Pink vs. Yellow

Stuck With You




                “Yuna can you please watch your step?” I yelled when I saw her pulling herself up from the floor on the deserted lobby of the building. Lunch break is over and I guess everybody is back on their own jobs and worlds. I failed to see the reason why she fell in the first place. I guess I was too late. Well, Hee-chul hyung asked me to wait for the approval of our manager about my escapade so I did. When our manager said I can go through Hee-chul’s phone, given that I’d be careful and everything, I went and followed Yuna’s path. Then, I saw her sitting on the floor as if a heavy burden or something else is pushing her don there.


                I put one of my arms  on the side of her waist to support her  weight. She accepted my hand at the same time so that she can stand up again on her feet. When she’s stable on the ground, she let go of my hand and dusted her jeans. My arm remained at her waist, just in case. She took a few deep breaths before facing me. I let her go in that same instant.


                “I’m sorry.” She bowed. I even doubt she know who I am.


                “Did you trip over something? Are you hurt?” I asked as I glanced around the place, looking for anything that might have caused her to trip over but there’s nothing there; not stones or wires. Maybe she tripped over her own feet. After I assured myself that there are no hazardous things around us, except her feet, I finally looked at her.


                She’s still bowing down when I lift my gaze. I tilted her head up and gasped as I stared at her. Tears are flowing from her eyes, yet again. Some of the strands of her hair were stuck on her face, getting all wet from her own water. I brushed her hair out of her face and shook my head. She’s a mess. Not that she has any make-up to get messy (I don’t even think she knows how to apply one properly), she’s just messy. Her whole face is wet together with those stubborn hair strands that got pasted on her face too by her tears. They’re creating that irritating pattern on her face that looks somewhat scary. She’s biting her lower lip too, which is trembling and her eyes are shut close as if scared to see whoever it is that inspects her.


                I guess her lower lip is not the only part of her that’s shaking. Her whole body is trembling as if she’s going to have a breakdown again. Her right hand holds her left arm tightly and her knees looks weak and tired of supporting her whole body. I took her left arm harshly when I saw her body incline a bit, scared that she’s falling down again. She flinched away from my hand and managed to stand up straightly again. I pulled my hand off her in shock of her reaction. I stared at my own hand and examined it, thinking why she flinched from my touch. It has this faintest color of red across it in an irregular pattern. I gasped as I realized what I was staring at.




                I reached for her left arm again, avoiding the spot I touched earlier, and twisted it enough for me to see what’s behind it. Her bruise isn’t big but it isn’t small either. It’s superficial also but still, it’s painful. Perhaps the tiles on the floor scraped her skin when she fell down.


                I should be careful too. I work here day and night and I never thought these tiles were dangerous.


                I rummaged my bag for a towel and plaster. I first found the towel and I handed it to her. when she ignored it, I grunted and wiped her face with it myself in the gentlest way I can. When I’m pretty sure I’ve made her face dry enough, I went back again on looking for a plaster. I forced the towel in my bag again and opened the box of plaster I just obtained. I glanced at her wound again, ready to put the plaster on it, when I noticed it’s dirty.




                With all the panic and nervousness that attacked me, I fell down on my knees involuntarily. I put my bag in front of me and, literally, threw everything I came across in it until I found my disinfectant. I poured plenty of it on the towel I used earlier to wipe her face. I glanced up at Yuna’s face before I patted her wound slowly. I felt her wince in pain but she didn’t voice out her protest so I continued wiping her wound clean. When I’m pretty sure it’s clean, I put the plaster, which I discarded earlier, over it.


                “There. That should do it.” I nodded to myself as I started on calming myself instead of her. I closed my eyes and pressed my temple with both of my thumbs.


                I felt her move from her post in front of me but I still remained seated there with my closed eyes. Then, I felt her tap me on my shoulder.


                “Sung-min oppa.” She murmured with her dry voice. “I’m sorry for the trouble.”


                I opened my eyes and nodded at her. “It’s fine.” I replied to her but it sounded like I was telling it to myself.


                She sat beside me, gathering my stuffs and putting them back on my bag, and sighed. “I’m really sorry.” She repeated as she zipped my bag close.


                “Are you fine?” I diverted the discussion. “Will you cry again?”


                She shook her head and hugged her knees close to her chest.


                I pat her head gently and stood up. “Then stand up and pull yourself together.”


                She stood up and bowed low again. “I’m really sorry.”


                “Aish, I said it’s fine. I just don’t know what to do when people around me cries, so it makes me all nervous.” I admitted. I’m really not good in handling emotionally unstable people because I know I can’t actually do anything about it. And I hate being so helpless myself.


                I glanced at Yuna and saw her smiling at me. I backed off a few steps and glared at her. “What’s your problem?” I asked in an almost yelling voice.


                “Sung-min oppa, you don’t have to be nervous around me. And you did a pretty job on making stop from crying.” She gleefully announced as if she found something funny on my previous statement.


                “Yah, you’re crying a while ago and now you’re smiling?” I asked, still looking at her like she’s the weirdest thing I ever encountered.


                “Then you want me to cry again?” she dared, pouting heavily in front of me.


                “No.” I quickly said. “Smile as long as you want.”  I defended, grabbing my bag from the floor.


                “I was just kidding.” She hopped in front of me.


                I backed away from her again. Is it normal for her mood to change that fast? Seriously? Is she really like this all the time?


                “But, oppa.” She started to pout again. “Why is this plaster pink?” she pointed to her now covered wound.


                I groaned. “You could’ve just thanked me for cleaning your wound for you.”


                “But it’s pink!” she yelled as if it isn’t obvious yet.


                “Yes! And it’ll protect your wound from infections!”


                “It looks gay!”




                “Pink is for gays!”


                “WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?!”I yelled back at her. Pink is for gays? It looks gay? What the hell is she talking about?


                “Are you mad, oppa?” she suddenly lowered her voice and tone.


                Isn’t it obvious?!


                “No.” I sighed. “I’m not mad.” I’m super mad and I’m about to explode any moment now!


                “Don’t you have any yellow plaster there? Can I change this into a yellow one?” she pointed at my bag.


                I shook my head. “You saw my things when you picked my stuffs up.” This conversation is going nowhere. “Let’s go somewhere.” I invited as I ignored her finger pointing at the plaster I put on her bruise.


                “But I need to go to work.” She reasoned.


                “And I need to go shopping, so let’s go.” I insisted. “Just tell your boss that you need to do a community service.”


                “Community service? For what?”


                “For me.” I smiled triumphantly, finally facing her.


                “Why should I?” she dumbly asked again.


                I pointed at her bruise. “For taking care of you and your clumsiness.” I beamed then I pulled her with me to my borrowed two-wheel mobile.





HOLD ON READERS!! that's ateaser for the upcoming Yuna and Sung-min moments.. ROFL


so the shopping comes next, eh??


uh, yeah.. my schedule opn updating my story changed! it's because of some things i needed to do.. ^___^ so every Wednesday and Friday, i'll try to update.. I'LL TRY, OKAY?? NO PROMISES.. ^____^



i finished proof reading my finished fic too!!! so if you have some time, drop by there and tell me if it's ggod or iif it's good.. LOL (i know it's pretty bad anyway).. please tell me if something's still wrong, if it's fine.. thank you so muchie!!! here's the link...

하루 하루 (Day by Day)


comment replies.. (again?)


chocolate-- infatuation, eh ? Kyu-hyun will never be gone, at least his presence won't be lost in any moment.. so don't fret.. ^____^  thanks!

akishaire-- kyuna moments would be rare.. i think.. she's got one week without Kyu so i guess there'll be YuKi moments more often. LOL

TuvaLiv-- not yet!! they didn't go shopping yet.. but next chapter, perhaps.. thanks!!

sjbiasELF-- yep, kibum is the first one to understand her.. so she's infatuated?? dunno, and Yuna is sooo spoiled, that's why she's Kyu-hyu's baby!! LOL

ShiroiParadise-- yeah... i wish Kyu-hyun would babysit me... LOL there'd be progress between Yuna and Ki-bum!! YAY!

iYiepy-- Teukie jjang!! the bestest leader imaginable.. and Kyu-hyun daebak!! the best spoiler and lover at the same time.. LOL agree?? agree?? ~~KYUMIN FTW!~~

Zailei-- i thought you like YuKi of all the people i know!! *pouts* .. thanks anyway!!




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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...