First Love Conversations

Stuck With You




How long does it take to mend a broken heart? How long should a person cry for a love that’s lost? How could one conquer the pain inside? When will it all end? I asked the same questions to myself in the past and, with Ki-bum by my side, I thought I’ll never think of those again. I was wrong.


These questions filled my mind for the past week. Every night, I’d realize I didn’t try my best to find the answers to those. I’d end up crying and scolding myself because of doing so. Because of these actions, I came to realize that I’m crazy. No sane person would grieve like I do just because of a make-believe fantasy. I’m just this crazy.


“Yuna, your stalker is here.” Wo-chen murmured as he passed a tray to me.


I frowned and let my gaze look to the place he’s pointing. A guy in dark sunglasses sat at the counter. He had his head low, as if hiding from someone, and his mouth covered with his hand. When he saw me looking at him, he motioned me to come closer to him.


“Yes, sir?” I politely asked as I waited for him to tell me what he needed.


He coughed a bit before talking. “I’d like to have a cookies and cream gelato and a cheesecake.”


I smiled as I recognized the voice, the I shook my head at him.


“We seem to run out of cheesecake and cookies. Can I get you a different one?” I giggled.


“Then, strawberries?” he tried again. I shook my head again at him.


“I think we’re out of strawberries too.” I admitted.


“Any flavour will do.” He replied madly as he put his hands down on the table. I smiled.


“Oh, I’m sorry. There is no flavour which will suit a mean dragon.” I giggled as I lowered my head to his level. His head snapped up.


“This won’t do.” He murmured before grabbing my hand. “Wo-chen! I’ll take her for now!” he shouted as he made his way into the counter. Wo-chen faced Kyu-hyun and laughed while shaking his head.


“You can’t just pull my staff out.” He reasoned. I grinned at him in appreciation.


“You’re both killing me, right?” he slumped his shoulder as he shook Wo-chen in the shoulder. “Please?” he continued while clasping his palm together.


“Yuna?” Wo-chen called, nodding to me. I bowed low before taking off to the locker room.




“Yah, you’ve been forcing me to get out of work early for the past week.” I pouted as we walked home.


“You’re not going off work early. You’re overworking already!” he reasoned, facing me. “You’ve been getting up at eight in the morning to go to the shop and then you’ll go home at six. Is that early?”


I laughed. Well, as they said, if you want to forget something, divulge yourself with different activities and work. At least I could focus on other stuffs and when I went home, I’ll be so tired to think of anything else but sleep. Oh, yeah. Another thing. When you’re trying to forget something, you should stop thinking that you need to forget that ‘something’.


And now that I remembered I should be forgetting something, the memories came back. What’s worse is that I can’t do anything to stop these flashbacks of scenes and words.


“You’re crying again.” I heard Kyu-hyun exhale beside me as he wiped out my tears with his fingers. I patted his hands away.


“Sung-min oppa said hands are dirty so you shouldn’t use it to wipe out your tears.” I explained as I took out a cloth. “That’s why they created this thing called ‘handkerchief’.”


He stole the cloth from me and started on wiping my face with it. I inhaled and tried to stop myself from crying more. He gave me back my handky when he saw that I stopped crying.


“This is not normal, Yuna.” He started as we took a seat on the bench just outside the subdivision. “It’s been almost two week since that happened and you’re still not improving.”


I bowed my head in uneasiness. I don’t want to talk about my development about the break-up. I don’t want to talk about my progress. Because I know there isn’t any improvements. I don’t need someone to slap that fact to me in my face.


“Is this your first break-up?” he suddenly asked.


My breathing hitched up with his question. Why would he ask that? What does that have to do with my current situation?


“Is he your first boyfriend?” he asked again. My face flushed red in anger.


“Yah, it’s mean to ask a girl that question!” I screeched. “Don’t you know that?”


“I’m just asking!” he waved his hands up in the air as if surrendering to the police.


“Why does that even matter?” I asked him, still in that mad tone. “It doesn’t mean anything now.”


“It’s just… I thought…” he exhaled before trapping my hands in between his. “I just thought that if you’ve experienced something like this before, then you wouldn’t have a hard time conquering a situation like this again.”


I stared at him with my mouth hang open as his words seeped through my mind. If I had experienced a break-up before, then I wouldn’t have a hard time now? I tilted my head as I tried to remember what I did on my first break-up experience.


“You had a break-up before, right?” his grip on my hand became tighter and I think he’s just doing it to protect himself if ever I had the urge to hit him again. “Just do what you did back then.” He instructed. I smiled at him sheepishly.


What I did back then? What I did to overcome the pain? What I experienced during my first break-up? I gazed out to the clear sky which is so blue, I suddenly felt the urge to paint it yellow, or pink for Sung-min oppa. The vast sky served as my gigantic television as the past events in my life, which I feared to face the most, played right before my eyes.


“Kyu-hyun.” I called to the waiting guy beside me. “Ki-bum is the second guy I ever loved.” I admitted, still spacing out at the sight above us. “The first guy who gave me my first heartbreak is someone who loves playing with someone else’s feelings. Just like now, I’ve been played before.”


“Yuna, you don’t have to…” Kyu-hyun started as he forced me to look him in the eye. When our eyes met, I smiled at him and held his hands on my face.


“Yah, mean dragon, you’re the first person who’ll hear my story and you’re already rejecting me?” I pulled his hand off my face and played with it on my lap. “It’s been so long since I last thought about him and his games. It’s funny.” I shook my head as I forced not to laugh and cry at the same time. “You promised you’ll be here by my side so can you just pretend like you’re listening?”


“I’ve always been listening.” He admitted solemnly and when I looked at him, his face is all serious. I nodded at him before gazing out at the sky again, letting the old memories play like a television drama in front of me.


“I was a college student back then…” I started, leaning back at the bench and closing my eyes. I heard Kyu-hyun sigh beside me as he shifted on his position. “He’s at the same class as mine but I never actually noticed him. I was the bookworm and he’s the class joker; we’re so different. I’ve never given a thought about us being together; but it happened.”


I giggled a bit, remembering how flustered I was when he confessed. Then, I continued. “I was the happiest person at that time. Maybe I was just so naïve about being in a relationship, but I actually thought that all is going to be alright. My mother knows about my relationship but my father doesn’t. I know he’ll oppose it so we kept it from him.”


“You’re a bad daughter, then.” Kyu-hyun butted in and I turned to look at him in disapproval. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry.” He said as he pushed my head to lean back against the bench.


“He found out anyway.” I reasoned as the smile faded from my face. “And he never talked to me again after that.” I sighed.


“That’s too much, isn’t it? Ignoring you just because of that?” Kyu-hyun asked again. I shrugged my shoulders. “How did he found out anyway?” he urged, wanting me to go on.


“I cried.” I answered truthfully as my heartbeat sped up at the memory. “I found out that he’s just toying with me. I found out that he was just proving to his friends that he can allure me into him without difficulty.”


’I told you, she was as easy as the other girls in our class! It didn’t even take me two weeks to get her to say yes to me. Do you believe me now? I’m the best in this.’ He laughed as I stood hidden from their sight, crying.”I remembered, and I smiled at the truth in that. He’s the first guy who expressed any affection towards me that I just found myself rolling on my bed, dreaming about my future with him. “I’m supposed to bid him goodbye for his migration here at Korea to help in his family business. But then, hearing those stuffs made me run away in defeat.”


“So, you broke up with him after hearing that?” Kyu-hyun questioned as he grabbed my hand. He squeezed it before looking back at me.


“Of course, not! If you love someone, you don’t jump to conclusions and do things on impulse just because of your eavesdropping.” I said. “I asked him first if what I heard was true.”


A hand hit me on the head and I yelped at the sudden impact.


“You’re really an idiot, sometimes.” Kyu-hyun stated as he repeated hitting me lightly on the head. “If you heard such thing, you should confront him then and there to clear things up. Or, just break-up! You’re a human with a brain and a heart, not a robot.”


I laughed at him. “Who cares what I did back then? He broke up with me anyway.”


“He broke up with you? You didn’t?” he asked dumbly. I nodded my head.


He hit my head lightly again repeatedly as he mumbled “Idiot. Fool. Stupid.” Over and over again. I shielded my self from him.


“Yah, stop it. It hurts.” I reasoned as I caught his hand above me. “I loved him, so it’s hard for me to break-up with him.”


“After hearing such things, you still loved him?”



“Yah, Kyu-hyun! Would you just give your love up just because the other party doesn’t love you back? Is that how you love a person?” I yelled at him as he pulled his hand from mine. Then, he leaned into me before grinning like a mad person. I moved back, avoiding his face which is extremely close to mine.


Why is he acting this way?







>watching skip beat... again??<




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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...