My Angel

Stuck With You


            He turned his back on me after some time. I shrugged my shoulder and went inside the house again. What am I suppose to tell him?


            Okay, juts FYI, I never apologized to anyone before. Not that I never did anything wrong in the past, it’s just that I usually ignore those people I don’t like that I never had a fight or quarrel with them.


            My judgments never failed me either. Once I’ve decided that someone or something is bad or wrong, it will turn out that it really is bad or wrong. And I hold my pride way up high. I never let anything or anyone step on it like some kind of trash.


            Yes, I’m that bad. That’s why I know I didn’t deserve Ki-bum’s trust on me. I’m not that kind of person. I’m a weakling, if I may say so myself. But a very prideful weakling.


            I went downstairs and found the other guys eating and chatting at the dining table. They’re eating some noodles, or ramen, I think. Dong-hae motioned me to sit and eat with them, but I shook my head.


            “Yuna!” I turned and saw Ki-bum smiling at me. I forced a smile out. “Any problem?” he asked.


            “No. Nothing.” I replied.


            Did Kyu-hyun have his dinner already?


            I faced Ki-bum again and approached him carefully. “Oppa, can you teach me to write something in Hangeul?”


            He beamed. “Okay.” We went upstairs, into his room. He pulled out some papers and pens. “What do you want to write?”


            I smiled. “Did Kyu-hyun have his dinner already?”


            “You want to write that?”


            “No. I’m just asking, you know.” I shook my head.


            “I don’t think so. When we got home, he started playing Star Craft in his room. I guess he’s so disappointed. He’s the one who is so excited about this upcoming vacation. He already laid out his plans and schedule of activities for it. Such a waste.” Ki-bum babbled.


            I just stared at him. He’s depressed; maybe that’s why he lost his patience in an instant. I’ve been bad. Really bad girl. And he lent me his laptop because he’s sorry for what he did that night. He said sorry to me, but I can’t do the same to him? How can I apologize to him properly? Is sorry enough? No, perhaps something with my special touch, to make it different and sentimental and –-


            Sentimental? Why does it need to be sentimental? A simple apology would be enough. I could’ve cared less. Who is he anyway? A famous rich guy with those beautiful hand, cute lips, small eyes and funny expression. Down to earth, maybe, and evil? Wait, wait! Why am I thinking of these stuffs? I should be thinking about...


            “So, what do you want to write?” Ki-bum distracted my thoughts.


            Oh, yeah, I should be doing the first things first. “I’m sorry, Kyu-hyun. Please accept my peace offering.” I murmured, afraid of the reaction from Ki-bum.


            “That’s sweet.” He smiled and started to write down the characters on the paper. “You should learn how to speak and write Hangeul soon. I may not be always here to do these things for you.”


            I frowned. Is he leaving? Why is he saying such things? I tried to vocalize my thoughts but no sound came out. Just the thought of him leaving kills me inside. WHY?


            “Here.” He showed me what he wrote. I stared at him. “Write it on another paper. Just copy what I’ve written.” He pointed to some clean papers on the table.




            “Are you fine?” he asked me when he noticed my trembling voice.


            “Ki-bum oppa, you’re not leaving, are you?” I asked in between sobs.


            “No. of course not.” He pulled me closer to him and hugged me again. I hugged him too. Taking in his beautiful scent. I held onto his shirt again and felt his skin underneath it. I don’t know if my nails hurt him, if it does, he didn’t complain.


            “Don’t leave me, okay?” I whispered when I broke free from our hug. He’s warm, so warm I never want to let go. But who am I anyway? A liability? One who puts this whole idol group into risks they should’ve never experienced. I know I caused enough trouble here and that I owe them so much that I don’t even know how to repay them. But I can’t just leave and ruin everything I came here for. I may be a weakling, but I never let my dreams slip away from me.


            “Okay.” He giggled. Am I funny? He looked straight into me, as if he can see right through my brown round eyes. “But you still need to learn our language.” He poked my nose.


            I laughed as I rub my nose. I grabbed the paper he pointed and started copying his NEAT hand writing.


            “So what bribes do you have?” he asked me after I finished copying his work.


            “I don’t have any. But I’m thinking of what he would like”


            “And what have you thought of so far?”


            “Ice cream?”


            He laughed and I laughed with him. “I have a better idea than that.” He concluded. He pulled me out of the room. He yelled something when we faced the other members and they nodded. He pulled me out of the house after that.


            “Where are we going?” I asked him as he started the car.


            “Buying bribes.” He smiled and drove off.


            “It’s not a bribe. It’s a peace offering.” I laughed at our speed. We’re on the highway now. It’s nearly midnight. I wonder where we can buy stuffs this late.


            We stopped at a gaming shop. They have stores like this open at midnight? He pulled me into it and I gladly followed him.


            The place is wonderful! I mean, for a game addict like me, this is paradise.


            “Chose whatever you feel like buying.” Ki-bum ordered me. I nodded.


            I let my eyes and hands wander throughout the store. Inspecting and criticizing each item. Turning stuffs upside down and sideward’s. Reading the back label of each disc, rolling and measuring the poster. Trying on some masks that imitate some characters of some games.


            I chose a doll. Not the girly type of doll. It’s a miniature of Dante in ‘Devil May Cry’. He has his long sword at his back and his soft white hair flowing. It’s cute (and I really like this game.)


            Ki-bum laughed at me when I showed him the toy but he said it’s cute and fine. I giggled. The price isn’t that high too, so my debt on him in terms of money isn’t that high yet. (I guess.)


            We went home directly after buying that item. (I don’t want to call it a doll since I’m actually giving it to a guy.) He said everybody would be worried if we didn’t return right away.


            And as expected, Lee-teuk is at the front door, waiting for us. I waved at him when Ki-bum stopped the car. He talked to Ki-bum and I made my way in the house.


            “Umma is mad because he said we took so long before coming back.” Ki-bum whispered me as we enter his room again. Dong-hae isn’t there yet, so I quickly sat down on his bed and smiled widely at Ki-bum who is shaking his head.


            “Okay, now give it to him.” He ordered me. My smile faded.


            How am I going to give this to him?


*option 1

            Go to the rooftop, knock on the door and leave the letter and peace offering and then leave.


*option 2

            Go to the rooftop, call him. Throw the letter and bribe at him and runaway.


*option 3

            Go to the rooftop, sit and talk with him in English until he orders you away. And then leave the note and gift.


*option 4

            Don’t go to the rooftop at all!



            I’m really not god at this. What am I going to do? I listed a hundred more options in my mind on ways of giving this to him.


*option nth

                Sit quietly beside him. Let the silence over come the both of you and then say sorry in Korean while looking at his eyes. Leave the note and gift and letter after making eye contact with him.


            GOT IT!


            I snapped out of my reverie and smiled at Ki-bum. “I know.” I yelped. He nodded, as if approving of what I’m thinking even though I didn’t even told him what it is. I quickly got out of the room and ran to the rooftop. I quietly opened the door and saw him holding a bottle of wine in his hand while lying there, star gazing.


            I approached him slowly and silently. I sat beside him and stared at the stars too. This is going to work. I looked at his face and found his eyes closed.




            His face looks like a face of an angel. Not that it’s perfect, but it’s like radiating a different aura that makes him glow above anything else in that dark place. His face seems relaxed and worry-free. He lost the creases on his forehead and his evil smirk is gone too. He looks like a different person at this moment.


            Now that I‘m staring at him this close, I noticed he isn’t a bit different from any other guys in this house. He got the looks that any guy would trade their souls for. His nose is pointed, as well as his eyes. His hair, though messy, looks great on him. His cheek-bone sticks out nicely on his face, making it look like a precious diamond.


            He moved his hand and ran it through his already messy hair. It stopped there and didn’t move again.


            Those pretty hands that made my heart stop beating for a second. The kind of hands I would like to hold and play with. Those hands—


            “Sorry” the lips that were still a while ago moved. The eyes that were tightly closed snapped open. It looked straight at me.


            I blinked as I stared at him, too. I mean I’m staring at him all this while, what if he noticed me in the first place and he just pretended not to.


            I sat up straight quickly. He did the same. I can feel blood rush into my cheeks, making me all red again, giving away my hidden shock. I bowed low.


            He put one of his arms on my shoulder and started singing. I can’t understand it but it sound familiar. Like I’ve heard it before, in one of my dreams, maybe.


            I grabbed the wine he is holding and drank a lot of it in one gulp. I’m not a heavy drinker, but I have to do something other than staring at him, right?


            I put out the letter and peace offering after he finished singing. He looked at it with wide eyes.


            “I’m sorry.” I murmured and then I left. I almost bumped onto the door on my way. The alcohol is getting on me. I need to go to sleep to let this pass.


~Kyu-hyun’s P.O.V. ~


            What’s this? A gift? She should’ve thought of a nicer way of giving it to me instead of leaving me here with my mouth wide open.


            Though I’m quite sure I heard her say sorry. And she’s a bit drunk. Why are girls so bad at drinking alcoholic beverages? And it’s just a gulp, what’s with her? She shouldn’t have drunk it if she knows she’s bad at handling herself.




            Wait, there’s a note.


            I’m sorry, Kyu-hyun. Please accept my peace offering.


            Peace offering?


            I opened the paper bag that goes with the letter. A doll? A Dante of Devil May Cry doll? What am I? A girl? But I guess it’s the thought that counts, right?


            Arasso, this will do.


            I beamed at the doll. “From now on, your name will be Cheon-sa. Because someone special gave you to me. You’ll be my angel.”


            I went down quickly to say thank you to Yuna. I went to my room, which she occupies for now, to search for her. I banged the door as I shouted “YUNA!”



            She turned around quickly to look at me. The next thing I know, I was pushed on the wall, her hands covering my mouth tightly and her eyes looking into me deeply.




another update.. but i think i won't be able to update for the next few days.. it's FINALS WEEK ! i gotta study.. wish me luck in all of the exams.. i really need to pass.. anyway thanks for the commentss !! shower me more.. LOL




see yah when i see yah !!







07:26 am



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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...