A Talk With Dong-hae

Stuck With You




~ Yuna’s P.O.V. ~


                “Your dad despised you?” Dong-hae asked me, raising his eyebrows. “Why?”


                I lift my head from his shoulder and sighed. It’s been so long since I tried to understand why my father despised me as well. Yet, I never really understood why. I did everything he asked from me, except one.


                “It’s not much of a story, really.” I smiled.


                “I’ll give you a price if you’d tell me the story.” He smiled at me. “I’ll tell you a story in return.”


                I giggled.


~ flashback ~


                “I heard you passed the exam.” My dad told me when he went home that night. I smiled in reply.


                “Yes. I was admitted at the College of Accountancy and Public Administration this afternoon.” I proudly said.


                “Good. Just as expected from you.” He beamed at me. He grabbed something from his bag and tossed it to me. “A gift for my obedient daughter.”


                I stared at the box he gave me and opened it excitedly. There it is. The professional digital camera I’ve been wishing to have for months now lies inside the box. It’s black glossy color reflects my image as if taunting me to take pictures right away. The precious lens and wide screen display shines brightly from its cover. I cried in so much happiness.


                “Thanks dad.” I murmured in appreciation. “I know this costs more than my two months allowance.” I smiled at him. He just patted my head and stood up.


                “You’ll be able to buy things which costs more than that if you’d just stay like this. My daughter.” He told me before he left.


~ end of flashback~


                “I stayed like that obedient, good daughter. It was when I was graduating when I started to break the rules. Well, I actually broke a single rule, never have a lover.” I murmured to Dong-hae as I gave out a sigh. That event is my most treasured memory before I ruined everything else.


                I heard Dong-hae give out a sigh too as if he’s remembering something specific from his past too. “What happened? You had a lover and he found out?” he asked. I smiled.


                “Yeah. He found out.” I shrugged my shoulder. That memory hurts. The way how he slapped me. The way he threw my stuffs. The way he told me not to show my face before him anymore. Who could blame him? It was a great shock for him and I know he felt betrayed.


                “Did you hate your dad because of that?” Dong-hae asked again, obviously trying to make me talk again.


                “No.” I admitted. “It was my fault anyway. I wasn’t honest with him and I broke his trust and it’s hard to put it back now.”


                “Have you ever tried talking to him.”


                “No. I was too scared to do so.” I bowed my head. “I’m scared to hear what he thinks of me now.” I reasoned.


                “Dong-hae! I’ve been looking for you!” I heard someone shout. We, Dong-hae and I, turned our head at the same time and saw an exhausted Eun-hyuk at the door. “Manager hyung just called. He said he’s on his way here and that we’re leaving the moment he arrives here.”


                “Okay.” Dong-hae replied. “I’ll go down in a bit.”


                Eun-hyuk nodded and left.


                “I guess I consumed more than half of your resting time” I shook my head. “I’m sorry.”


                He patted my head and ruffled my hair. “No. it was worth it anyway.” He smiled his gentle smile. “I’m really glad that you tried to open up a bit. I thought you’ll be like that stubborn Kyu-hyun who keeps everything inside him.”


                I smiled. “I don’t think Kyu-hyun is like that though.”


                “You have no idea how hard we’ve gone through just to hear what he truly feels.” He laughed. “Ahh, this is cool.”


                “Huh? What is?” I asked, not getting his point.


                “Nothing.” He closed his eyes. “When you return to your home, be sure to talk to your dad and clear things out.”




                “Learn to treasure everything you have while you still have time. You never know what’ll happen next anyway.” He opened his eyes and stared at the confused me. “At least your dad is alive. You can still be with him if you want to.”


                My dad is alive? Yeah that’s right, but why do I feel like…


                “Dong-hae oppa, are you okay?” I asked as I saw a tear drop from his sincere eyes.


                “I should go and take a shower now.” He said, standing up and heading to the door. Flustered and not knowing what to do, I found myself holding on to him.


                “I will talk to my dad once I return.” I beamed at him. “I won’t forget what you told me. Thank you.” I continued.


                In relief, he sighed and pulled me in a hug. I just let him do it and didn’t protest. I felt him sob on my shoulder but I didn’t dare pull away. I can do this much.


                “Such a bad dongsaeng.” He whispered to me after a while. “Making your oppa cry like this.” He stopped now, but traces of tears are still visible. “You have to treat me with some ice cream next time.” He concluded, now pulling off from the hug.


                “Deh.” I smiled at him. “Kamsahamnida, Oppa.”


                He made his way out of the rooftop but I stayed there. I guess I’m still lucky, right? I have my mom and dad, I have friends who were really good to me and I have these thirteen guys who takes care of me, although not all of them really.


                But then, why do I still feel incomplete? It feels like an important piece of me is gone. Oh, right, he took a piece of me whenhe left me. But that was way back and I shouldn’t be recalling that now. It’ll only hurt me if I’d do.


                I sat down and started on remembering how my father and I was before and how a single broken rule ruined us both.


                “Just like now.” I started to cry again. Just like now, everything would be ruined because of a single rule. I would be ruined just because of a single rule.


                “You don’t want him to loose everything he worked hard for, right?” Cha-eun said those words to me before, now I’m sure she’s right.




i told you guys it'll be about Yuna.. hope this chapter isn't a bore.. i had fun writing it anyway..


how long did it take before i had a double update again?? hmmm i guess i really am a bad author.. anyway thanks still for reading!! pleasse feel free to leave a comment too. ^____^






>>i'm inspired because i'm currently listening to the 5th jib of SUJU !!!!! it's awesome!!!!!<<

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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...