Him and Her

Stuck With You






            After failing to find her on the other floors and lobbies of the building, I went back up to the practice room of Super Junior M.


            “Hyung! I lost Yuna!” I shouted as I entered the room. Everybody took a glance at me, and then at Kyu-hyun hyung.


            “You what?” he boasted, storming into my direction.



~Yuna’s P.O.V. ~


            He likes someone?


            Ki-bum likes someone else?


            How can that be? I thought... I thought...


            Maybe I’m thinking too much. He didn’t even tell me he loves me. I don’t even own him. I shouldn’t be feeling this way. I shouldn’t...


            My tears burst out. I don’t know where I am. I ran off after overhearing his confession to the lucky girl. But, who cares if I’m lost. No one will look for me. The only person that cares for me here loves another. He’s too busy, too preoccupied by his love for that girl. He won’t have time to look out for a thing like me.


            I stopped running for a few minutes now, but my heart still beats fast as if I was in a race. Its hard throbbing in my chest makes it harder to breath. I feel like I’m going nowhere, trying to hide myself from everything else around me.


            Last night was so magical, but what happened now?



~Ki-bum’s P.O.V. ~


            “That’s great, Cha-eun. Your acting skills are developing well.” I praised the kid in front of me.


             We’re practicing some of her lines at the rooftop. She’ll be presenting it for the audition at SME, and I volunteered to help.  She’s my classmate back in my grade school days, and she’s been a good friend of mine.


            “Thanks, Ki-bum-shi.” She blushed.


            “Shall we go back now?” I lead the way out of the rooftop.


            She followed me willingly, I opened the door, and then three rushing people entered without excuse.


            The first guy pulled me to face him. Kyu-hyun?


            “What are you doing, hyung?” he shouted. Why is he so mad?


            “Nothing!” I defended. Henry and Tae-min, the two other guys following Kyu-hyun, pulled Kyu-hyun’s hands off me.


            “Relax hyung.” Tae-min whispered.


            Kyu-hyun eyed the girl beside me. “Who are you?”


            I gave Cha-eun an assuring nod, and she spoke “Cha-eun.”


            “She’s my friend.” I explained. Why am I explaining anything to my dongsaeng?


            “Friend? Then why would you ask her to be your girl?”


            I looked at Cha-eun and she looked at me too, then I started laughing. “We were practicing!” I laughed out.


            “Practicing?” the three new comers said in unison. Confusion written on their faces.


            “Why are you so mad, anyway?” I suppressed my laughter now. They’ve rushed in here for a reason, and I need to know that.


            “Hyung, Yuna saw you two earlier while you were ‘practicing your lines’. And we thought it is for real.” Tae-min explained.




            “She ran away. And we don’t know where to find her.” Henry seconded, continuing the explanation.


            I ran out of the rooftop. I can hear footsteps following me but I just continue to run.


            “She’s not in the building anymore. I tried to find her too.” Tae-min babbled.


            I started to head out of the building.


            “Wait! We can’t go out like this!” Henry called.


            I ignored him.


            Yuna ran away? Why would she? She should’ve asked me first.


            “Hyung!” someone called from behind. So I wasn’t alone?


            I looked back and saw Kyu-hyun running as fast as I am. “I’ll find her. Go back to the building.” I ordered him.


            “No! I’ll help. Let’s look at different places. That’ll be faster.” He shouted over the screaming voices of fans. He started running to the direction opposite from me. I did the same.


            I searched for her in every place that goes my way. In every store, every street, every corner of Seoul.


            The building crowd around me makes it harder to look for her. Aish, I love my fans but I really need to find Yuna now! Can’t they just leave me alone?


            “Where are you?” I murmured in between my gasps for breath.



            Aish, how can I find her in this city, with this crowd?!


~Yuna’s P.O.V. ~


            The tears stopped and I want to go home. I’ve convinced myself that Ki-bum oppa is not mine and that I shouldn’t cry over it for too long. People around me are staring at me because of my drenched face and red eyes. I’m afraid of getting this much attention.


            I want to hide and disappear.


            “Yuna!” a voice called.




            I quickly stopped walking, quickly froze there on that spot.


            He looked for me?


            A smile spread across my face just as a hand pulled me. My eyes focused on the eyes that look through me.


            “Are you alright?” his shaking voice murmured.


            “Don’t ever run away like that again!” he said as he pulled me into a restaurant.


            “Ki-bum... Why are you—? How did you—?” How can I put what I feel into words?




            A waitress guided us into a private room and then she left.


            He let me sit in a chair as he kneeled down in front of me, still panting. “You! Do you know how worried I am?”


            My tears started spilling off again. I wiped them off, but that only made it cover my eyes more. He pulled me in a hug and I hugged him back.


            Then I remember the girl.


            I pulled away quickly and stared at him. “You love her.” My voice shook that it’s almost undistinguishable.


            He spanked me on the head; I winced in shock, not in pain. It isn’t even hard.


            “She’s my friend. We’re just practicing our lines.” He laughed.


            They’re what?


            I was quiet for I don’t know how long, when his laughter suddenly broke my stillness.


            “You thought we’re really dating? Am I that good in acting?”




            “You should ask me first if I’m being serious or if I’m just practicing my skills, Arasso?”


            “How the hell can I ask you that when I was so surprised to see you confessing to her at the rooftop! Aish.” I boasted.


            His eyes widen. “Aish?” then he burst out laughing again.


            “What?” his laughter on this stressful situation makes me more upset.


            “Nothing. It’s just the first time I heard you say ‘aish’.” He shook his head and stood up. He patted my head saying “Just ask next time, okay?”


            I nodded, then I started laughing too. His face lightened up and then he started ordering foods for us to eat.


~Narrator’s P.O.V. ~


            Watching from a distance, he silently leaves. Seeing those two laughing now seems to make his heart calm and assured that she’s fine.


            She’ll be fine, no matter what. And he’ll do anything to assure that. But a question keeps on popping in his mind.


            “Why did you let him have her?”


            “Because, she’ll be happier if it’s him who finds her—” He murmured to himself as he went back to the building. “She’ll be happier if she’s with him.”



            At the far corner of the restaurant, another person looks intently at the laughing pair. She hates how she laughs with him, hates how she treats him, and hates how she looks at him. She hates everything she does with him.


            How can she be with him and not her? That’s her place, she can’t let anyone steal her position in his life, in his heart.


            “He can’t be with her.” She cursed.





hey guys.. what do you think ? uhmm, i know my story is so random, but i'm happy you still read it..



arigato gozaimasu!




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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...