Lovely Hands

Stuck With You



~Yuna’s P.O.V. ~



            It’s morning already?



            Everything is bright in the room, it blinds me. Why is it so quiet? Are the guys still asleep? What happened last night?


            Ah, yes. There’s this scary head at my feet. I cried again and Ki-bum oppa sang a lullaby to help me sleep. His voice is so beautiful, it sounds like the voice of an angel. Wait, have I ever heard a voice of an angel? Whatever, it’s just that it’s so calm and warm.





            Why the heck is it so quiet?


            I opened my eyes. No one. I got out of the bed and stumbled on something beside the bed.


            A laptop?



            There’s a note.




            Sorry last night. We have schedules today, so you’re alone at the dorm. You may use this laptop if you get bored. I already translated everything in English.


            Take care.





            Ki-bum oppa is just so sweet! He worries and thinks about me. How can I ever repay him?


            I opened the laptop. Yes, all of the programs are in English. It even has this sticker on the keyboard for the English letters. Does it have internet connection? I tried to open the explorer. Yay! It opened! I sat down on the bed again and explored a bit on the internet. I searched for some letters of Hangeul and some tutorials for the language. Well, since I’m staying here for I-don’t-know-how-long, I need to communicate with them. I shouldn’t rely on Ki-bum’s capability of translating everything for me.


            I found the website. I started on memorizing each letter and learning how to read them. It’s quite simple, actually. It’s easy to understand and read them. They have this syllabilic pattern. Each square can be filled with four characters, maximum. And if the word begins with a vowel, you have to put this ‘O’ before it. Korean language is fascinating. That’s one thing I realize now.


            Now, I have to learn some more words. I shifted to the next lessons. This is more complicated than English. It doesn’t follow the English grammar at all.


            I searched next about Super Junior. I found a site, which discusses everything about them, and read on. So, they are this famous. The boy band who conquered Asia’s biggest music charts. The boy band that captured Asian’s hearts. How come I didn’t know them? I searched for their songs and listened to it for a while. It’s passable. And then this rumbling came out of nowhere.


            I’m hungry.


            I looked at the clock. 1:00pm. How long was I sitting here and studying?


            I went down to the kitchen. I found some left-over’s of last night’s party. I micro waved them and ate it. I head back to the room and started surfing again. I sent an e-mail to my Mom and to the company I was working at. I told them I lost my money and cell phone, and is, at the moment, being taken care of twelve Good Samaritan’s.


            I got bored when it was past three so I tried to explore the dorm. I started with the rooms at the third floor. It’s Ki-bum’s room. It is quite messy and a little bit smelly, but it’s clear all over. The sun has this passage at the window which negates the room gloominess. I guess Ki-bum’s bed is the one near the window. He has his own poster hanging on that side. He’s just adorable. I looked at the other bed, which is occupied by Dong-hae. There were shoes under the bed. Some aren’t paired and some are dirty.




            I went down to the second floor and took a look at the other rooms, but gave up immediately after entering Ye-sung’s and Ryeo-wook’s. I just can’t stand the untidy rooms. But I can’t clean their rooms without their consent, I’m afraid they’ll get mad at me and kick me out of here.


            I  went down further and do what I can do on the receiving room. Magazines are scattered on the center table and clothes are hung up on the sofa. I stepped on something sticky on the ground and smelled orange juice there. Now this is what you call MESSY.


            I started to clean up. I arranged the magazines, from oldest to newest version, and put it on the table in a clean pile. I mopped the floor and sweep it all up. And I put the clothes on the basket in the kitchen, which also contains some other dirty clothes.


            Speaking of the kitchen, do you guys know that it’s the only clean part of the house? I mean, it’s shining and glittering. It’s like these boys are sensitive with their foods environment.


            After doing everything I can, I went back to the room I’ve been occupying (a.k.a. Kyu-hyun’s room) and slept. It’s tiring, okay? And we slept late last night, so I guess I need to recharge. Anyway, I don’t know what’ll happen on the next days of my stay here. Better be ready for anything.




            I heard a loud bang at the door. Have I dozed off again? I checked the time, it’s already late. I heard another bang. What is going on? I ran downstairs and saw Shin-dong, Dong-hae and Si-won at the door, laughing. They’re talking about something funny, I guess.


            “Annyeong!” Dong-hae called out when he noticed me peeking at the side. I stared at them and smiled.


            “Hel-low, Yuna!” Shin-dong shouted. I laughed.


            “Are you guy’s hungry?” I asked. Oh, I forgot, they can’t understand me. I acted it out instead, for them to understand me. They laughed at my actions. I blushed hardly, so I turned my back from them. Someone pulled my hand from the back. I looked back and saw Dong-hae smiling.


            “Yeah.” He answered. I beamed at him and left for the kitchen.


            Okay, so what can I cook for these tired guys? Their refrigerator is almost empty, someone needs to go shopping soon. I pulled out some eggs and vegetables. I’m going for some omelets. I started to cook some rice too. Since it’s evening, I guess plain white rice will do. I found the container of the rice earlier when I was cleaning so I wasn’t panicking now. I switched the rice cooker on and started on cutting the vegetables.


            I started cooking, while they were busy talking. I heard them go upstairs and down again. I’m almost done cooking when Ryeo-wook and Sung-min suddenly entered the kitchen. When did they arrive?


            They looked shocked. Ryeo-wook looked at the eggs and clapped his hands. Sung-min inhaled deeply and smiled at me. He patted my head while Ryeo-wook pulled me into a dance while saying something. The only word I understood is ‘kamsahamnida’. I danced along with him for a while and resumed on cooking quickly.


            The omelet is done in no time. “It’s done!” I shouted, and smiled at the thought of them thinking what I am shouting about. They entered the kitchen as I was arranging the table for them. When they were properly seated, I stood by the sink and watched them. They started eating like kids who lost a lot of energy because of playing.


            I giggled at the sight.


            “We’re home!” a familiar voice called from the door.


            I ran to the door to welcome the newly arrived person. Ki-bum oppa.


            “Hey, Yuna, how did you do today?” he smiled.


            “I’m fine. I surfed on the internet the whole day.” I replied. I noticed a frown started to form at his forehead.


            “Hyung!” someone called from the door. I tip-toed to see who it was.


            Evil Kyu-hyun.


            Ki-bum talked to him for a while in the entrance and I just watched them. Well, I watched Ki-bum, actually.


            Someone called from the kitchen and Ki-bum and Kyu-hyun stopped talking. “You cooked?” Ki-bum asked me as he entered the kitchen too.


            I bowed. “Then our dinner should be good.” He exclaimed.


            “Aniyo, I’m not really good at cooking. I just knew some. Anyway it’s just an omelet. You guys were running out of food.” I babbled.


            “You’ve studied Hangeul today?”


            I bowed down again. I’m shy, okay?


            I motioned him to sit down and eat. Kyu-hyun followed him from behind. They started eating too. I walked to the living room and find it messy again. I just cleaned this! I turned off the television and sat down at the messy sofa. Literally, it’s messy! I mean socks and candy wrappers here and there! I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe. I felt someone sat beside me but I didn’t bother to look. If I ever saw this place messy again, I’d have a headache.


            I felt someone’s breathe on my hair and that made me snap my eyes open. I sighed in relief when I saw Ki-bum there at the top of my head, smiling. “The omelet is good.” He whispered.


            I smiled back as I sat up properly.


            “Are you tired?” he asked, again.




            “Do you want to take a rest now?”


            “Goaen chanh seubnida.”


            His smile got wider. “Cheukahae. You’re doing well on your Korean.”


            “I just learned a few words.”


            “Should we celebrate, then?”




            The door opened again. We both looked up to see who it was, and found Lee-teuk panting. The other members, who are now done eating, rushed out to see who it was too. Then they started talking in that unknown language.


            Ki-bum is too pre-occupied now to continue what he was saying a while ago so I went back to the kitchen.


            They’ve finished off all of the foods! None was left! Are they that hungry? They’re rich, right? Don’t somebody give them food outside?


            I turned my attention on the dishes. I started to clean it when another pair of hands showed up at my side.


            It started to clean some other plates while I was staring at it. It moves gracefully, as if every movement is a conductor’s wave for a certain melody. These hands were beautiful. It’s like it never did a hard day’s work. So smooth and silky and thin and slim. The contours were perfect too. I stared at it with my eyes wide.


            Why am I looking so intensely at the hands? Well, I like the gorgeous hands from the very start. It looks so caring and beautiful. I’d like to put those kinds of hand in mine, and never let go. In short, it turns me on. Not that the hands has something to do with the persons characteristics. I just love to play with those kinds; to hold on to those slim fingers, to fit my hands in it. My fantasies, gosh. I’ve always been obsessed to beautiful hands. And don’t ask me why, because I don’t know either. I never thought I’ll ever find another pair of hands which will capture my eyes, after him.


            I followed the contours of the lovely hands. It lead me to the silky arms of the owner. It’s not muscular, but it’s not thin. I smiled, just as I’ve expected. These hands can’t belong to someone chubby or thin or muscular. It has to be somewhere between the middle of those three. It has to belong to someone with a normal size of body. (I mean, not fat or anything, just right.)


            My eyes moved upwards slowly. Just a little bit more, I’ll know whose hands these are.


            My stare was caught by familiar eyes and face. It was looking at me too, maybe, it’s wondering what I was thinking. It stared right through me, eyes wide in curiosity.


            My eyes got wider, too, when I realized to whom I was looking intently at. Blood rushed into my face, how did this happen to me?


            He poked my chin. “Goaen chanh-a?”






sorry for the late update.. anyway, thank you guys for subscribing.. ♥♥♥ it inspires me.. another double update?? hahah i want to make up to you so enjoy.. and please leave a comment.. 







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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...