Our Little Sister

Stuck With You



You’re allowed to stay here at our dorm, but you have to sign this contract the manager made a while ago.” Ki-bum said as Lee-teuk handed me the paper.



I took it from Lee-teuk’s hand and started to read it.









The manager and members of Super Junior, hereby agrees to let you, Yuna Sy, to live in the Super Junior dormitory for three months.



In return, you must agree to the following compromises given by the other party.






Never speak of this in public.


Keep any discovered secret of the members as a secret within the group.


Not do anything that may damage the career of the members of the boy band.


Learn Hangeul in two weeks.


Feed Ddangkkoma regularly.


Help Ryeo-wook in preparing foods.


Play Star Craft with Kyu-hyun.


Not touch stuffs of Sung-min.


Follow the orders of the other members who have not yet decided on what you have to do for them. (Given that no one is harmed.)


Never go out of the dorm, unaccompanied.





This contract is signed by the involved parties this 9th day of March, 2008.



Park Jung Su                                                                                                                                                                                         Yuna Sy

Leader, Super Junior



                                                                                       Manager, Super Junior





“What kind of contract is this?” I boasted as I finished reading it. I let my eyes wander through it again. This is so unfair.



“Yuna, relax.” Ki-bum pleaded. I looked at him and found his lips pressed in a tight line, as if trying not to laugh.



“How can I actually relax in this situation?” I sighed. The other members are talking too but I can’t understand them, so I focused my attention at Ki-bum. “Who made this contract?”



The manager and us. Well, he wrote it while we dictate things.”



“You. Approved. Of. This?!”



“Yeah, it’s not like I can do anything.” He shook his head.



“You promised!” I shouted in disappointment.





~Ki-bum’s P.O.V. ~



“You promised!” she shouted. She turned her back unto us and started to sob, hard.



“What a cry baby!” Hee-chul said as we all hushed down to listen to Yuna’s sobs.



“Is she alright?” Dong-hae asked, approaching the girl. “Are you okay?” he patted Yuna.



“Leave me alone. This is just unfair.” She coldly replied.



I bowed down, scared to look at the sight.



Her words rang through me.



“You promised!”



Yes, I promised I’d protect her, but I still agreed on playing pranks to her.



“I’m sorry.” I murmured. The other members looked at me. I can feel the weight of their stare focused on me. “Mian.” I repeated. “We’re just joking—” I explained. “There’s no contract, we just made that up.”



She faced me. Her eyes are all red. Her face, flushed from color. Pabo, Ki-bum, why are you being mean? I approached her, too. I saw Dong-hae still patting the shoulder of Yuna, he smiled at me and nodded.



“Kill joy.” Some one whispered. I don’t know who it is, I have no time to look back at them.



“Guys, it’s not good playing on someone else’s feelings.” Someone urged, maybe it’s Lee-teuk, I don’t know, I can’t see them. All I see is this girl crying in front of me.



I pulled her and hugged her again. She’s so fragile, I’m scared I’d break her or make her faint again. I hugged her gently.



She laughed. “It’s a joke?”






She pushed her head on my chest. How can someone be so short or small? I can feel her hand clench on my shirt.



“Aww.” Someone shouted and then I felt arms surround us.



“Group hug!” they screamed, while Yuna and I squealed to the sudden pressure around us.



We all laughed while chasing our breath after letting go of that tight hug. Even Yuna, who is crying hardly a while ago, laughs hardly now. She’s like a kid. Her emotions shifts quickly when the truth sinks into her.



“Are you fine now?” I asked when she cleared her face out.






“I’m hungry.” Kang-in suddenly shouted. We all looked at him, and then back to Yuna.



“Are you hungry?” I faced Yuna, who is currently wiping her tears away.



“No. Are they hungry?”



“Yeah, well, the first comers ate everything you’ve cooked.” I giggled.



“I’ll cook again.” She volunteered. And then she went to the kitchen and started to do whatever she have to.



I laughed and the other members joined too.



“She could be a pre-schooler.” Lee-teuk concluded.



“I think she’s sent by God to take away our boredom.” Si-won butted in.



“Then we have to take good care of her.” Dong-hae said.



We all laughed at his words.



“Of course we will.” Lee-teuk answered. “We’re her big brothers, right?”



“Yeah, but I still think it’d be fun to play with her.” Hee-chul murmured. “Even though she’s a cry baby.” He continued.



“Hyung, I think making her sad isn’t a good thing.” Says Ryeo-wook.



I nodded. “She’s still young, she could be our baby.” I faced them and saw their face lighted up.



“She’s our dongsaeng. We should be good oppa’s.” Dong-hae smiled.



They all put out their thumbs up. I giggled. “Okay then, we have a new Maknae.”



We all looked at Kyu-hyun. He just smirked, “As long as she’d stay as my playmate, it’s fine.”



We laughed again. Man, when is the last time we had fun like this just by talking?



“I’ll help her cook!” Ryeo-wook runs to the kitchen, yelling “YUNA!”





~~Later that night~~

~Yuna’s P.O.V. ~



I entered my room-to-be-for-the-next-three-months. I marveled at the posters on the walls and then I sat down on the bed and grabbed the laptop.



I started to play Star Craft. I’m on the singles, so the computer is my enemy. I tapped faster as each second pass. I have to win, I need to win. I need to relax and cool down. The events that happened today is too much for a 21 year old girl like me who isn’t even matured enough to go alone in a different place.



I opened the web, after winning my game and created a new blog. I forgot my password on my previous blog (which I updated last year) so I need to create a new one. This is my hobby, aside from playing computer games. I am used to posting anything I feel whenever I think I’ll explode because of it. My blog serves as my diary, (although I usually use ‘dear wiggles’ on it).



I have no readers, though.



I’m just too lazy to write so I prefer to type it on the computer instead. My blog has no designs either. I don’t know how to make it beautiful, so leave it alone. Anyway, it’s just a hobby.




Dear Wiggles,


There are three things I’d wish for in my current life:



1.) To have a peaceful and quiet three months vacation here at Korea.


2.) To learn the language and culture of the said country. And


3.) To meet someone who’ll change my perspective in life.



The last thing I’d wish for? It is to be lost in a country unfamiliar to me and get stuck up with thirteen hot male icons here in Korea.



But, when I try to look at it in a different perspective, it’s not that bad at all. These guys are good to me. They ‘adopted’ me here in their dorm. Even though they love to play pranks on me, they’re still the one who makes me laugh. Even though they made me cry today, they still remained and apologized.



They’re good, but I guess I still need to force myself to understand how ‘famous’ they are.



And I really need to learn Hangeul now. I’m scared I’d be a disturbance to Ki-bum oppa’s career.



I have to sleep now. Everybody else is at their room, resting, so I should rest too. It’s been tiring today. I had to cook three times for their dinner. I guess I need to learn some Korean dishes, too. They may not be used to those Filipino cuisines.



I need to have a major adjustment.







I hope there will be no scary head now. (Just like what happened last night.)









I clicked save, and turned the laptop off. I yawned and stretched for a while, and then I lay flatly on the bed.



I closed my eyes.



A creak on the door made my eyes shot open again.



“Are you asleep?” the intruder (Ki-bum) asked.



“No. Not yet.” I replied. It’s so dark in the room; I can’t catch a glimpse of the person I’m talking to. But considering the fact that Ki-bum is the only one capable of talking to me in English, I assumed it’s him.



“Should I sing you to sleep?” he whispered as he got nearer. I smiled. Ki-bum oppa.



“Yes.” I answered. He started to sing. His voice drowned me into a wonderful dream.



It’s him; Ki-bum, and me. We’re having fun in an unknown place. Everything seems perfect.



The voice seems different, though. It’s calmer and sweeter than the voice which sung me to sleep last night.



Maybe it’s my imagination.



There’s a voice again, but I can’t understand it. When I didn’t answer, he continued to sing. I smiled and breathed deeply.



“Puff, the magic dragon...” he started to sing a new song. I laughed at the choice of song. A nursery rhyme? Well, at least it helps me sleep.



I drifted into unconsciousness slowly.




~Narrator’s P.O.V. ~



He sings her to sleep. Sitting at the floor, on the bedside, with his favorite bottle of wine at hand. He sings her to sleep quietly. Everyone else is asleep, or maybe busy doing something at their rooms. He doesn’t have a room now, so maybe it’s okay to stay up for a little while.



“Are you dreaming?” he asked the sleeping girl when she giggled. He checked her eyes, it’s tightly closed, perhaps she’s dreaming.





“Puff, the magic dragon...” he started to sing a new song.




It’s funny, he found her irritating and interesting at the same time. She cries easily and laughs instantly. Her actions are predictable but her expressions are unexpected. It’s just been two days since she arrived, but she caused troubles already.



"...in a land called honah lee".He finished his song and the hair of the girl which blocks her face. “You’re quite troublesome, but thanks. We haven’t had such a good time for a while.” He whispered.




He picked up the bottle of wine he’s been drinking and went out of the room. “Sweet dreams.” He murmured before stepping out of the room.




“Ki-bum oppa.” She called.



"..." He froze.




He turned around and stared at the currently sleeping girl. “So, it’s him.” He shook his head and closed the door behind him.








>>i'm sorry.. i know my story isn't that good.. but thanks for bearing with me.. i'm a huge failure.. mianhae..


please comment.. i'll try to make this story interesting.. anyway, i may not update for a while.. my schedule is killing me.. 






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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...