Yuna's Defeat (??)

Stuck With You




                Dong-hae called a taxi and we all tried to fit in the back seat with Yuna sitting between us. I forcefully closed the door as I pushed my body in the car. Dong-hae yelled as Yuna stepped on his feet while Yuna screamed as I pulled her away.


                “This won’t do.” Dong-hae said in frustration. I glanced at him and saw him struggling to get some air.


                “Kyu-hyun, stop pushing and pulling.” Yuna protested, pushing me away from her. I smirked at her.


                “Hey Kyu-hyun, sit beside the driver.” Dong-hae ordered as he shifted on his seat again.


                “Why would I?” I asked, shocked at Dong-hae’s words. Do I have to spell it out to him? That we need some time alone?


                “Yeah, Kyu-hyun. Take the front seat. You’re squishing me here.” Yuna seconded. “Dong-hae oppa, I’m sorry about your feet.” She hurriedly turned to Dong-hae as if I wasn’t there anymore. I frowned.


                “Hyung, can’t you take the front seat?” I tried to ask Hae, but he’s busy telling Yuna that he’s fine. He bowed down to reach his feet which Yuna stepped on to and Yuna watched it seriously, as if it’s going to bleed. I groaned in frustration.


                I opened the door on my side and went out. I banged it shut as I opened the front door of the car. I slumped on the front seat before stealing a glance from the two behind.


                “Good thing you sit here.” the driver beside me said. I nodded to him. “Just understand your friends. They need some time alone.” he added, I stared at him in horror.


                They need some time alone? Isn’t it that Yuna and I need some time alone? Dong-hae hyung is the third wheel here, not me! Why am I the one being kicked out of the picture?


                Through the mirror, I took a glance at them again. Dong-hae is whispering something to Yuna and Yuna is laughing! What the hell is happening? And, to add to my already boiling blood, he suddenly pulled Yuna’s hand and placed it between his!


                I coughed loudly to at least make them feel my presence but, to my dismay, Yuna just shrugged her shoulders and Dong-hae just waved his hand in the air, telling me that I shouldn’t look at them. He told the driver where we’re going before divulging into another irritating and giggle-filled conversation with Yuna. I banged my head silently on the head rest as I closed my eyes, thinking of things that I should do to be noticed by her.


                When the craziest thought snapped me on my seat, I put out my phone and dialled the number of the girl who promised to help me get together with Yuna; Yoona.


~ Yuna’s P.O.V. ~


                “You’re hands are cold.” Dong-hae stated as he kept on giving friction to my frozen hands. “Are you that scared earlier?” he continued, holding up our hands to my face level.


                I smiled at him. “I don’t want to lose to Kyu-hyun.” I admitted as I glanced at the front seat where Kyu-hyun is seated.


                “You’re both stubborn.” He laughed, and I laughed with him. “Let’s see who’ll win in the end.”


                I shifted my eyes to Dong-hae as my mind absorbed his words.


                “In the end?” I asked.


                “When both of you are tired of freaking each other out. Like now.” He pouted and pointed his lips towards Kyu-hyun who is now frowning and whispering incoherent words. His reflection is well-seen from the side mirror of the car; I guess he doesn’t know that.


                “Hmm-mm.” I nodded, still trying to grasp his words. I don’t really understand what he meant by us freaking each other out. Did I do something that freaked Kyu-hyun? Did I do something that made Kyu-hyun crazy or anything? I can’t remember, though. He never really showed any reaction when I do stupid things. He just laughs at me and my foolishness.


                “Why did you follow him in the first place?” Dong-hae asked, finally putting my hand down on my lap again. I curled my fingers repeatedly just for my entertainment.


                “I don’t know.” I replied truthfully. “Maybe, I’m just curious.”


                “Or jealous.” He added. My eyes widened and I felt my blood rush up to my face again, like earlier when they saw Yoona’s messages on my phone.


                I laughed, hardly and forcefully as I tried to block out some of the thoughts on my mind. But, however I tried to stop those thoughts, they still entered my mind.


                Why would I be jealous? It’s not like I could be compared to the goddess-like beauty of Yoona; or to her perfect body. I’m honestly nowhere near her. I mean, who am I anyway? I’m just a stupid girl who rode the bus of the Asian boy group, Super Junior; lost my money, phone and camera in an instant; fainted on the bus ride when hugged by a member and woke up in their dorm a few hours later; cries and wails endlessly over such small things; refused to go home even if I know I can’t stay without any money because of my useless pride; and now, stalking a member after being dumped by another man.


                Yeah, that’s my uninteresting history. So, tell me now, how can someone like me be compared to Im Yoona, a member of a widely popular girl group and has thousands of fans all over the world. How?


                And, it’s not like I have feelings for Kyu-hyun, right? I don’t like him, totally. How could I like someone like him? He’s mean and crazy and he just makes me lose my patience all of the time. He always plays pranks on me and he loves seeing me mad. Plus, he left me for a week without even saying any proper goodbye! And, despite that distance, he still annoyed me to the fullest even without being beside me. I mean, how could someone actually do that? Annoying someone when you’re a plane-ride away from each other? I’m telling you, he’s evil! EVIL!


                So, no. I’m not jealous. I. AM. NOT. JEALOUS!


                “Yuna, are you fine?” Dong-hae squeezed me on my shoulder and that snapped me back to the present situation. Okay, we’re still in the car going somewhere and Dong-hae is beside me while the mean dragon sits up front. “Yuna?”


                I looked up and met Dong-hae’s eyes. He’s worried so I smiled at him. Then, I felt something in my hands. I looked down, together with Dong-hae, and saw my handkerchief ripped in the corner. My hands are grasping it too hard that the cloth gave up on keeping their selves together. I let the cloth go and stared at it longer.


                “Are you sure you’re fine?” he asked me again as he picked the handkerchief on my lap. I nodded as we both examined it closely. It’s really ruined.


                Kyu-hyun’s loud laughter echoed in the small car out of nowhere. We looked up at him to see what caused his uproar but only saw him holding his phone on his ear. I glanced at Dong-hae, who is as dumbstruck as I am, and shook my head. I stole the cloth in his hand and folded it between my hands, then, we both waited for Kyu-hyun to calm down again.


                “No, it’s alright. I told you already. I understand it completely.” He continuously defended on the phone. “I know. We’re both busy and our time isn’t ours. Let’s just have our date some other time.” He continued.


                Don’t tell me… Is he talking to Yoona unnie?


                “Okay, take care, Yoona.” His sweet voice rang on my ear over and over again. There’s something about it that I hate. I can feel my hands undoing the neat fold I just did on my handkerchief, making it look like a rag again. My eyes are focused on the smiling Kyu-hyun and I’m all ears to him too.


                “Yuna.” Dong-hae called beside me. I ignored him and continued on eavesdropping on Kyu-hyun’s phone conversation.


                “I love you.” Kyu-hyun finally whispered before removing his phone from his ear.


                Everything went blurry that instant. I don’t know what I did or what I’m doing. I felt pressure on my shoulder but it isn’t something that could pull me back to reality. My eyes only focused on Kyu-hyun and his wide smile while he’s staring at the screen of his phone. He’s happy. He’s too happy. And I know that I should be too. But, there’s this uncomfortable feeling inside me that keeps me from being the uncaring me again.




               The low sound made me bow my head to look at its source. So, there goes my handky. I heard a chuckle beside me. Right, I’m with Dong-hae at the backseat. He’s laughing at the poor condition of the cloth in my hands. Or, perhaps, he’s laughing at my poor condition. I felt his breath on my ear as he leaned closer. I closed my eyes, with my head still bowed low and waited for I don’t know what.


                Dong-hae’s voice was so low and calm, it’s hard to believe he’s smiling. He said one word and it made me yell ‘no!’ at the top of my lungs right after it slipped through his lips. Then, it’s his turn to fill the car with laughter as I stared at him in horror. I shook my head hardly, as if doing so would prove that he’s wrong; as if doing so would prove that I’m not feeling that way. It’s all useless, anyway.


                I slapped my forehead with my hand and bend my body over to squeeze my head between my knees as I admit defeat. Every emotion flooded inside me and brought chaos into my usually peaceful mind. Scenes and memories flashed one after the other that it’s making me dizzy. Memories of me and Kyu-hyun; then Kyu-hyun and Yoona. The vision I had when Yoona first told me that they’re having a date filled my vision; Kyu-hyun leaning down and Yoona meeting his face halfway; them sharing a sweet and blissful kiss and me watching on the sidelines. A silent scream escaped my lips as I let the air I’m holding in out of my system. Game over. I lost. Feeling this way made me loose this game which I entered unconsciously.


                I tilted my head sideways to look at Dong-hae, begging him to stop and help me. I don’t want to admit this but I’d be lying if I won’t. Maybe, he’s right in the first place and I’m just really stubborn.


                I am jealous.




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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...