Yoona or Yuna?

Stuck With You




                “You know, I really, really, really like you.” Yuna said.


                “You’re drunk, Yuna. You don’t know what you’re saying.” Ki-bum replied, calmly.


                “Yah! I may be drunk and not sober, but I’m still conscious!” she shouted, enraged.


                I covered my ears. I don’t want to hear any of this. I don’t want to know what is going to happen next, I closed my eyes. I bit my lower lip to avoid screaming. Then, as if on cue, my head turned and saw Ki-bum carrying Yuna in his arms; like a newly wed off to their honeymoon. I stared in horror.


                “Yuna!” I called, scared that if I won’t hold onto her now, I’ll lose her forever.


                “Yuna, wait! Hear me out!” I shouted louder.


                Ki-bum didn’t stop walking, carrying Yuna farther away from me. I tried to chase them but my legs aren’t strong or fast enough to catch up. I saw Yuna turn her head toward me, and I sighed in relief, still running toward them.


                “I like Ki-bum oppa. You know that, right?” she asked me, clearly showing disapproval of me reaching out to her.


                I nodded. “B-But…”


                “Then leave us alone now. I got what I want. I’ll be with him, forever.” She replied sarcastically, not even letting me finish my sentence. Then they slowly disappeared from my sight, being totally engulfed by the darkness.


                “NOOOO!!!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.


                “CHO KYU-HYUN SHUT UP! YOU’RE FREAKING NOISY!” someone screamed. Startled, I sat up and rubbed my eyes with my right sore hand. Where am I? I searched for the source of the voice and found Dong-hae hyung sprawled on the space next to me, shaking his head. Other bodies are scattered on the floor as well and it took me a minute to remember why.


                We’re still at the Shinee dorms because of last night’s party. I’m drunk enough to fall asleep without me even noticing it, but I’m still capable of remembering things anyway. I pulled my left arm, which is still stretched on the floor to stand up, but then I felt a certain weight forcing it to stay there. I looked down and saw Yoona, still sleeping peacefully on my arm.


                ON MY ARM? What the hell? How did we end up sleeping like this?


                I pulled my arm gently off her, making sure I won’t wake her up in the process, and shook it tremendously to liven up the numb nerves. I shook my head to as I do so.


                “Kyu-hyun, gwenchana?” Lee-teuk asked from behind. I nodded involuntarily.


                I pat my arm now, trying to get the blood back on it. It’s really numb and I hate the feeling of nothingness on it.


                “Last night, you cried.” He said, or more like of, explained.


                “I did?” I answered and I was surprised to hear my voice in that high-pitched questioning tone for the first time.


                “Yeah.” Hyung nodded. “And earlier, you we’re screaming out ‘YOOOONAAAAA’ over and over again.”


                I shook my head and giggled. I’m glad that was a dream.


                “So, you like her that much that you even dream about her?” Lee-teuk asked again. What’s with the interrogation early in the morning?


                Wait, did he just found me out? Did he just realize I like Yuna? I looked at him in terror.


                “Don’t worry, I won’t tell.” He whispered, placing his index finger in front of his lips. “So, you like her?”


                I nodded, unable to deny the truth.


                “I knew it!” he clapped. I ssh-ed him down and he returned to that whispering tone again. “That’s why you hugged her last night and cried! Because she accepted you?” his eyes are full of excitement that it twinkled so much, it blinds me.


                “Who did I hug last night?” I asked, confused of what he just said after processing it for a long while.


                “Yoona.” he stated, pouting his lips to point at the still asleep girl. “You’re together now?”


                My eyes were wide in terror. So the Yuna I was thinking about and the Yoona he was talking about were two different people? Aish, I should’ve known since the name sounds the same. (A/N: It does sound the same, right?)


                In the most escapable situation like this, something happened that made this event an inescapable one; Yoona woke up.


                “Oppa, Annyeong.” She smiled and then she covered her face with her hands, probably remembering where she is and what her position is right now. She ran to the bathroom and started doing girl stuffs.


                “I’m right!” Lee-teuk hyung concluded, watching the panicked Yoona go into the bathroom.


                “Hyung! Don’t jump into conclusions! It’s not like what you think.” I tried to reason, but then he stood up and started on waking up the other members.


                “Hyung!” I called again. I need to iron this out.


                I’m not in love with Yoona of SNSD. I’m in love with Yuna of… Super Junior. In any way, I couldn’t let the other members assume that there’s something going on or else it’ll be a huge mess.


                “Hyung.” I finally said as Lee-teuk hyung stopped moving around.


                “Kyu-hyun, don’t worry. I’ll take care of it for you.” He simply said.


                When Yoona got out of the bathroom and into the lounge again, everyone else is awake, including the SNSD and Shinee members. She walked into the lounge passing in front of me and Lee-teuk hyung. I have no time on noticing what changed in her because I was on the verge of giving up on explaining things up to Lee-teuk. Then Yoona suddenly tripped in front of us.


                Instinctively, what should a man do? Catch her of course, right? But I guess I just made a huge mistake; because Lee-teuk hyung took it as an affirmation of what he have guessed.


                “Kamsahamnida, Oppa.” Yoona said shyly as I helped her stand up straight again.


                “Drop the formalities, Yoona.” I murmured back as I let go of her and turned to look at Lee-teuk hyung.


                As I do so, I felt some more eyes staring intently at me. I let mine sweep across the room and saw each of them looking at me, just as I have expected.


                Sung-min hyung looks confused, as well as Wookie and Tae-min. Dong-hae and Eun-hyuk were giggling at the side. Onew and Minho gave me the what-happened look while Key and Jong-hyun smiles defiantly. The SNSD girls looks confused as well. Their eyes are full of questions and wonders. Shin-dong, Kang-in, Han-geng, Hee-chul, Ye-sung and Si-won, who all just woke up, looks startled at the sudden commotion.


                “Will you still deny it?” Lee-teuk hyung said, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.


                “There’s nothing to deny, hyung because—”


                “You said so yourself, there’s nothing to deny.” He smiled triumphantly. “You and Yoona are really together.”


                I heard gasps and “oh’s” around us from the other members and it made me more uncomfortable.


                “You got it all wrong.” I started to say, but then I glimpsed on Yoona who smiles widely, as if not being entirely bothered about the issue of us being mistaken as a couple.


                “Is it true, Yoona?” Jessica asked, obviously, to Yoona.


                I stared at Yoona and hoped for the best. I was hoping she was going to make it easier on me since we’ve really been on good terms. But I guess I hoped for too much.


                She smiled brightly at Jessica and said “Neh.”    


                I groaned in disapproval.


                The girls started jumping and cheering for their co-member.


                The guys tapped me on the shoulder one by one saying “Nice one.” as if I just made them proud of me. Well, all of the guys except Sung-min and Tae-min. they gave me the what-are-you-doing look and I gave them a wry smile. It’s bad to just tell them here that Yoona was lying. That’d be the same as me slapping her in front of them, hardly. And I don’t want to do that.


                After that non-sense congratulations and everything, we started cleaning up. Well, I started ssince none of them pays too much attention on cleanliness. Tae-min helped me after a while and we worked on silent. When I went to throw the trash, he followed me outside.


                “Hyung…” he said, he’s still obviously confused. “I thought you like Yuna.”


                “Tae-min, not now.” I whispered.


                “But you do like her, right?”


                I nodded, finding no voice inside me as I remembered what I witnessed last night.


                “Then, do you have a plan to… you know? Go on with Yoona noona?”


                I stared at him. “Which Yuna are we talking about? Because I rarely have time to be misunderstood again.” I stared at him right in the eye.


                “Yoona noona of SNSD, of course. Do you really have that kind of relationship with her?” he tilted his head on one side .


                “Tell me, Tae-min—” I started. Gentle. I must be gentle. “Does it make sense if I’d like Yuna so much that I’d cry last night then now suddenly, it was announced that I am dating Yoona of SNSD?”


                He shook his head. I laughed. “Sorry, hyung.” He bowed and went inside. I was left there, still laughing.


                “Oppa, are you that happy now?” someone asked behind me and suddenly I was enraged. I faced her and glared at her. When did I learn such bad manners toward girls?


                “You and I need to have a talk.” I said in between my teeth.


                “Okay.” Yoona hopped in front of me happily.


                Man, you don’t know how much trouble you’re in now.


                “Why did you lie?” I asked her, directly. “There’s nothing going on between us and you know that.”


                “I just feel like it.”


                She just feel like it? Is that even a reason to begin with?


                “Yoona, tell me, honestly—” I know this is totally rude but I got to do this. “Do you like me?”



hang in there readers.. LOL


i'm trying my best here..

it's another KyuNa couple.. only with the different girl.. ^_____^ like it? or hate it? anyways


thanks to ~yummiedesire for the image anyway.. just want to give credits to th one who made that pic on the net.. ^___^





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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...