Annoyingly True

Stuck With You



~ Kyu-hyun’s P.O.V. ~


                “Yah, how long will you be pretending to be with Yoona?” Dong-hae nudged me from behind. I shrugged my shoulders.


                “Why don’t you just tell Yuna that you like her?” he asked again as he threw his right arm on my shoulder. “Is it that hard?”


                I turned my face to the left and faced him. “Why do you keep on asking me these questions for the past week?” I asked back, pushing his arm off me.


               “Yuna’s not in a good mood for the past week.” He stated, putting his arm back around my shoulder. “It’s your fault, you know that.” He pointed out.


                I snorted. Yeah, right. Yuna’s not in a good mood this past week. Every time she sees me, she’ll either walk away or pretend that I’m totally not there. It annoys me too when she locks up herself on my room right after she got home from work. I understand that she might be tired but I'm tired too! She wouldn’t even let me in my own room now whenever she’s there! I don’t know what’s going on with her and she’s not telling anything to Yoona as well.


                “You should just tell her what you really feel so that all of these non sense cold shoulders she’s giving you will end.” Dong-hae tapped me one last time before leaving for the door of the practice hall.


                Should I really give up and just tell her the truth that it was all just a play? That Yoona and I were never together? After that day when I saw her at the coffee shop, I’ve decided that I will do my best to let Yuna discover her feelings for me naturally while Yoona and I are pretending to have a relationship. This is Yoona’s idea, originally, but then, things happened and now, I can see that Yuna is like a lost girl in her own feelings. She doesn’t know what she likes or dislikes. She’s someone who literally pushes the one she likes away from her. Maybe it’s some defense mechanism her unconscious self made up because of her previous relationship with guys.


                But not even her undiscovered side can stop me from making her realize her real feelings. Especially now that I know that the object of those feelings is me.


                I cranked up my laptop and opened her website. There are no new blog posts there still. It’s just like the way it was before I left for China. I scrolled down to read those conversations we had on the comment section but what I saw surprised me.




                It’s obviously Yuna since no one else calls me Puffy. That silly nickname she gave me just because of that nursery rhyme I sang her way back when she got so scared because of the shrieking head. But, it’s cute, right? Whenever she calls me that way, I feel like we are already connecting with each other in an unexplainable way.


                My eyes wandered on the screen in front of me as I imagined her screaming the same thing in my room. I’d do anything to hear her screaming my name again, or in this case, my nickname, with her untameable voice.


                I smiled widely to myself as I typed in the words that could possibly heighten or loosen her anger. The result may vary depending on the way that she’ll perceive my message. It’s posted. Now, I’ll just wait for her reply in, maybe, an hour?


                I turned off my laptop and made my way out as well. We all have a full schedule nowadays but I’ll always have time for her. She just needs to call.


~ Yuna’s P.O.V. ~


                My eyes almost dropped out of its socket as I read the newly posted comment on my blog.




                Before I realized it, I’m screaming Kyu-hyun’s name on top of my lungs again. I’ve been doing this for the past few days. I’ve been wrestling with my pillows while shouting Kyu-hyun’s name and pretending he’s the pitiful white cloth.


                I’m not absolutely sure why I’m so mad at him. It’s just that I don’t like to talk to him, I don’t want to see him and I don’t want him! I don’t need him either so leave it be. Since that afternoon, I feel like I’ve been humiliated for a span of a lifetime. I mean, I’m not really following him because I like to, right? I went to the place to tell him that Yoona unnie can’t make it. Or was that the real reason? Anyway, what’s with the ‘I love you’ thingy he needs to say for us to hear. Haven’t he though of the people around him? How we’re feeling? Why does he need to let me hear those hateful words!?


                A loud bang stopped me from tearing the pillow apart. My head automatically turned to the source of the sound and saw the second to the least person I’d like to see this very moment; Ki-bum.


                “I’m sorry, I thought I heard you screaming and I just went in without thinking.” He explained, gasping for air and looking intensely at me. He glanced down at my lap and saw the pillow I’m trying to tear apart. “What are you doing? Are you fine?”


                No, I’m definitely not fine. Having you see me in this miserable state definitely is not helping. And what are you worrying for? Didn’t you dump me because... I can’t even remember! Well, celebrate all you want! I’m pitiful, you got your wish. Now, just leave me alone!


                “Yeah, I’m fine.” I lied, smoothing the pillow and throwing it across the bed. I turned my back to him as I sobbed silently. I don’t even know why I’m crying. It’s just that all of the frustration in my life came rolling in and, viola, the tears won’t even stop.


                I heard him clear his throat and then the door closed. The sobs that were soundless earlier flowed out roughly from my throat, letting the whole room be filled with its noise. I closed my eyes tightly and covered them with the back of my hands; like a child falling down and crying because of a wound produced by the rough road and the impact of the fall. I just hope there’d be someone who’ll pull me up on my feet again. But I know there’s no one, so I just let myself drown on the sound of my sobs and the tears flowing freely from my eyes.


                “Yuna.” Someone called and a face of a man suddenly flashed in my head. I opened my eyes quickly, hoping for that vision to be true, but a different face is in front of me right now.


                “Yuna.” He called again before reaching out to me, his arms opened, inviting me in. Before I could react, I was in his arms, crying my heart out again.


This time, I’m pretty much sure why I’m crying. It’s because I’m not with that person. It’s because I wanted to be comforted by him and not this man with me now. I want him to be here telling me everything’s going to be alright. But right now, I’m just a helpless girl in the arms of the man who broke my heart before and I can’t even fight and run away.


“It’s okay.” He whispered. I shook my head.


It’s not going to be okay. I wanted to say but my voice is being suppressed by my crying. It’s not going to be okay because he’s not here.


In that instant, I realized another annoying fact; I missed Puffy and I wanted to see him.

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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...