Date [Part 1}

Stuck With You




~ Yuna’s P.O.V ~


                “Sshh.” Ki-bum whispered as we make our way through the empty living room. We’re like small kids, sneaking behind their parents’ back. He said we’d be better off without the questions of the other members and I totally agree. I’m still scarred from Lee-teuk’s words the last time we talked.


                There’s a white car out front and, as soon as our feet touched the ground, he ran for it. He opened the passenger’s door wide for me before running back to the front door. He grabbed my hand, gently but firmly, and pulled me towards it.


                “I borrowed this.” He stated, still holding my hand. “It’s better than commuting.” He finished before motioning me to go inside.


                I nodded before I went in and took my seat. The windows were tinted black outside but it gives you a clear view of your surrounding from the inside. The temperature is warmer here, too, and it makes me feel more comfortable. I’m still nervous about today that my hands can’t stop sweating and clutching. I’m scared that I’d make any mistake and that I’d get him into trouble. But, anyway, I don’t want to think about that now.


                “Ready?” Ki-bum’s voice broke my negatives thoughts and, when I turned to face him, his smile finished off my worries. He took his seat beside me and gripped the steering wheel in front of him. He looks so excited and happy; it’s as if he’s going to fly away with me unto somewhere only him and me could go and enjoy. He’s cute. I flashed him my best smile as I nodded.






                He parked the car in a vacant space on the farthest side of the lot. He took something from the backseat, without removing his seatbelt, and held out his hand with a paper bag. I eyed him, not really understanding what he’s doing, before looking around the place.


                The lot is almost vacant. There is just this four other cars in it and it is, like, a hundred meters away from where we are. The place is quiet and still, too, and it’s creepy. The amusement park is within my vision although only the tops of the big rides were visible. Ki-bum said we’d park a block away from the place so I expected a noisy place. Unfortunately, this is the opposite of what I’m expecting.


                I sighed and calmed myself. I’d be fine as long as I’m with Ki-bum. He won’t let anything bad happen to me. He’ll be here. He’ll protect me.

                I chanted on my mind that everything’s going to be fine and I closed my eyes shut for a jiffy. Then, I turned my head to look again at the source of my comfort. When my eyes met his, I screamed in shock.


                “Calm down.” He hushed me, reaching out for my shoulder to tap me. “Is my disguise that effective?” he chuckled.


                “What are you wearing?” I asked, dumbly. I stared at his face longer before blinking my eyes continuously, as if that action would take the illusion away.


                He held his chin up and smiled at me. “A mustache.” He the thin group of hair just right above his lips. It weaved and turned into a slightly thick line of hair there, perfectly combed. His eyebrows went up and down as his eyes went wide. Then he asked, “Does it suit me?”


                I giggled after processing his words. Does it suit him? He looks like a bad guy down the road waiting for someone who could pose as his victim. It’s just so not him! I mean, I saw a lot of men in mustache and some of them look good with it. But with the Ki-bum I know? I don’t think that’s suitable.


                “No. It doesn’t.” I finally managed to choke out after my few seconds of ecstasy. “You look… weird.” I admitted to him. He frowned at first but before I could even apologize for telling him those words, he beamed.


                “That’s the point!” he opened the door on his side and ran to my side to open the door beside me. He opened his hand, palm up, for me to take. I pouted at him but I accepted it anyway. I went out of the car and stood right in front of him.


                “What’s the point again?” I asked him as he shut the door behind me close. I had my forefinger on my temple as I tried to look like he’s giving me hard time thinking. He laughed off.


                “The point is” he started, placing my hand in his and intertwining our fingers. “Everyone should think I’m just a weird guy who has a mustache and I’m having a great day with my girl.” He pinched my cheek and I turned red.


                He’s making me weak now. I could just faint here or die. I stared deep in his eyes, asking for something I can’t voice out. He got the message anyway. He gave me the last thing I need right now; he kissed me. So, I closed my eyes.


                He pulled off from the kiss first before I could even appreciate the moment fully. He grinned at me as he pulled stuff from the paper bag he had. It’s another disguise; a blonde wig. He faced the darkly tinted window of the car and he carefully put on the wig on his head, hiding his natural hair totally. He looked weirder now but, as he said, that’s his point of wearing such things.


                “Let’s go!” he pulled me with him towards the amusement park after making sure that everything is as he wanted.




                There are a lot of people in the park, although Ki-bum said that the visitors are lesser than it’s usual since it’s a work day. The silence that welcomed me at the parking lot had disappeared now and that creepy feeling I had earlier is gone too. now, I’m excited.


                Ki-bum pointed upwards, to the tower-like structure ahead us. It has this long building line at the entrance which indicates it’s one of the favorites. A huge ring of seats was full of smiling people with their belts tightly wrapped around their waists. There’s a girl holding onto her companions hand while shaking her head ‘no’. I smiled and read the sign beside the line. ‘Gyro Drop’


                “Want to try?” Ki-bum invited in English, being in the state of enjoying his role as a weird blonde guy with a mustache.


                “Sure!” I bravely replied as a shrill of fright crawled on me.


                I glanced back at the ride and watched as the ring of seats crawled its way up to the top of the tower. It stayed there for a while before plunging in down towards the ground again. Screams filled the area, it felt like my ear drums are about to explode.


                “Scared much?” I heard Ki-bum ask beside me, pulling me towards the line. Then I realized, one of the screams I heard was mine.


                I glanced up again, looking at the ride closer now as we settled on the line. Another batch of brave people started boarding as the previous group alight it. The girl I saw shaking her head earlier is now shaking. I pity her, but I pity myself more. What have I got myself into?


                The line quickly shortened as the seats were filled. I noticed that we’re up for the next batch. I watched carefully as the ring of seats go up again. I counted as it stayed there, almost a hundred meters up from where we are. Then, it dove down again. One, two... oh, hell. Two seconds of hell.


                “Please step carefully!” the attendant announced as he guide each of us up on the seats. “Secure the belts for safety!” he called again.


                I can feel my blood rush through my veins as I took a seat beside Ki-bum. I glanced at him on the right and saw his wide smile plastered on. I smirked at him before looking at my left. There’s another guy sitting beside me, he’s smiling too. I shook my head and took a deep breathe.


                “Scared, miss?” the unknown guy asked before flashing me a smile again. I frowned.


                “What?” I raised my tone at him, slightly tilting my head towards his other side. There’s another guy there who is laughing out loud as if there’s no tomorrow. So, he’s not on a date; he’s here with his friends.


                I looked back at the guy, seeing his shy expression now. I smiled at him. “What are you saying?”


                He smiled instead. “I- I’m... shoory” he replied before turning his head away from me.


                I shook my head again, then I felt a hand squeeze mine. I glanced at my right and saw Ki-bum grinning at me again. He squeezed my hand tighter before he let it go. He fixed his wig so that it wouldn’t fly away then, he looked straight ahead in front of us. There’s still a long line of people, waiting for my turn. They’re all watching us.


                “Ready!” the attendant shouted and his voice rang on my head over and over again. I felt the seats being lifted from the ground and my eyes automatically looked downwards. There’s a huge gap between the ground and my feet. Blood drained off of my face as it grew wider.


                “Yuna!” Ki-bum shouted, trying to make his voice heard above all of the noise in the place. I glanced at him, my eyes focusing on his. “Hold my hand!” he ordered, opening up his palm for me to hold.


                I nodded, but my hand is frozen on the handle. I can feel my eyes well-up. I glanced back at him before shaking my head. I can’t do this. I just...


                “Trust me.” Ki-bum said gently, lowering his voice so that I could only hear. His open palm reached for my hand and it melted my freezing fingers. With his hands entwined with mine again, I nodded stiffly at him.


                I glanced up again, trying to show some courage. But, just when my eyes met the blank sky ahead us, we fell. I screamed, louder than what I thought was my loudest scream. I want to kick off and get away, but a hand secured me. One, two...


                Everyone clapped as the others started to get off. I’m still frozen at my seat until a hand pulled me up.


                “That’s great!” he shouted as he pulled/ dragged me with him away. My legs aren’t cooperating with me so I just let Ki-bum pull me towards wherever.


                He pushed me down on a bench after a while. After saying something to me, which I don’t understand, he left. I gasped for air then. I guess I’m having those late reactions or after-shocks people used to talk about. My heart is beating fast in my chest, I think it might jump out anytime. I let my hand rest in front of my throbbing heart and made sure it’s still there. My other hand grasped on the seat and my mouth was wide open, still gasping some air.


                I have never experienced such feeling before. I thought I’m about to die! I thought, when we fell, I’m falling directly on my own grave. Well, that’s a funny thought though, since the safety belts are all strapped on me. But, still! That’s so scary!


                A cold bottle made its way on my cheek and I jerked my head away from it. I looked up and saw Ki-bum, holding two cans of soda.


                “Sorry. I shouldn’t have forced you to ride that thing.” He murmured after opening the cans of soda and handing me one. “I didn’t realize you’d be that scared.


                I shook my head. I wanted to remind him that he didn’t force me in the first place, but I can’t find my voice in me. I gulped some of the soda and it scratched through my throat. I coughed.


                “Are you fine?” he asked, patting me lightly at the back.


                I nodded my head as the coughing stopped. “I-I’m o- okay.” I managed to say.


                I drank and finished my soda before handing the can to Ki-bum. My throat aches now, but at least I could still speak. I looked around and noticed some people looking at us. I glanced at Ki-bum and saw his mustache hanging onto the side of his lip. It’s messy and it’s about to let go any time now. I pulled it off his face.


                “What?” he asked, shocked. I showed him my hand and his eyes widened. I shook my head.


                “Go on. Put it again.” I teased, but he followed anyway. He put it on properly, making sure every edge sticks well, before beaming.


                “Everyone must’ve thought I’m crazy having a mustache hang on my face.” He stated. I giggled with him for a few moments, then his hands found mine again. “Ready for the next ride?”


                I froze. Oh, no.







anyway, i don't have much time so to cut it short...






and, sorry too, but the next chapter is still about YUKI!!! ^___^ 





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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...