
Stuck With You



            Kyu-hyun let out a loud sigh, put his laptop down, stood up and faced me with an unfriendly expression on display.





He walked slowly towards me, glaring. Everybody is looking at him, too.


            Trouble. Trouble ***t, how did I get into this?


            He stopped, right there in front of me. The other guys backed down, moving sideward to avoid getting in his way. “Kyu-hyun-ah” Lee-teuk called from behind.


            Kyu-hyun, still glaring at me, smiled evilly, as if taunting. Heck, he’s going to hit me. I thought as I return his glare.


            And then, he bowed...


            He bowed down! In front of me! I’m shocked, I’m quite sure he’s about to hit me. I am still staring at him when he stood straight. He caught my eyes.


            His devilish smile is gone, even his weird aura. It’s like his whole mood was changed. He seems satisfied?! He walked back to where he sits, opened his laptop and played again. My jaw dropped.


            “Kyu-hyun-ssi is nice, if you’d get to know him better. It’s just that he’s mean when his game is being disturbed.” Ki-bum tapped me as he explained. I shut my mouth up.


            “So that’s us.” Ki-bum said, changing the mood around us. “We’re the Super Junior.” He continued, proudly. All of the other members stretched out their arms, their hands in an open position, as if signaling me to stop.


            I laughed, hysterically. They just looked at me in confusion. I couldn’t help it, they’re just so cute!


            “Sorry—” I coughed, trying not to laugh. “It’s just that you guys are so cute.” I finished as I give them my best smile. Ki-bum translated it, for the other members to understand. They all smiled at me, I’m blinded again.


            Ki-bum faced me again, he started to open his mouth to say something but somebody’s phone rang.


            It’s Lee-teuk’s.


            He talked to the phone for a while and we all listened to it. After a minute or two, he removed the phone from his ear and started to convey the message to the waiting members.


            Meanwhile, I’m trying to recall their names, one by one. Unfortunately, I only remembered Ki-bum, Lee-teuk, Shin-dong, Ryeo-wook and Kyu-hyun (the evil one). I frowned in disappointment. “I really at memorizing.” I murmured. I tried to remember their names again. “Lee-teuk, Ki-bum, Ryoe-wook, Kyu-hyun, Hee-chul, Shin—”


            “Yeah!” they screamed. I raise my head, only to find them jumping and hugging each other in joy.


I walked towards Ki-bum (since nobody would really understand me except him). “What happened?” I pouted.

            He turned around to face me, beaming. And then...


            Can you believe what he did?


            He hugged me!


            It feels like I lost my sanity. And then, everything went black.



Ki-bum’s P.O.V.


            “There are too many ELF’s in front of the building.” Lee-teuk explained after hanging up the phone. We all looked at him, waiting for the other messages. “So, the manager thought it would be a bad idea if we’d go there, since he knew we almost died in the airport.” He continued. “He said we should head back to the dorms.” Still no reaction and more silence. “Our entire schedule for today is cancelled!” he finished.


            Cancelled? Then...


“Great!” Hee-chul yelled.


            “I’d be with Ddangkkoma!” Ye-sung screamed.


            “I want to sleep.” Kyu-hyun yawned.


            “Let’s celebrate! I’ll cook!” Ryoe-wook offered.


            “Better get some rest.” I concluded, ignoring their yells of plans of activities for our day. I smiled though; it’s been so long since we’ve had a good night’s sleep. I mean, seriously, our schedule is so full; we barely even had a chance to eat! It’s nice just to think about having a complete day-off. E.L.F’s out there, we owe you guys a lot! I beamed.


            Someone tugged my sleeves from the back. I turned around to see who it was. Oh, the girl. I guess everybody is too preoccupied now to remember her.


            “What happened?” she pouted. Aww, cute. I beamed more at her and then I gave her my welcoming hug.


            I pulled off from that hug after a while. I’m too overwhelmed by happiness; I got to share it with this innocent girl who doesn’t even know us.


            I looked at her. It’s weird. Her head is dropped low, it looks like she fainted. I tilted her head up to ask what’s wrong. But her eyes were closed!


            She fainted?!





sorry for the super late update. anyway, hope you guys aren't disappointed. and to make up to you guys, here's another chapter, coming up. =P


and comment please. i'm dying to have some. i'd accept negative or positive feedbacks. i have to improve my writing too, so please please COMMENT. and thanks for the subscribers!

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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...