
Stuck With You



I turned around to face the new comer.



            Hee-chul and Eun-hyuk?


            “Hyung, what do you think am I doing?” I asked back, raising my eyebrow at them. I stood up to face them, leaving the jacket halfway on Yuna’s arms.


            They started strangling me.


            What have I done? “Yah! Hyung, stop it!” I shouted as I tried to escape from their arms.


            I shooed them off. What’s the use of my biceps if I can’t take their arms off me, anyway?


            “CHOI SI-WON! I never thought you’re that erted!” Hee-chul yelled at me.


            “How can you do this to our dongsaeng?” Eun-hyuk seconded.


            “What exactly did I do?” I fought back.


            “And you’re asking us?” they both yelled.


            “What’s going on in here? You guys are noisy.” Someone butted in.


            “Nothing!” I shouted, not looking at the person.


            “Geng, He’s trying to Yuna!” Hee-chul exclaimed.


            WHAT?! who? How did they even arrive at that conclusion?


            “What?” Han-geng shouted. “You tried to what?”


            “I’m not trying to do anything!” I defended. “I’m just taking off her jacket to—”


            “To her!”


            “Hyung, try to listen to me, okay? You didn’t even give me the chance to explain!”


            “Calm down, guys.” Geng pleaded. I stared at them. They’re serious, based on their expression, they’ll kill me if I let one wrong word slip out of my mouth.


            “It’s hot here, so I thought it’d be better to take her jacket off her.” I explained. I still want to live, okay? And I’m not a ert!


            “See guys, Wonnie doesn’t mean any harm to our dongsaeng.” Geng looked at me. “Can we settle this down, now?”


            I nodded. Hee-chul laughed and Eun-hyuk patted my shoulder. “Mian.” He whispered.


            “I really thought that you’d her.” Hee-chul laughed more. I shook my head as I started to unpack the things Yuna and I bought a while ago.



~~At Night~~

~Yuna’s P.O.V. ~


            It’s noisy. Why is it so noisy? Voices around me drowns me. What is happening?


            What happened?


            I was out with Si-won, buying some stuff. And then we ate some food at the car. And then, what happened next? Gah, my memory .


            I opened my eyes. It’s bright, too bright. I closed them again. I’m not in the room. So, where am I?


            I forced my eyes open again. All I can see are shadows. Shadows of people. Where is everybody?


            My eyes adjusted to the bright light. It’s not shadows, it’s their back facing me. I sat up straight. No one seems to notice that I’m awake.




            I clumsily stood up and walked to the kitchen to get some water. I almost fell over the side table, but no one reacted.




            I drank a glass of water and sighed. Maybe they really are busy about something, that’s why they didn’t notice me. I wonder what that is.


            I returned at the living room and listened. Yes, it’s a waste of time, since I can’t really understand them. I just sat at the sofa and pretended to be invisible.


            “Yuna.” Someone called. I faced the source of the voice and saw Ki-bum. I smiled at him.


            “What is going on?” I innocently asked him. (I’m really innocent, okay?)


            “Our vacation was cancelled.” He whispered as he pointed to the other members.


            “Are they arguing over something?”


            “No. They’re just disappointed at the sudden cancellation.” He shook his head.


            “Why? Don’t you guys have more vacation than normal people has?”


            He laughed out loud. The other members looked at the suddenly laughing Ki-bum. “We never had a long vacation, so we’re actually hoping this planned vacation would work.” He explained as he waved the others to look away.


            They never had a long vacation? Not even once?


            “Why was it cancelled?” I’m trying to grasp the whole concept of the no-long-vacation thing.


            “A new sub-group will have their promotions next month.”




            “Ki-bum-ah!” someone, Lee-teuk I guess, called. Ki-bum ruffled my hair and went to join the discussing group. I went up to the third floor, inside the room to relax there. Why do I need to stress out myself with things I can’t even understand?


            I heard rapid tapping inside the room. I slowly opened the door and found evil Kyu-hyun lying on the bed, playing the lap-top Ki-bum oppa lend me.


            “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” I yelled at him as I tried to push him off the bed.


            “Bwoh?!” he yelled back. He quickly took a grasp on me and pinned me down on the bed. He’s strong, I can’t do anything.


            I heard rapid footsteps coming. I tried to struggle under him, trying to break free. He just maintained his strong grip on me. “It hurts.” I whispered. He just looked at me, straight in the eyes.


~Kyu-hyun’s P.O.V ~


            I pinned her down on the bed. I mean, what is wrong with her? I was just silently playing here in my room, in my laptop! I want to avoid all of their depressive talks downstairs about the cancelled vacation that’s why I’m playing here, alone. What is wrong with that? Why did she suddenly got mad and yelled?


            She struggled harder, so I held her harder, more securely. I looked at her straight in the eyes and waited for her to be calm. She murmured something, but I didn’t understand it.


            “Hyung! Our Maknae’s trying to Yuna, too!” someone shouted after banging the door open.


            “CHO KYU-HYUN! What are you doing?!” Lee-teuk hyung yelled.


            “This morning, it’s Si-won, now it’s Kyu-hyun?” Hee-chul laughed. What is he talking about?


            “Let her go!” someone grabbed my arm from the side. I saw Ki-bum, with that dark expression.


            “Only if she’s calmed down! I don’t want to be beaten up by a girl.” I answered them.


            “Beaten up?” they asked me in confusion.


            “Why do you think I’d hold her down for?” I asked them, trying to make eye contact with them.


            “Because you’re her? Or at least trying to her?” Hee-chul replied, shrugging off his shoulder. I shook my head and tried to imagine how we looked right now.


            I’m on top of her, holding her arms upward. She’s under me, her head is inclined sideward’s, as if avoiding my face, my lips.


            I let her go and jumped off the bed. Man, I did look like I’m going to her.


            Ki-bum help her stand up. I saw the marks my fingers made on her arms. Is she hurt?


            “I’m just avoiding being hurt by her. And I don’t want to hurt her either. That’s all!” I explained. They shook their heads in synchronization.


            “You already hurt her.” I heard Ki-bum said while checking the red bruises on Yuna’s arms. I ticked my tongue and went out to the rooftop again, my sanctuary.



~Yuna’s P.O.V. ~


            My arms hurt, a lot. Why is he like that? He’s really evil, right?


            I’m alone at the room now. The other members disappeared right after Kyu-hyun left the room. Even Ki-bum left.


            I looked at the red bruises and the finger marks they resembled. I never thought he’s that strong. I never thought those hands that looked so slender and beautiful will cause me this things. I shook my head.


            I heard the door creak and saw Ki-bum holding a pack of ice in his hand. He smiled at me. “Does it hurt that bad?”


            “No, just a bit.” I replied as he compressed the ice pack on the red marks.


            “What happened? Tell me.” He ordered. I bowed my head low.


            “I saw him playing with the laptop you lend me. So I get upset and mad.” I explained.


            He frowned. “That’s his laptop. He’s the one who lent you that thing.”


            What? Evil Kyu-hyun lent me his laptop? “But you’re the only one who can speak English here, right?”




            “Who wrote this note?” I asked as I pulled out a piece of paper from the side table. He looked at it and smiled.


            “He did.” WHAT? “I write more neatly than that.”


            I gasped.


Angel me:     Maybe he isn’t evil after all.

Devil me:       Or maybe he just wants to get close to you to hurt you more.

Angel me:     Give him a chance. He’s not that bad.

Devil me:       Look what he’s done to you. He just hurt you, right?

Angel me:     He just did it to protect his self and to avoid hurting you too. Open your  eyes, Yuna.

Devil me:       Don’t trust him. He’s just pretending to be good.

Angel me:     Shut up, Devil!

Devil me:       Shut up, Angel!


Real me:        Shut up, the both of you!


            He lent me this laptop, and even said “Sorry last night. We have schedules today, so you’re alone at the dorm. You may use this laptop if you get bored. I already translated everything in English. Take care.” In the note!


            “I told you, Kyu-hyun is good. He’s not as bad as you thought.” Ki-bum interrupted me.


            “I tried to hurt him.” I admitted as I faced him.


            “You know what to do, right?” he asked me, giving that angelic smile again.


            “Apologize?” my lips trembled at the words.


            I’d apologize to Cho Kyu-hyun? There’s no way I’d do that, right? I looked at Ki-bum for some help, but he still wears that smile. He thinks I’m that good, I don’t deserve it.


            I made my way out of the room. “He’s at the rooftop.” Ki-bum said before I closed the door. I went up the rooftop and found him sitting there, his head facing the sky, as if waiting for the stars to fall down on him.


            “Kyu-hyun-ssi—” I murmured before approaching him.


            He sat up straight after hearing my voice. He turned and faced me. Shock is displayed on his face.


            I stared at him as he stared at me, too. I don’t know how long I was standing there, or how long we were staring at each other. I just stood still, like a statue at the front of the door.


            What should I do?





double double double... okay that's triple double.. i hope i didn't fail you guys in this double update.. i know i'm not good at this, but i'm trying.. comments please.. LOL♥♥♥



♦i forgot to write this last night.. LOL




















kiseonnie 11



......................thanks guys !! ♥♥♥

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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...