it.”


                “But you said earlier that pink is for gays.” I reminded her as I swallow my food too.


                “Well, I once have this gay classmate who loves pink so much that the only thing that isn’t pink on him is his skin.” She giggled. “And it just annoys me. Then, I had this crush on someone who loves to wear pink too and then I found out that he’s a gay. I mean, what’s wrong with the world?”


                I laughed with her, thinking of what she just said. A closet gay huh. Unfair world. “Then why yellow?” I asked again, remembering how she cried over that yellow sweater I bought her.


                “It just looks so bright and happy. It makes my mood light and everything. Perhaps like the effect pink has on you.” She smiled before putting her fork full of pasta in again. “And it looks like the sunlight. It just chases the darkness away.”


                It looks like she’s about to cry again and I don’t even know why. Her eyes just swelled up and got all teary and everything. It looks like her yellow addiction has a deeper history than it looks. I wonder what’s the story  behind it. But, anyway, it’s not the time to ask her that. I don’t want to see her cry again. It’ll be the third for today if I don’t stop her.


                “So, how are you and Ki-bum?” I asked instead to ease the tension.


                She snapped her head up and blood rushed into her face. She turned tomato-like in a snap and it made me want to laugh. I filled my mouth with pasta to avoid laughing out loud.


                “We... we’re... I mean, I ...” she covered her face fully with her hands


                “Fine! Fine!” I can’t stop my giggle anymore as I swallow my food. “Forget it.”


                “I’m sorry, Oppa. It’s just that... I don’t know...” she replied, still hiding her face.


                “Eat. We don’t have forever.” I murmured and I decided I’d stay quite until we’re all done eating. It’s past six now and we need to be home already. I dug in to my plate and I spied Yuna doing the same.



                We went home right after we finished eating. I also ordered some take-out’s since I know the other members can’t cook alone; not without Wookie. The ride home is short too. The wind is cool on our skin and I pursued Yuna to wear the sweater. She looked happy to do so and it made me smile again.


                This girl is still a kid; there’s no question about it. Although she don’t like pink as much as she liked yellow, I think I’ll still be able to bear with her. She’s funny, together with her mood swings, and her emotions are all messed up inside her that she can’t control it anymore. It shows in her face and she can’t help it. Her full blown blush earlier at the restaurant is a solid proof that she really can’t control her emotions. However, her past is still a mystery for me. Girls usually loves to talk about their past experiences and relationships, but when she started on talking about why she loved yellow, she started to get all teary eyed. I wonder if Kyu-hyun knew something about it. Her past is disturbing me.




                “You’re home!” Hee-chul hyung welcomed us warmly by the door. “And you brought food!” he added, eyeing the food I’m holding.


                “I thought you guys would be starving.” I reasoned as I give him the food.


                “Sung-min’s so good! He’s thinking about  his hyungs’ and dongsaengs’!” he yelled as he made his way inside. I laughed at him and his jolliness.


                I pulled Yuna inside with me. Three things registered in my mind as I took in the sight inside the dorm. First, all of the other members are scattered on the lounge, focused on their own laptops. Second, Hee-chul hyung got the food I brought all for his own in front of his laptop too. And third, Kyu-hyun’s face is present on each of their laptop screen.


                “What is up?” I asked, given that no one really cared that we’re home.


                “It’s them! They’re up next!” Eun-hyuk yelled, pointing to his own laptop. The image now changed and all of the members of SJ-M is visible. Then, commercials started on flooding their screen. I guess they’re watching the live streaming on the internet.


                The commercial break gave them sometime to look at us. Each of them smiled warmly at me but their eyes focused on Yuna; it’s like they’re inspecting her from head to toe.


                The next word from them is something I didn’t expect but made me laugh to the full extent.


                “Yuna, you look good!” Eun-hyuk nodded.


                Ye-sung approached and stared closely at Yuna before whispering “Be like this more often, okay?”


                Lee-teuk and Hee-chul hyung started on whispering things to each other but the only audible sound I could make out of it was “... doing it for Ki-bum...”


                Kang-in stared from a distance while nodding to himself and Shin-dong stole the food from Hee-chul before grinning widely at Yuna.


                I glanced back at Yuna and stared at her for a moment, searching for what they’re talking about. All I saw is her face all lit up brightly, like on ecstasy, and the make-up she tried on the store is still visible on her face. Her hair is all messed up on the right side of her head because of the head gear, I guess, but it still looked okay. Her bangs sticks out in different directions but the over-all effect is still messy. She doesn’t look different for me, at all. But I guess the other members took it as a big deal; our girl becoming a lady.


                I snatched Yuna from their sight and went upstairs to Kyu-hyun’s room. I pushed her in and smiled at her.


                “They’ll bug you with those eyes so go change your clothes and wash your face. I guess they’re just shocked to see you like that; with all the make-up and the hair style.” I giggled. She smiled at me shyly.


                “But, Oppa. Can I stay like this until Ki-bum gets home. I want to see his reaction.” She murmured before covering her flushed cheeks.


                “Okay, but wait for him here.” I eyed the sweater and her face again. “You look different because of your hair, alright. But the other members are way too shocked to finally see you putting on something on your face.”


                “I didn’t realize I looked that different. Yoona noona put some make-up on me last night and Kyu-hyun said I didn’t look different. Ki-bum oppa didn’t get to see it because Kyu-hyun pulled me in the water and I got all wet.” She explained, beaming at herself.


                “Well, Kyu-hyun is lying then because you look totally different. You look...” I searched for the words but all I could think of is “matured.”


                “Thank you, Sung-min oppa.” she bowed.


                “You’re welcome.” I gently replied before giving her the things we shopped earlier. Just some moisturizers and make-ups. I kissed her on her forehead before closing the door behind me. I really won’t mind having a little sister like her.





long time no update! i'm sorry for that.. anyway i'm just so glad and happy and ecstatic today because my favorite fan fiction here on AFF is featured!!!


guess?? guess??


yup.. it's no other than Kyuhyun... It's been hard on you.


anyway.. i'll try to make it up to you my dearest readers.. ^___^ missed you guys anyway!!




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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...