
Stuck With You





                I went back to Kyu-hyun’s room and screamed my heart out in silence.


                He asked me out! Kim Ki-bum of Super Junior just asked me out to go out with him tonight! I can’t believe it! I can’t believe what just happened.


                “I’ll see you later then. I’ll text you the location, okay?” he sweetly asked and it made me hang my mouth open in shock. I nodded of course, since I can’t really speak myself out; but his glittering smile remained on his face as he made his way into his room again.


                “What should I wear?” I asked myself after I rolled and tumbled over the bed in happiness. I quickly pulled out my bag and laid down all of my clothes on the bed. I frowned as I stared at it.


                “Not even a single dress.” I sighed. I never really imagined myself dating someone here in my short stay in Korea so I never really prepared anything. All I have are jeans and tees with these huge, oversized jackets and sweaters I bought while back. The most stylish top I had is that yellow off-shoulder shirt I wore on Eun-hyuk’s birthday. That’s all I have.


                I pushed my clothes off the bed and threw myself on it instead. How am I going to be presentable and beautiful enough for him? Aish, I’m totally useless. I covered my face with my hair and kicked my feet out onto the air. Then, I stared on the ceiling through my hair covered vision.


                “What if he saw my clothes and thought that I wasn’t taking him seriously?” I asked myself as I roll over the bed again to lie on my stomach. I buried my face with pillows and blankets and screamed in frustration.


                “Wow.” I heard someone chuckle. “Wild bears’ roar sure is scary.”


                I turned my head to look at Kyu-hyun and I frown more. He’s still holding the plate of the fried rice I cooked earlier; seems I forgot all about it now after I talked with Ki-bum, but it’s empty now. He has this irritating grin on his face as he scanned the clothes all messed up on the floor.


                I sighed and sat up on the bed to fully face him. “I’m not in the mood for fighting now, Puffy.”


                He shifted his eyes on me and smiled his sweet, gentle smile. “You don’t have clothes for your date.” He stated, acknowledging the inappropriate clothes he saw. I stood up and gathered my clothes, stuck them on my bag again and pushed it in the corner.


                As I faced him again, my frown returned in place. “How did you…” I shook my head and tried to remember how exactly he knew about our plans tonight.


                “I was behind Ki-bum that time.” He grinned. I nodded and sat back on the bed and played with my hair.


                He walked forward and stopped exactly on the edge of the bed where I was sitting. He reached out his hand and pinched my cheek. I yelped in pain. When he let it go, I puffed some air in it and started to rub it. He laughed and he started to reach out again. I screamed as he pinched my other cheek too.


                “Yah! It hurts!” I rubbed both of my cheeks, puffing it out now and then. I bet it’s both red now from soreness. “What is that for?”


                He giggled. “I just gave you a perfect blush as a good luck for your date later. It really suits you.”


                “Kyu-hyun!” I yelled and stared at him.


                He waved his hand off and started to head out of the room. He picked something from the wall behind the door and threw it to me. It’s a paper bag and I just stared at it for a while, wondering if I should open it or not. Kyu-hyun nodded so I opened it carefully; scared that he had put a bomb in there.


                “It’s a… dress?” I questioned, raising my head up to meet Kyu-hyun’s sincere face.


                “You’re free to use it.” He murmured.


                I stood up and inspected the dress I’m holding. It’s beige in color with an above the knee length. It has a rectangular-like neck line and long sleeves. The cloth is soft like cotton and the silk maroon ribbon on the waistline gives it a perfect boost of personality. I like it.


                “But…” I started as a smile formed on my face. “You’re wearing this kind of thing?”


                “Yah! Why would I wear a dress?” he yelled, obviously furious on my idea.


                “I don’t know.” I giggled. “Maybe you’re a… a…”


                “Stop!” he screeched and he lurched forward towards me. He snatched the dress from my hands and waved it in the air. “Would you use it or not?”


                I laughed. “I will use it.” I snatched it back and smiled at him.


                “Then stop asking about where I got that and just be thankful because I’m helping you out.” He crossed his arms on his chest and pouted. I laughed louder.


                “Komawo, Puffy.” I sweetly said. I laid the dress on the bed and stood up. I gently put my arms around him and rested my head on his chest. “I’m really thankful.” I murmured again.


                I felt him stiffen then he pushed me away. I looked at him in confusion then I realized what I had just done.


                I hugged him. For the first time in my life, I initiated a hug with a man.


                I stepped back, flustered, and turned my back on him. I picked the dress up and pretended to check it again. I can feel the hotness of my face and it’s embarrassing! When I felt him move out of the room, I sighed.


                “I’m really thankful.” I whispered again as I started to get ready for the day.




                I received the text message from Ki-bum a while ago and I’m now getting ready to get off my shift. I ran into the bathroom and pulled out the dress Kyu-hyun lend me. I carefully put it on me, keeping my clothes on my locker. I twirled and turned around at the front of the mirror and nodded to myself. I look acceptable, as far as I can say.


                “Yuna, there’s someone here who wants to see you!” Wo-chen shouted loud enough for me to hear. I pulled my coat out and draped it over me to hide my dress.


                When I went out of the locker room, I saw the gorgeous girl Kyu-hyun sat with at Eun-hyuk’s party; the girl he’s going out with. Why would she be here?


                “Annyeong!” she waved. I waved back.


                “Yoona-ssi, what can I do for you?” I formally asked, scared that I may offend her. She wore a simple tees and jeans, but she still looks like a goddess. Her slim long legs are perfectly outlined with her fitted jeans and it makes me envious for a moment.


                “How about try calling me ‘Unnie’?” she smiled and I swear, if I was a guy, I’d certainly forget my name now.


                “Okay, Unnie.” I smiled back shyly.


                “I’m here to help you.” She added brightly while raising a box she’s been holding. “You’re going out with Ki-bum, right?”


                I nodded. I stared on the box she’s holding and sighed. Maybe Kyu-hyun told her about today. They’re dating anyway.


                She pushed me towards the locker room and opened the ‘box’. My eyes widened as I stared at it. It’s full of make-up and those sort of things! It’s like a salon packed to fit the small box. Every kind of make-up is there; foundation, blusher, eye-shadow, lip stick and lip gloss, eye-liner, concealer, EVERYTHING!


                She clapped her hands to get my attention and she pointed on my coat. “Take it off for now. I need to see what kind of make-up suits you and your dress.” She ordered.


                I obliged, having no other option. I hang my coat on the chair behind us and stood stiffly in front of her. She stared at me for a while then she nodded.        


                “Okay, let’s start.” She declared, pulling me close enough for her to reach me.


                I didn’t know how long it took before everything was done. She just told me to close my eyes and trust her with this so I did. She’s an idol anyway, so she’s pretty much trained to put on make-ups, right? I could feel her soft, light hands go over with my face. I could hear her soft breathing and ticking of the tongue all through out the process. Having my eyes closed, those sounds were the only thing that comforts me as she changed my appearance into something I don’t know yet.


                “There!” she exclaimed. “It’s done. Open your eyes.”


                I opened my eyes and the lights hurt my vision for a while. When I can fully see everything around me, she pulled me to face the mirror to look on how she did me.


                I look like… not me. My eyes look bigger and beautiful. My lips had this perfect shape it never had before. I guess she didn’t even put that much make-up on me because that’s the only thing I noticed. I still maintain that child-like image I had from the very start but with some of my features emphasized, it looks like I matured a bit. Entirely, I look different; beautiful, but different.


                “Do you like it?” she asked, watching me inspect what she did on the side line.


                “Yes.” I nodded. I’m pretty.


                “Good!” she clapped her hands. “Where will you meet him? I’ll give you a ride.” She invited enthusiastically.


                “Uhmm…” I hesitated but I showed her the text message I received earlier. She nodded after reading it then she grabbed my coat and helped me on putting it on again.


                “Let’s go!”




                “Thank you very much, Unnie.” I bowed after she dropped me off on the place.


                “No problem.” She smiled. “I’m doing this because Kyu-hyun oppa asked me to.”


                I’m lucky I’m still bowing down low or else she would’ve seen the change on my expression. Kyu-hyun oppa? Aish, that doesn’t sound right. But, oh well, I couldn’t care less. Not that I’m jealous or anything, it’s just that the mean dragon doesn’t deserve Yoona Unnie. That’s all, okay?


                I raised my head up and waved her my good bye. Then I stood at the front door of the restaurant, scared to go in without Ki-bum oppa. I’ll wait for him here. He wouldn’t take that long, right? I checked my watch and it says 6:51pm. So nine more minutes then he’ll be here.


                Nine more minutes and I’d have the happiest time of my life.




i wonder where my readers are.. O____O anyway, Kyuhyun is sooo cute! agree?? ROFL





thanks for all of you who are still reading this! ^_____^


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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...