Figuring Her Out

Stuck With You




 His advance towards me didn’t stop until the tip of our nose made contact with each other. My face grew hotter and my heart fluttered. I put my hand on his shoulder; not to push him away but to stop him from coming nearer. My eyes focused on his and I sensed his anger.


“I’m just asking.” I breathed. “I’m sorry.”


“Yuna, you’re too dense.” He concluded as he let out a breath on my face. He smells like lemon; or his breathe does. He pulled back slowly after saying that and I exhaled in relief. Wait, why am I too dense?


“So, you cried because he broke up with you and your father found out?” he asked, focusing on my story again.


“Uhmm… yeah.” I sat back properly to my previous position. “I cried at home and my mom was comforting me. But my dad was there and he heard the reason behind my tears.”


“He should be mad at the guy, not to you.” Kyu-hyun nodded to himself.


“He’s angrier to the guy but he said he felt betrayed by his own daughter, given that I promised him I wouldn’t be in a relationship unless I’m done studying.” I admitted. “And I got mad at myself too because of that… My father has always been there for me, supporting me in everything I do and yet, I betrayed him.”


“Well, he can’t keep you all to himself forever, right?” Kyu-hyun giggled beside me. “Sooner or later, he has to accept that you’ll be in a relationship and you’ll get married to the person you love.”


“But that time was too early for that.” I pointed. “I guess he just wanted to protect me.”


“Dads are like that. They’re way too overprotective that sometimes you feel like they’re imprisoning you.” He agreed. “But they just care for us too much. They knew that the world is cruel and they don’t want to see us hurting because of people’s brutality.”


“Yeah, maybe.” I closed my eyes as I absorbed what Kyu-hyun just said. Then, I remembered. “I lost his last gift to me when I arrived here at Korea.”


“You lost something else beside your phone and money?”


“Well, when you guys pushed me into the bus, my digital camera, which is my father’s gift, got lost. That’s the reason why I screamed in the first place.” I recalled. That was such a scary experience.


“Then, you lost that camera which is a gift from your dad because of us?” he clarified and I nodded in reply.


“That’s his gift to me when I made it to the university.” I lowered my head as I remembered how happy he was back then. He said I was the perfect daughter he could ever wish for. But, everything changed.


“I’m sorry.” Kyu-hyun’s sincere voice rang through my ear. “Because of us, you lost something very important.”


“It’s fine. You guys took care of me even though I’m a stranger. That’s too much already.” I defended. “Besides, it’s not like I won’t ever see my father again to ask for forgiveness, right?”


“Yeah.” He replied. “Then, what did you do to move on back then?”


I tilted my head again, trying to think of the things I’ve done to forget the pain. But I came up with nothing.


“I can’t really remember.” I honestly said. “Well, during those times, I have a lot of problems like my relationship with my dad and exams at school, so I never really had a hard time suppressing the pain.”


“So, when you’re busy, you get to forget things?”


“Yeah, sort of.”


“So we just need to keep you busy, huh?” he asked although his tone doesn’t sound like asking. He sounds like he’s thinking of something deeply.


“What are you planning?” I curiously nudged him on his arm. “You’re not planning on making me your slave, right?”


“Am I really that bad for you?” he innocently asked as he stared me down.


I nodded yes before beaming at him. He shook his head in defeat.


“We should’ve just dumped you in a hotel in the first place.” He suddenly blurted.




“Well, we planned to leave you in a hotel when you fainted on the bus that day.” He admitted like it’s nothing. “Because you’re a stranger.” He added.


“You planned to do that? Let me guess, that was your idea.”


“It wasn’t me, but I agreed to it.” He replied quickly. My face flushed.


“You are really…”


“But, you know, I’m glad we didn’t.” he continued, cutting my sentence in the middle. I smiled before finishing my thought.


“…right.” I said as I pinched his cheeks. It’s not as cute and chubby as Henry’s but it sure is soft and squishy. I turned his face left and right while still holding onto his cheeks. He pouted as I did so.


I laughed at his expression. He’s like a kid pouting to his mother for some candy or something. Actually, we both look like some kids having their after-play conversation. I think being able to face that scary past relationship of mine is a good move. At least, my hearts’ burden lightened up a bit.


“Oh, I remember.” I nearly shouted as a thought me. “There’s one thing I did to forget the pain.” I faced Kyu-hyun and saw that he’s all ears to me so I continued. “I became an emotionally unstable person after the break-up because of him and my father, but a friend of mine pulled me out of that state.”


“What did your friend do?” he asked attentively.


“Well, she never left me alone. She always buy cute things for me. Plus, she gave me a wardrobe make-over. She dumped all of dark coloured clothes and replaced it all with light ones, mostly yellow.” I smiled as I remembered how that friend of mine really helped in my improving.


“A wardrobe make-over? Yellow?” Kyu-hyun foolishly repeated.


“And she always pulls me with her to play on the arcade. We ate different desserts and we always go out during weekends.” I added as I clapped my hands.


“Arcade?” he repeated again. I ignored his words.


“That’s why I love yellow!” I cheered myself up. “Because that friend of mine loves yellow too and she really helped a lot. It seems like the colour yellow is the one responsible for my fast recovery that time. My friend said ‘it chases the darkness away’.”


“Then, do you want to buy some yellow stuffs?” Kyu-hyun asked as he stretched out, standing up. “Let’s go!” he pulled me up too.


“I’m fine, Kyu-hyun. You don’t have to worry that much.” I told him. “Besides, Sung-min oppa already brought me a yellow sweater already. And I just got my nails painted yellow too.”


“You don’t look fine to me.” He put his forefinger over his lips as he started thinking again. I pulled his hand down.


“You’ve done your part pretty well, Puffy.” I started as I smiled at him. I know he can’t resist the nickname I gave him; I’ve seen it in his eyes every time I use that name to call him. “Dong-hae oppa was right. ‘You would feel lighter when you’ll tell someone how you feel.’ I feel so light now. Thanks for listening.”


He smiled back as he reached out to me to pat me in my head. When he pulled me closer, I just closed my eyes.


“You don’t have to pretend when you’re with me, Yuna.” He cooed as he continues to massage my hair. “You don’t have to hold back.”


And with that said, my tears just flowed down. I silently cried on him again, as he shielded me from anything else. I slowly nodded my head as the tears continued to flow. “Thanks.” I whispered.




it's been so long since i had a double update.. hmmm


hope you like it even though it's all about Yuna.. ^___^ thanks for reading!


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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...