
Stuck With You


                A hand covered my mouth and prevented me from screaming some more. I bit it before it even registered to me. The owner of the hand shrieked and he let my mouth free from his palm. I think I tasted blood from it, maybe I bit him too hard. I pushed the man away from me as I ran towards the door.


                “Yuna, will you please calm down?” the man spoke gently as if he’s not injured. At the same time, I click the lights open. My mouth hung open as I stared at the currently bleeding man on the bed.


                A chorus of “What happened?” echoed through out the house. Then, one by one, the other members appeared behind me, at the slightly ajar door.


                “Ki-bum oppa?” I whispered in disbelief.


                “Are you okay?” I heard Sung-min ask behind me. “Why did you scream?”


                I had no time to face them instead I walked back towards the bed and sat beside Ki-bum. I pulled his hand, which he’s currently pressing so that it’ll stop bleeding, out of his grasp. I stared at it as my eyes filled up.


                “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I... was... I’m sorry.” I stuttered while looking at his injured palm.


                “I startled you, I’m sorry.” He replied instead, pulling his hand away from me again.


                “You bit Ki-bum?” I heard the raising tone of Sung-min as he approached us. He knelt down in front of me and Ki-bum as he examined Ki-bum’s exposed wound.


                “I’ll get the first aid kit.” Eun-hyuk announced as he ran somewhere.


                “Go back to sleep. I’m fine.” Ki-bum shooed the other curious members and he gave them his assuring smile.


                “Just don’t go screaming again, okay?” Hee-chul and Kang-in said in unison. I nodded with my head back to them. I’m still staring at the crescent shaped wound in Ki-bum’s hand which I produced.


                Eun-hyuk, I guess, handed Sung-min the first aid kit after a few minutes. Sung-min started on applying the disinfectant and cream on it and I just watched the wound slowly being covered by the cream and, lastly, by a bandage.


                “Sleep, Yuna. You’re just tired.” Sung-min told me as he got up. He patted my head and then he turned away to leave. “Ki-bum, don’t give her a shock next time.” I heard him giggle before the door closed again.


                I started crying when everybody left us. Somehow, I managed to choke back my sobs while Sung-min oppa was curing Ki-bum’s palm. Now that we’re alone, the guilt washed through me.


                “I’m... so sorry.” I sobbed, making it harder for him to understand.


                He flipped and examined his now fully covered palm. Then he pulled me towards him with his other hand. He hugged me tightly before letting out a tired and long sigh.


                “I’m sorry if I scared you.” He murmured. I shook my head before burying it between his head and shoulder. “You we’re sobbing in your sleep. It’s like you’re having a bad dream, so I thought I’d just sing beside you to make you calm.” He started on patting my back softly.


                I sobbed harder on his neck and he gave out a little laugh. I frowned, wondering what seems funny now but I forgot it all when he pulled out of the hug and stared right to my eyes.


                “Yuna, you’ll tell me when something or if someone is bothering you, right?” he sincerely asked as if reading through me. “You won’t keep secrets?”


                I didn’t get his point but I nodded my head slowly and unsurely. He smiled at me before he kissed my forehead.


                “I love you.” He murmured and it made me cry more. “I love you and I want to take care of you. I told you that I’ll always be here for you so don’t forget that.”


                I wiped my tears away and smiled at him. “I love you.” I whispered back to him before hugging him again. He surrendered in my arms as I buried my face in his chest. “And I’m so sorry about the bite.” I giggled and he laughed with me.



                I slept in his arms, as far as I know, and when I woke up, he’s still there. It’s like we’re already a married couple and I felt the assurance inside me that I could sleep and wake up in his arms as often as I would want to. However, I wonder what he meant last night; about something happening to me and secrets. I’m still guilty about his wound, especially when I caught a glimpse of his palm at his side. I glanced at the clock and decided I should at least make it up to him. I worked my way out of his arms and went silently to the kitchen.


                It’s past six in the morning and I know its way too early but I want to do something special for Ki-bum. I started on making fried rice topped with fried eggs. I found cold kimchi inside the ref too and I heated it up for later. I arranged the table and decided that the other members would feel bad if they’ll see Ki-bum eating something and when they discovered that I only cooked for one.


                I panicked and started on cooking again for the others. Then, I left their food on the table, covered and all hot. They’re all fried, so I guess there’s nothing special about it. I bet Ryeo-wook’s cooking is better than mine too, I just hope they’ll like it still.


                I grabbed a tray and arranged the breakfast I made for Ki-bum on it. Before leaving the kitchen, I glanced back at the food on the table. If Kyu-hyun’s here, he would’ve eaten all of it now. I smiled to myself then I made my way upstairs. Back to the room where Ki-bum is still sleeping.


                When I opened the door, I saw Ki-bum sitting on the bed and fully awake already. He’s holding Kyu-hyun’s laptop and he’s smiling widely at it, as if he can see something funny at it. I cleared my throat to catch his attention.


                “I cooked breakfast.” I said proudly before carefully putting the tray of food at the bedside table.


                He glanced at me and smiled, then he re looking at the laptop. Curious, I sat beside him and looked at the screen. It displays my entry at my blog last night and he’s staring at my... picture?


                I blushed and snatched the laptop from him. I switched it off and kept it under the bed.


                “What? I’m not allowed to see your transformation last night but Kyu-hyun is?” he asked skeptically while crossing his arms both in front of his chest.


                I pouted. “It’s not that... it’s just... embarrassing.”


                “What’s embarrassing? You’re pretty, really.” He cooed and I had to smile to that. “Don’t believe Kyu-hyun if he’s saying that you still look the same.” He beamed while stretching his arms towards me. “You’ve grown and became a beautiful lady now.”


                I accepted his stretched out hands and held them tightly between mine. “Thanks.” I almost whispered while blowing out some air from my mouth. “Let’s eat?” I pointed to the food and he nodded.


                “I read you had a great time yesterday with Sung-min hyung.” He said in between mouthfuls of rice.


                “Yes. He bought me this.” I smiled while pointing at the sweater by the feet of the bed. “Plus, he gave me a make over.”


                He grinned before swallowing another spoonful. “Let’s go out some time and shop too. I want to buy you something.”


                I shook my head ‘no’ and looked down. “The prices are unbelievable and I don’t want you or anyone buying me expensive things.”


                “Then let’s just have a stroll. Let’s go to the amusement park and have fun. What do you think?” he urged. I smiled and nodded. After some minutes, I frowned.


                “But you have schedules each and everyday. We won’t have enough time.” I stated.


                He took the last spoonful and he put the tray back to the bedside table. “Then I’d ask for a day-off. How about tomorrow?”


                My whole being was filled with happiness I don’t even know how to describe it. Perhaps, if I’d be required to describe how I feel right now, I’d say I feel like he just asked my hand for marriage! My eyes sparkled and glinted with so much joy I know it’ll be hard to make any eye contact with me. My lips smiles so widely that you’d think it’s about to be torn in two! Then, my cheeks are full of color, I might be mistaken as a tomato or anything red and round like that. I‘m just... happy!



~ Kyu-hyun’s P.O.V. ~


                I stared at her newly captured picture again and her naughty replies. She looks the same; cute as always. I don’t know why she wanted me to say that she’d changed when in fact she’s already pretty in my eyes. Such a stubborn girl. I smiled as came across her comment which says that she misses me and she wants me back. It was funny feeling this way. It seems like she really wants me to be there by her side; I don’t know if she had any idea that I feel worse than that. I wanted to be with her every second of the day, just making fun of her. I want to be with her but I can’t. I’m here at China, promoting our new sub group. It’s not that I don’t want to. I’ve been told about the plans for this sub group for almost a year now and I know that this time would really come; when we have to leave Korea and perform on a different country, leaving the other members.  It’s just that when Yuna showed up and affected my life in an unexpected way, everything changed.


                I heard the beeping sound of the printer and I slowly approached it; not wanting to wake any of my hyung’s there. We all had a hard day yesterday. Interview and performances crowded our entire day and it was exhausting. I wouldn’t have this extra energy if not because of my long distance conversation with Yuna. I even sang her to sleep as if I’m beside her! (Not to mention the high fare of calling long distance.)


                I smiled at the printed image in my hand. I grabbed a pair of scissors and started to cut it clean around the edge so that it’d fit in my small rectangular wallet. I laughed at myself when I finally, and successfully, fitted the picture in my wallet. It’s like I achieved something of high regards and I did it perfectly. I poked the picture before closing my wallet and keeping it under my pillow.


                I gave the screen of my laptop a final look before shutting it down; its screensaver still lingers in my mind even after I kept it on my temporary closet. I closed my eyes tightly and imagined I’m back at Korea, pissing her off every now and then; earning her funny groan and loud laugh. I imagined I’m with her again. I’m making her laugh as usual and there’s nothing that could stop us from having fun. Nothing but one.


                I frowned at the foreign thought and shut it off my mind. I don’t want to think about her and him together. He’s taking my place as her knight and clown. No. Don’t. Please. Don’t.


                I drifted on to dreamland and everything seemed fine with her; until dreamland turned to nightmare land. It’s where she’s with him, having fun, while I’m at a distant place, sorrowfully watching them together.


                I woke up in a startle and ended up staring at her picture in my wallet again. I took a deep breath, placing the picture on my chest, right above my heart, and closing my eyes to have some peaceful rest again.




wahhh.. thank you so much guys!! thanks for waiting and for reading and for commenting!! ^____^

and i do predict not all of you woul like this chapter because it's about YuKi!!!


well, things happened.. i'm really thankful to you all my dearest subscribers and readers!





Trishdicator.. thanks for subscribing and i hope i won't fail you til the end.. GLAD YOU LIKED THE STORY!! ^___^

akishaire..   let's see.. LOL do you really think Yuna is in love with Kyu and not with Kibum??

PRINCESS_kdelhy i wish i am her too.. ^^, she's just lucky.. well, i think i';m imagining i am her and Kyu is singing to me. we have such simple but impossible dreams and wishes..

Evil_angelELF    hope the turn of events still satisfied you.. thanks so much!

chocolate   it's for a week, so based on my calculations, it'll be about four more days.. hold on there. ^___^

epik_perfection   here's the update!! ^___^ thanks so much!!

ShiroiParadise you're definitely right!! it's Kibum.. ^___^ and i love her day with Sungmin too.. he's just adorable.. thanks so much!

lovesujuforever    i don't really need solid ideas.. it's just that i get so inspired whenever i read some comments.. then the ideas would flow and i could update more often.. thanks so much!! ^____^



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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...