Date [Part 2]

Stuck With You



                “No more frightening heights this time.” He swore. I stared at him.


                “No more screaming.” He tried again. I stared at him.


                “And, no more falling down.” He made an ‘x’ mark on his chest, sealing his promise. I stared at him.


                “Okay.” I finally answered. He beamed and, then, he lead the way towards somewhere. I followed him willingly.



                 We stopped in front of a huge tree. Okay, it isn’t an actual tree. There are seats hanging like branches under it, spinning as if swaying with the wind. It’s like a gigantic swing made for grown-ups like us. I liked it. Swing Tree.


                The line isn’t as long as the first line we joined. Plus, there are only, about, twenty, maybe, seats. We quickly took our seats as the previous group left. The hanging chair is shaped like a leaf and it’s quite comfortable to sit on. The distance from the ground is not that far either. It’s cute. It feels like I’m in a fairy tale land.


                 “Yuna!” Ki-bum shouted from my back. I turned my head to his direction and saw him swinging his feet loosely like a kid. “Have fun, okay? I’ll be watching you!”


                  I giggled then I gave him my thumbs-up. “Okay!”


                 The ride was short but it was definitely magical. I closed my eyes tightly while spreading my arms on the air as everything spun around me. I can feel my lips forming into a smile as I imagined Ki-bum watching me behind, savoring this moment of what seems like freedom! Just when I’m about to get the hang of things, it stopped. Then, we left my dreamy seat forcefully.



                  “You looked cute there.” Ki-bum admitted bluntly, making me blush.


                   “It was really nice. I feel like a kid again.” I nodded my head.


                    “But, you are a kid.” He towered over me, showing that I’m like a small kid when I’m with him.


                    “Then, you are an ahjussi.” I giggled, wrapping my arms around his waist. He smiled at me.


                    “Then, little kid, do you want some ice cream?” he playfully replied.


                    “Then, ahjussi, do you need any help in walking?”


                     “Nah, I can still walk on my own.” He laughed, unwrapping my arms at him. “If you’d like, I could walk for the two of us!”




                     Before I could protest, he knelt down on his knees and he pulled me towards his back. He also pulled my arms and placed them on his broad shoulder. Then, he stood up, carrying me on his back with little effort. I tightly held onto him.




                    “So, what’s next?”  asked Ki-bum after finishing my ice cream. The sun is at its peak now and it made the cold day somewhat warm.


                    Ki-bum had his fingers on his chin, thinking deeply while I’m enjoying the scene around us. Everyone is having a great time today, I guess. Smiles are on display on each of their faces as if there’s a parade of teeth going on. There are few sets of families present but groups of young adults are all over the place. It’s funny, watching them pass us by. Them, not knowing that a famous singer is right here in front of them.  Well, that’s in favor of us. At least, we’re not noticed, yet.


                     “Do you know how to skate?” Ki-bum suddenly blurted. I shook my head.


                      “I never tried skating before.” I shyly admitted. “It looks difficult, standing on blades.


                      “How about I’ll teach you.” He offered, standing up in front of me. I smiled and nodded my head.


                      “Then, shall we?”  he motioned like a prince, leading the way for a princess. I can’t help but laugh.


                       We walked, hand by hand, towards the skating rink (or so I think, since I barely know the place). Then, we passed this cute store with these cute stuffs displayed. I quickly pulled Ki-bum inside.


                      The store is in pink, and I’m supposed to hate it. But, because of Sung-min oppa, I can’t just hate it now. It’s cute anyway, so be it. There are stuff toys and souvenir items aligned in neat rows and shelves. One caught my attention quickly.


                      It’s like a couple thingy or something. It’s a cushion designed and shaped like squirrels or those likes. One is a girl, with a red ribbon on her head and the other, a guy. It’s small and cute and I’d love to have one of those with Ki-bum. I grabbed the couple animal stuffed toy and squeezed them. They’re so soft! I giggled to myself as I squeezed them one more time.


                     “Do you like that?” Ki-bum appeared out of nowhere, pointing at the toys on my hands.


                      “Don’t you think they’re cute?” I asked, making the toys face Ki-bum and letting them dance in the air. “This one is me.” I made the girl toy move. “And this is you.” I handed Ki-bum the boy toy and he accepted it.


                       He laughed, hardly in front of me after staring at the toy in his hand. I frowned at him. Why would he laugh when I’m being all serious here? He should be agreeing with me now and saying that it’s cute. Why laugh?!


                      I snatched the toy out of his hand and slammed them back on the table. I marched my way out of the store before exhaling in anger. I bet the sales lady there thinks I’m funny too. I was just laughed at by my...


                     What is Ki-bum to me again?


                     Oh, right.




                     I glanced back at the store and saw Ki-bum walking out of it. I frowned at him again, showing him my raging anger. He doesn’t look scared but I noticed that he’s taken aback with my newly discovered behavior.


                     “I’m sorry I laughed.” He calmly said as he approached me. “I wasn’t laughing at you or the toy. Really!” he explained. I crossed my arms on my chest.


                      “Then, you’re crazy.” I concluded, glaring at him.


                      “Maybe.” He nodded. “It just seems funny. We look like some teenagers having they’re very first dates!” he started. “Look, I’m not good at dating, obviously, but I’m trying. So, I’m sorry if I didn’t held back my laughter.”


                       My glare softened and turned into a smile. I agree totally that we’re like what he just said we are. Since the time when we sneaked our way out of the dorm, I thought we’re like kids then. And having him look like this; stretching his arms out to me, inviting me in, that’s just irresistible.


                       “Okay. But don’t laugh again.” I replied, going into his arms. “I really like those toys.” I added.


                      “I know.”


                       I looked up at him wondering what he meant with ‘I know’. Before I could ask, he let go of me and pulled out something from his pocket; one at each side. He opened his hands and there lies the two toys I’ve been showing him earlier.


                       “This is Yuna.” He let the cushion afloat on the air with his hand. “And, this is Ki-bum.”  he raised the other toy and he grinned at me. “They’re together, you know.”


                        I took the Ki-bum toy on his hand and played with it. Then, I kept it in my bag. “I’ll keep Ki-bum. you keep Yuna. Let’s take care of them, okay?” I pouted. He laughed.


                        “Now, let’s skate!” he announced, keeping the Yuna toy in his pocket again.




                          Okay, so I was wrong when I said that standing on blades is difficult because it isn’t. I can easily walk on the ground with it, but the moment that I stepped on the ice, I slipped. My hit the cold floor first then, I stretched my arm out to help me lessen the impact a bit. My palms hit the ice first and it hurts.


                         “Yuna, are you alright?” Ki-bum asked while helping me stand up on my feet again.


                         “I don’t think so.” I replied while grabbing his whole arm for support. “Balance is so not my thing.” I admitted.


                         “Let’s go slowly then. Hold on.” He grabbed me by the shoulder, loosening my grip on him before holding my hand firmly. “Trust me.” He said and I smiled at him. this is the second time he told me to trust him and I really do.


                          He skated gracefully while pulling me along him. he taught me how to step on the ice and how to position my legs so I won’t slip. I don’t know how long we stayed there but it ended up pretty good. I learned how to skate then. not as graceful as he is, but at least I could glide on the ice now.


                           “That’s pretty good. Try it by yourself.” He insisted, letting go of my hand. I nodded.


                           I started to skate alone, slowly and surely. I managed to glide across the rink without slipping over, bumping another or loosing my balance. I felt so relieved that I could do it now. I looked back at him and saw him smiling at me.


                            “Ki-bum! I did it!” I shouted as I wave at him. he waved back.


                             He crossed the rink in no time to join me in my success. He patted my head like he always did while telling me how good I am. I can’t process his words that much since I’m still overwhelmed by my own show. It feels good.


                             “Can you hear me? Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?” he asked when he didn’t receive any reply from me for whatever he’s saying. I looked up at him and nodded. “Skate towards the exit, I’ll watch you from behind.” He murmured before pushing me on.


                             I smiled at him before working my way out of the rink. I didn’t dare look back since I’m still finding my way up front. When I reached the solid non-ice ground, I glanced at my back but he’s not there.


                             The events happened fast, it took me a whole minute before processing what’s happening.


                             A gliding guy lost his balance and bumped into Ki-bum. Both of them fell on the ground, hard. The mustache Ki-bum’s wearing lost it’s adhesive again. The wig fell down from his head and it revealed his real hair. Ki-bum tried to stand up and the people around them helped him. A girl screamed, then another. Then, the whole rink is full of screams and girls. I almost fell down as a rush of people forced their way into the rink towards Ki-bum.


                             Then, a hand pulled me and I can’t do anything to fight with it.




and another chapter! LOLzzz.. i don't know when i'll be updating again so there.. i'll update as many as i can now while i have the time.. ^___^


uhmm... the Yuki moments is over.. who wants Kyu-hyun?? *i do!* *i do!*


so yeah.. til next update??!!



(got that?)



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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...