Long Night

Stuck With You




“Ki-bum oppa—” I pleaded as he opened the door at the rooftop. He looked at me and smiled again.


            No, Ki-bum oppa won’t do that. He’s not bad! How can he be bad after all he’d done for me? How—...








            I am currently blinded by the lights someone have put on. It’s so bright.


            As my eyes adjusted to the bright view, I saw each of the members of the group of the boy band called Super Junior holding a red rose, smiling at me. I saw Ki-bum beaming at me, too, at the center of the group.


            I smiled back.


            Everything seems like a fairytale. A long table sits in the middle of the place, covered in a pink cloth. There are huge balloons at all corners. The plates and other utensils are all aligned properly on the table. There is a huge “Welcome to our Home” sign at the back and it seems like it’s smiling at me too.


            And the guys! They’re all there! My twelve oppa’s are all there, standing and smiling with roses in their hands.


            “Welcome home.” Ki-bum said as he step forward.


            I cried, again. Not because I’m sad but because I’m extremely happy. The other guys came forward, too and offered their roses to me. I cried more.


            “Kam-sa-ham-ni-da.” I stuttered as I tried to stop my sobs. Each of them clapped their hands, as if I’m a child who just spoke my first words.  I wiped off my tears and accepted their flowers. “Kamsahamnida.” I repeated, to emphasize my thankfulness.


            When did I learn to speak Hangeul?


            While me and Ki-bum were strolling at Seoul.


            He taught me some basic phrases that I could use in different occasions. Like ‘kamsahamnida’ and ‘komawo’ which both means ‘thank you’. And some other words. (Yes, it’s an educational tour, for those who are asking.)


            They lead me to the biggest seat at the middle side of the table. Dong-hae pulled the chair for me while Ryeo-wook laid the napkin on my lap. I’m being treated like a princess!


            After making sure that I’m seated comfortably, they all lined up on the opposite side of the table, facing me. Ki-bum remained at my side.


            They started a variety show!


            Although I can’t understand most of it, I still laughed. Well, Ki-bum is giving me some clues of what is happening. And he’s pointing out which is who, too.


            They sang and acted and danced in front of me. I clapped my hands hardly that it ended sore. It was totally fun.


            “Are you hungry?” Ki-bum asked me suddenly. I nodded.


            He called all the other members then they started to settle down. Ryeo-wook and Ye-sung ran out. I wonder where the foods are but sighed when I saw Ryeo-wook and Ye-sung came back with the foods.


            So we have some chickens, fried vegetables and pizza’s.


            “Eat.” Ki-bum ordered. “Or else they’ll eat it all up.” He continued, I grinned.


            They put each kind of food at my plate. Maybe, they wanted me to taste each kind of food on the table. What can I say? It’s delicious, considering that it is cooked by a male.


            We drank some cocktails, too. And then they pumped up the music and started to dance. Starting from retro music, it ended up in mellows.


            It’s all Korean songs, so I can’t really understand it, but I jived in the beat. When the mellow music started to play, each of them asked me to dance. It was funny. I really don’t know how to dance so I stepped on each of their feet.


            “Joseong hamnida.” I whispered to Ki-bum, who is my last dance, when I stepped on his feet, too. “I’m really not good in dancing.”


            “It’s fine. Anyway, it’s their idea to do this. Did you like it? The party.”


            “Yes. It’s all like a dream or a fairytale. It was fun.”


            “Good, then. The guys would love to hear that.” He whispered as we turn around.


            Lee-teuk yelled something. We all turned to him and saw him holding a camera. I missed mine.


            I guess it’s picture taking time. We all posed for it. There’s wacky and formal and jump-shots and some stolen shots. It’s that time when I realized I had a picture with each of them while we’re dancing. It’s cute!


            “YUNA. YUNA. YUNA.” They all yelled. I looked at Ki-bum and saw him cheering my name too. “It’s your turn.” He shouted.


            I blushed. I’m shy, okay? I’m not used to singing in front of people. But with my oppa’s cheering and calling my name, can I really back out?


            Come on, Yuna, think of a song! Think of a popular song. Think of an international song.


            “I can show you the world. Shining, shimmering, splendid. Tell me, princess, now when did. You last let your heart decide? I can open your eyes. Take you wonder by wonder. Over, sideways and under on a magic carpet ride. A whole new world a new fantastic point of view. No one to tell us no or where to go or say we're only dreaming. A whole new world a dazzling place I never knew. But when I'm way up here, it's crystal clear, that now I'm in a whole new world with you, now I'm in a whole new world with you...” I sang.

            They clapped their hands, although I know I’m that bad. I can’t think of any song to sing. And then I remembered the Disney princess, Jasmine. So I started singing ‘a whole new world’.


            I sat down beside Ki-bum and rested my head on his shoulder. Why am I so comfortable with him? Maybe because he’s the only one who can understand me? Or maybe because he’s just so warm and welcoming? Whatever the case, I like him for being that. I may not know what tomorrow will bring but I guess I’ll be safe as long as Ki-bum and the other members are here to help me and make me happy.




            I haven’t notice that I’ve dozed off to sleep. The next thing I knew is I’m at the same room where I woke up this morning. I looked at the clock and saw it’s already two in the morning. How long was I asleep?


            I the bed to find a more comfortable position, and then my feet touched something hairy. I sat up to see what it was. I pulled it and it came off. I rubbed my eyes and stared at the circular object at my hands.


             A head?


            A monstrous head!


            “Welcome home.” It shrieked.



            “Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!” I screamed.



~Kyu-hyun’s P.O.V. ~



            “Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!” Yuna screamed. I’m currently at the bathroom, waiting for her to notice my gift which I placed on the end of the bed. It’s a remembrance from one of the school events during high school. We used it in a Halloween party back then. It is a scary head which has this switch at the bottom that, when pressed, says “Welcome home” in a horrible voice.


            Unforgettable, right?


            I heard footfalls from the stairs and the other room. I rushed out from the bathroom and saw the totally scared girl. Is it that scary? Her face is pale white and sweat is flowing from her forehead down to her chin. I suddenly felt guilty.


            I came nearer to her. Why are the other members taking so long to get here? I patted the girl, who faced and hugged me instantly. So she is that scared. I must’ve been over the limit.


            I hugged here back. “It’s alright.” I said, I don’t know or care if she’d understand me. “It’s just a toy.” I patted her head. I looked at the toy which is now at the floor and kicked it to keep it away from her.


            I made her cry. This afternoon, I was worried because she’s crying, and now I’m the one who made her cry. Evil.


            I didn’t hear the banging of the door, nor the screams of my hyung’s. All I can hear is her sobs and her fast pulse at the back of my neck.


            “What happened?” Ki-bum asked as he pulled her away from me and hugged her, instead.


            I pointed at the head which is now across the room. They saw it and then they gasped. “Isn’t that yours, Kyu-hyun?” Dong-hae asked as he picked it up.


            I nodded. I heard Lee-teuk hyung groan in disappointment. “I’m sorry.” I said as I looked at the still scared girl. “I’m sorry.” I repeated.


            I walked out of the room, up to the rooftop. I lay down there to stare at the stars, but ended up closing my eyes. I can’t forget her scared pale white face. I’m guilty and I didn’t like the way my plan turned out. And I’m really sorry. I just want to give her a different, unforgettable surprise and this is what I got?


            “It’s wrong.” Someone said from the door.


            I opened my eyes and saw Si-won sat down beside me. “I know.” I replied.


            He laughed and then he patted my head. “It’s fine. She’s fine now, Ki-bum will watch over her for tonight. She’s far too scared to sleep alone, now.”


            Ki-bum. Why is he so worried about that girl? Aish, why am I worried too? I’m going crazy, maybe. I felt Si-won hyung stand up. “Sleep.” He commanded as he left.


            Alone again, maybe I’ll stay here for a little bit more.


            Just a little bit more, until these quarrels and guilt inside of me go away.






♦before you guys react.. i just want to say that Kyu is just really kidding with the head and everything.. anyway hope you guys enjoyed it.. because i had a lot of fun imagining how they did everything for that party... comment please..



@wanderersheep- thanks for always leaving a comment.. and thanks for reminding me of the 'hee-chul' part.. thanks for making my day!!




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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...