
Stuck With You


감사함니다, you




~ Kyu-hyun’s P.O.V. ~


                “Yuuuuuuuunaaaaaaaaaaaa!” I screamed on the phone as she answered it on the other line. I know it’s just half a day since I left her at Korea but I just can’t help myself from missing her and pissing her off. Well, pissing her off is my one way of letting her feel important.


                I heard her sigh then the line went dead. I giggled to myself imagining how she looks like right now.


                “Five minutes then we’re on!” the stage director called as he peeked on the door of our dressing room. We all nodded in unison.


                Still have five minutes.


                I dialed her phone number again, hoping I’d hear her irritated voice for once before the start of our hectic schedules here at China. I tapped impatiently on the table in front of me as I wait for the line to be connected.


                “Sorry. The number you have dialed is not available at the moment. Please try again later.” The recorded voice answered me instead of hers. I sighed and put my phone on silent. I don’t know when I’ll be able to call again and I don’t think I could survive this one week without hearing her voice yelling on me but I guess I have no choice.


                “Maybe she’s really pissed right now.” I concluded while glancing at the laptop in front of me. Well, I do admit I set the time of her phone one and a half hour in advance – or is it two hours? – and her alarm was set with my voice echoing through it. I just want her not to forget me while I’m gone. Well, I don’t even have any idea what happened between her and Ki-bum – except that they’re together already – and I’m quite nervous. What if I’ll be too late when I came back? What if she’s head over heels for Ki-bum already after a week? What if they’re inseparable and she’ll ignore me when I’m there? What if she doesn’t need me anymore? What if my little chance on her liking me would totally disappear just because I’m not there? What if…


                 “Kyu-hyun, if you’re going to break your laptop, I’d be happy to do the honor.” Dong-hae laughed beside me. I glanced at my hand and noticed that I’m holding way too tight at my friendly companion. I released it from my grip and glared at him. “Whoa, you’re really… scary.” He finished as he waved off and left me there, still glaring.


                “Are you alright?” Henry asked beside me. I nodded.


                “Nervous much?” Ryeo-wook stated out of nowhere. I gritted my teeth.


                “Mind your own business, guys!” I exclaimed which earned a troubled look on each of them. I slumped back on my seat in defeat.


                “Okay! Okay!” Henry and Ryeo-wook said in chorus as they raise their hands up on air, surrendering.


                “Three minutes!” the stage directors said through our ear plugs and we all nodded to ourselves.


                “Let’s pray.” Si-won suddenly invited as he offered his open hands to each of us. “Come on, it won’t hurt.” He continued. One by one, the other members gathered round him. I grunted but then decided that I should at least pray too.


                I glanced one last time on the screen of my laptop which displays the newest entry on Yuna’s blog and smiled to myself. Then, I walked towards the other members who now gather in a circle and joined them. Si-won started the prayer but I have other things to pray for.


                Wait for me, Yuna. Wait for me. Wait for me, Yuna. Wait for me.


~ Yuna’s P.O.V. ~



                “Kyu-hyun, you’re dead when you get back here!” I yelled and waited for the reply on the other line.


                “Uh, Yuna…” an unexpected voice replied. “I guess you’re not in the good mood, huh?”


                Startled, I pulled the phone off my ear and stared at the screen. Lee-teuk oppa?


                “I’m sorry!” I almost banged my head on the locker door as I bowed down. “I’m really sorry, I didn’t check the caller I.D. first before answering. I’m sorry!” I explained, worried that he may misunderstood.


                “It’s alright. I guess even though Kyu-hyun’s at China, he’s still playing pranks on you.” He laughed on the other line. I tried to smile at his words but his sudden call worries me.


                “Oppa, is something wrong?” I asked, afraid of the answer he might give me.


                “No!” he defended. “I was just checking if you’re fine.” He sighed on the other line and before I could speak again, he continued. “Are you busy now?”


                “Uh, no. I was…” what should I say again? He’s serious and that scares me more. “I was an hour early for my shift today. Do you need anything?”


                “Then, can you drop by here at the SME building? Just for a while though.” He said calmly, his voice is soothing but trouble beneath it is so obvious it makes me want to run away.


                “Okay.” Is all I managed to say as nervousness started to claw its way up to my nerves.


                “Thanks. I’ll wait for you here then. Just go to the front gate and I’d tell the guards to let you in.” he finished then he hang up.


                I took a deep breathe in and held it in for a while. I know why he suddenly wants to meet up with me and I know he’s just doing this for the protection and safety of the members but I also know that the price of that protection and safety won’t be of any joke.




                I literally ran to the building just so I can come back to the ice cream shop in time for my duty. I don’t know how much time this meeting with Lee-teuk oppa would take so I better hurry. The guard of the building was friendly and he let me in quickly after I told him my intentions of going there. It’s a relief.


Walking in this familiar lobby sent chills in me. I bowed my head low and hoped that I won’t bump into someone and cause trouble again. I hope I won’t see her here too. I don’t know if I could face her now. Actually, I’m not sure of anything right now except for the fact that I am in love with Kim Ki-bum of Super Junior and I’m ready to take the risks of being with him no matter what.


                “Yuna, here!” someone called as I walked in the small cafeteria of the building. I saw Lee-teuk sitting alone on a table at the corner of the room with a cup of tea, I guess, at his hand. I approached him nervously.


                “I’m sorry if it took a while before I got here.” I bowed down in front of him at the same time when he motioned me to sit down on the chair in front of him. I obliged.


                “No, actually I should be the one saying sorry for disturbing you and asking you to come here at this time.” He smiled and for a while I lost track of the things I’m worrying about. Well, you see, his side dimples are really distracting, you know?


                I smiled in return; covering up the nervousness I’m feeling right now. “It’s fine. I’m early anyway.”


                I stared at him for a while and he did the same to me. We stayed silent for a few more minutes, unable to say whatever it is that’s supposed to be said. I guess he doesn’t know how to start and I don’t have the guts to start and ask first either. But in the end, deciding that nothing would happen if none of us would speak up, I asked the first question.


                “S–So, Lee-teuk o–oppa, why did yo–you call me he–here for?” I tried to ask calmly but I stuttered anyway. I want to scold my voice right then and there for betraying me.


                “Oh yeah, a–about t–that –” he stuttered to while his fingers started on playing with the lid of the cup of his tea. I guess I’m not the only one being all nervous here. “I heard you and Ki-bum are together.” He regained his calm and stated his sentence matter of fact-ly.


                I looked down on my hands which are sweating to the full extent again and nodded timidly. I knew this is what it’s all about, I shouldn’t be surprised. But why are my insides protesting and turning into knots as he said those words? ‘I heard you and Ki-bum are together’. I guess I still can’t believe it myself.


                “I shouldn’t be saying this…” he started again and I forced myself to look up to him and meet his gaze. His eyes are tender and his face is calm. However, his lips are turned down on the corners as if it’s about to give out deadly words to me. I shivered at the thought.


                “Lee-teuk oppa,” I heard myself cut him off. “I really like Ki-bum and I’m ready to take the risks of being with him. Even if it means I’d be beaten up by his crazy fan girls. I’ll endure it,” I started to sob out of nowhere and I saw a flash of distress on his face. I shook my tears away and hold onto the strength that I had, which made me speak up in the first place, to finish what I’m saying. “Please don’t ask me to stay away from him.”


                I quickly covered my eyes with the back of my hand and tried to stop the tears from flowing. I wiped the ones that escaped from my eyes with my hand and sighed. Then I faced him again, trying to stabilize my breathing at the same time. The last thing I need now is a total break down.


                “Yuna, I’m sorry.” He sincerely said but I shook my head.


                “I know you’re only doing this for them.” I tried to smile but the stubborn tears started to flow again. Why am I such a cry baby?


                “Exactly.” He nodded, more to himself than to me. “And I really don’t want to hurt you or your feelings. I don’t want you to break up with Ki-bum either because I know that if you do, you’ll break his heart too.”


                I wiped my tears again and nodded. Ki-bum oppa loves me. He loves me. I chanted in my mind as if that would blow the tears away.


                “But as you said, I’m doing this for them; for the team.” His face is grave again and his next words caught me off-guard. “I hope you’ll consider the risks he’ll face too once the public knew about you.”


                I was dumbstruck. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what to do. Is this the payment for last nights’ happy moments? Or is this the payment because I’m being way too selfish these past months?


                I’m a risk he’s taking. I’m nothing but a risk which can destroy him.


                Just then, as if Lee-teuk’s words weren’t enough to break me apart, I saw that familiar eyes stare right through me, piercing my heart thoroughly. She glared at me for a while and my eyes don’t want to cooperate with me as it stayed locked with hers.


                She’s here. She’s back and I can’t do anything about it. I can’t run away. I can’t hide. I can’t fight back. And at the same time, the very own leader of their group is right here in front of me saying that I’m a risk to the person I like. I can feel my whole self crumble down to pieces; my heart shattered into tiny parts. I wanted to scream out Help! But I know no one would come.


                Help! Help! Help me, please!


                Then someone pulled me; someone pulled my face away from these horrors I’m facing. My eyes gazed at space for a while and I’m hoping to see the comforting eyes of my savior; of Kyu-hyun, but a different set of round, dark and beautiful eyes met mine.


                “Yuna, gwenchana?” he asked and all I could do is cry as the owner of the eyes and arms that pulled me out of my current nightmare enveloped me in his warm presence.




another sad chapter?? or is it?? LOL




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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...