
Stuck With You




~ Yoona’s P.O.V. ~


                “Do you like me?” Kyu-hyun asked me seriously.


                If I’m going to be honest, I’d probably say no but since I started lying a while ago, I guess I’d go with the flow.


                “Yes, of course!”  I replied gleefully.  I didn’t have my training at SME for nothing, right?


                Kyu-hyun’s forehead crumpled more at my answer. His breathing got heavier and his eyes more focused on me.


                “Don’t be funny, Yoona. you know you ‘don’t’ like me.” He stressed out. I almost giggled.


                No, I don’t. I thought as I roll my eyes remembering Kyu-hyun’s face last night.




                “Noona!” Tae-min shouted as he made his way out of the dorm to welcome the new comers.


                “Noona?” I asked Jessica. “Isn’t it the Super Junior van? Why would there be a girl there?”


                “Oh, that. I heard from Lee-teuk that they have this Yuna girl staying with them.” Jess smiled. “They said she’s pretty funny, although she can’t really cook any decent Korean food.”


                “Yuna, huh.” I glanced at the door again and saw an irritated Kyu-hyun enter, followed by the other members of Super Junior. “I’ll check her out, okay?” I murmured, not even looking at Jessica.


                I ran out of the dorm while greeting the other members on my way. When I found the girl, she’s talking to Tae-min. Something about him being blonde. I approached them happily, trying to create a comfortable atmosphere.


                “Yoona.” a voice called behind me. I stopped walking and turned to the one calling me.


                “Oh, annyeong!” I waved my hand to Ki-bum.


                “I guess you already know about our Yuna.” He said, pointing to the girl Tae-min is talking to.


                “Ah, yes. Jessica told me.” I nodded.


                “She doesn’t really know any of you guys. I don’t know why but she also didn’t know us when she got stuck with us at the bus.”


                “Really?” I raised one of my eye-brows. A girl not knowing Super Junior? Seriously, that’d be shocking. “That’s weird.”


                “Yeah, so, please be good to her.” Ki-bum sincerely said.


                I beamed at him. “Of course!”


                I watched Yuna being pulled by Tae-min, enter the dorm. I followed them slowly, still with Ki-bum tailing behind.


                “Annyeong!” I greeted her.


                Her eyes went wide with shock as she stared at me. I might think it’s rude, but since Ki-bum told me that she doesn’t know us, I guess it’s normal for her to be shocked.]


                “A-annyeong.” She stuttered.


                I smiled wider. “Eun-hyuk and Dong-hae will come any time now, so make yourself comfortable, okay?”


                She just nodded, still staring at me. Ki-bum and Tae-min left us already, knowing that I’m stating a fact that Eun-hyuk could enter any time now and the whole surprise thing would be over.


                “Yoona, Jessica and Tiffany wants you in the kitchen.” A familiar voice called. I smiled as I watch the girl in front me pout.


                I turned and saw Kyu-hyun peeping from the corner. “Yes, Oppa.” I replied.


                I glanced at the girl again and saw her blowing her hair in her face. I forced myself not to laugh. So I guess she likes someone from the group.


                “Will you be okay if I’d leave you now?” I asked her, noticing her change of mood.


                “Yes. Thank you.” she said in spite of the creases forming on her forehead now.


                I giggled and made my way to the kitchen. As I get nearer to it, I looked at Kyu-hyun and saw him having the same expression as the girl. I almost laughed when I realized what’s happening. These two people likes each other and they might have had a fight or something. Maybe, that’s why they’re acting like kids now.


                I approached Kyu-hyun and held onto his arm.  “Oppa, help us too.” I smiled brightly at him, and then I quickly gave a glance at the girl who now bites her lower lip from irritation. Assumption confirmed.


                I pulled Kyu-hyun with me and tried to squeeze out some information about the two of them from then on.


~~end of flashback~~


                Well, yeah. I tried my best to understand the both of them the whole night but all I ended up with is that they’re both hurting themselves unconsciously. Sadly, I volunteered to be their genie so now I really sound like a real antagonist.


                You see, last night, when I was talking to Kyu-hyun about the girl, he’s obviously hiding something inside him. His answers are short and not detailed. As if there something that might slip from his tongue if he’s not watchful. I also observed his expression after I saw Ki-bum carrying Yuna out of the dorm. It’s like the whole world crashed unto him. He just sat and sulk and cried.


                I tried to comfort him but did nothing better. And now, when I woke up, everyone’s been assuming that Kyu-hyun and me are together? You got to be kidding me, right? They said Kyu-hyun is calling me in his dreams, but I know exactly who he is calling out to.Yuna of Super Junior, not Yoona of SNSD.


                Grabbing the opportunity, I’d play this part for a while. Who knows? Maybe I could really help then.


                “Stop this game of your now.” I heard the hard voice of Kyu-hyun toward me. “Or else, I’ll stop being a gentleman and I’d put this in an end.”


                I smiled wider. “But I really, really, really like you!”


                He waved his hand, as if suing me away. “Fix this mess.” Were his last words before leaving me out there, smiling.


                “This is going to be a fun, hard game.” I concluded as I followed him inside, still smiling to myself as if winning a huge competition.


~ Yuna’s P.O.V. ~


                Another hurtling on my stomach made me jump out of my bed and run into the bathroom in no time. I kneeled down in front of the bowl and started to take out vomit as much as I can. It’s the second time that I woke up, the second time that I ran and the second time that I panicked about reaching the toilet in time before I mess up the whole room.  I never thought soju would have this kind of effect on me.


                After making sure that there’s nothing coming out of my mouth anymore, I went out of the bathroom and was greeted by Ki-bum.


                “Are you sure you’re fine?” he asked, handing me the towel.


                “Yes.” I murmured while wiping my cold and pale face.


                “I made coffee downstairs. Drink it, it may help.” He said, already assisting me out of Kyu-hyun’s room.


                Sipping the coffee from the mug, I gave Ki-bum a small smile. He took care of me since last night, plus he sang me to sleep. He’s such a good comforter during bad times and I’m lucky to have him here now.


                “A little better?” he questioned. I nodded in reply. “I think I shouldn’t let you drink anything next time.”


                I put the cup down and smiled at him wider. “I’m sorry about the trouble last night. And thank you for not leaving me behind.”


                “Just don’ get drunk again, okay?”


                “Okay!” I giggled


                Last night, I proved that no matter how drunk a person might be, he/she can still remember what’s happening around. Still conscious, as I’ve said, but all in all helpless. I can still remember my words and his replies. I can remember him carrying me away in his arms and the feeling of being there; warm, secured, cared for. He’s just amazing, I don’t even know why. I forgot everything else while I was being carried by him.


                “We’re back!” shouted a loud voice from the door. I spun around in time to see a jolly Lee-teuk tapping a smug Kyu-hyun. The other members are laughing in harmony behind them.


                “Oh, you’re here? When did you…” Lee-teuk trailed off, staring intently at me and my messed-up state and then at Ki-bum. The laughter ceased off.


                “You slept here? In our dorm? Alone?” he asked, making me shiver at his tone.


                “Hyung, Yuna’s drunk and I don’t think she’ll be able to rest there with your noise.” Ki-bum started explaining even before I started to comprehend things. “I called manager hyung last night and asked him to take us home for a rest. Besides, I was really tired and we still have schedules today.”


                I nodded continuously to them since my voice isn’t coming out. It’s like we committed a crime by sleeping here and not telling them. When I heard some of them sigh, I breathed too in relief. I glanced at Ki-bum and saw him nodding at Lee-teuk.


                “Come on, Park Jung Su, don’t ruin the mood.” Hee-chul, being the bright him, blurted. “Our maknae here turned out to be a real grown up man now.” He continued, patting Kyu-hyun’s head.


                What happened? What did we miss? And what is that supposed to mean?


                “Kyu-hyun is what?” Ki-bum asked, sounding as dumbfounded as I am.


                “Oh, you still didn’t know.” Hee-chul laughed. “He’s with Yoona now. Yoona of SNSD.”


                He’s with who?



long time no update? if you guys didn't know (which is a high possility) my desktop broke dow so i lost track of my stories.. but i'm back!! it's repaired and everything.. ^_____^


i hope you're still there.. although i know i as an author..





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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...