I Did [Part 1]

Stuck With You




                “Why are you fighting?” Ki-bum asked us as we calmed down.


                Yuna had her arms crossed on her chest, displaying her annoyed expression. While I have my legs crossed and my hands firmly holding Cheon-sa as I sat down on the floor. Ki-bum seemed to be watching us in silence as he gave out a loud sigh.


                “Come on, spit it out.” He ordered. I shook my head. I feel like I was being scolded by my parents. I won’t talk. I won’t talk.


                “Kyu-hyun called me a wild bear.” Yuna suddenly said, breaking the silence. Is that really the reason? Honestly, I can’t remember clearly what lead to this childish fight.


                “Wild bear?” Ki-bum asked, confused. He faced me and stole Cheon-sa from my hand to get my full attention. “Kyu-hyun, you did that?”


                “She called me a mean dragon.” I reasoned. Now, I feel absolutely like a child.


                “You guys are acting like babies.” He boasted. I agree.


                “And you’re acting like our daddy.” I murmured.


                “What?” Ki-bum asked.


                “Right.” Yuna seconded. Then we both laughed.


                “Yah! This is about the two of you so don’t involve me.” He reasoned, throwing Cheon-sa to my lap. “Why can’t I talk seriously to the two of you?” he shook his head.


                “Because…” Yuna began but I guess she can find no reason for our behavior.


                “Because…” I repeated, but I stopped too not knowing what to say.


                “Because?” Ki-bum asked, completely amused by our incomplete answers.


                “Molla.” We replied in chorus, again. Then we started laughing like we’re on ecstasy.


                “Yah!” Ki-bum shouted but we didn’t stop.


                I stood up and stretched my arms up. Yuna stood up too and head for the bed. Ki-bum stared at us in disbelief.


                “Let’s sleep.” I concluded as I head out of the room.


                “Ki-bum oppa…” I heard Yuna call. I turned to look at her although it wasn’t me who she was calling.


                “Deh?” Ki-bum replied.


                “I’m sorry if I yelled at you earlier.” She bowed. “Good night.”


                “Good night.” Ki-bum replied then he turned off the lights and went with me at the roof top.



                “Not sleeping yet?” I asked Ki-bum when we’re both settled down at the open place.


                “Later, perhaps. I need to talk to you.” He said up front.


                “Talk to me?” this is new.


                “Yeah.” He simply replied as he lay down beside me.


                “About Yuna?” don’t tell me he already fell for her too. That’d .


                “Yeah.” He sighed again.


                I waited for his next words in silence. I don’t know if I’m ready to hear from him that I’ve been intruding in their love story or something. I’m not even sure if I could change the way I behave whenever Yuna’s involved. Well, actually, I do behave differently when she’s with me. I also find it weird.


                “You’re with Yoona of SNSD now, right?” he asked out of nowhere.


                “I don’t think so.” I replied.


                “What?” I glanced at him and saw his eyes closed as if he’s sleeping or in deep thought or something.


                “Well, it’s a misunderstanding.” I nodded to myself.


                “A misunderstanding.” He repeated.


                “Yeah.” I’m still awkward with this topic since I really don’t want to hurt Yoona’s pride and Ki-bum isn’t really someone I feel comfortable with in confiding my feelings. “So, what about Yuna?” I asked to make the topic pretty clear.


                “Yuna? Our Yuna?” he asked, making sure we’re on the same page.


                “Yeah. Our Yuna.” I set my back up on the wall for support and closed my eyes, remembering how we yelled at each other earlier. It seems so funny now, I can’t help smiling.


                “You two seem close.” He stated. “She’s comfortable with you.”


                I nodded to myself then I remembered he isn’t even looking at me so I voiced out “Yeah.”


                “And you seem relaxed with her.” he continued.


                Where is this conversation leading? I don’t know. But it rather seems serious.


                “Well, she’s not difficult to be with. And she’s like a kid.” I smiled.


                “Yeah, she’s like a kid.”  Ki-bum agreed. I laughed.


                She’s really a kid. I don’t know why she’s like that, but anyway, she’s funny. She takes away the stress I get from work and she makes me laugh all the time. It’s just that sometimes, I’m scared about our current relationship. I know we’re friends but sometimes I’m going way over that. I mean, I can’t help but think of other meanings behind her actions toward me. I know she likes Ki-bum, but still, this feeling inside me won’t go away. It makes me mad at myself for no reason.


                “Kyu-hyun.” Ki-bum called. I opened my eyes and saw him still lying down in the same position. “Do you think I could take care of her?”


                I thought for a moment. Not that I don’t trust Ki-bum; he’s just too oblivious to the happenings around him. When Yuna tried to leave and didn’t explain why, he didn’t even try to find out. He doesn’t even know he’s the reason behind it. It seems, for me, he doesn’t care for Yuna at all.


~ flashback ~


                I can’t sleep last night because I’m scared that Yuna might try to run away again and that I wouldn’t notice it. I’m scared that if I woke up tomorrow, she’d be gone. She still didn’t tell any of us why she wanted to run away and I know she’s still mad at me for telling the other members about her plans when she said I couldn’t but looking at her peaceful face now, I can’t help but worry. She can’t think of an act like that if no one told her to do so. There must be someone who asked her to leave, or maybe there’s something that happened earlier to her.


                Yuna isn’t the kind of girl who’ll do impulsive acts just because she thought of it. She’s not that kind of girl, I knew that much.


                “Kyu-hyun, practice would be over early today.” Sung-min hyung said. I nodded in return. “You’ll go home with us, right?”


                “Not yet.” I replied. “I need to do something else.”


                I need to find out why Yuna thought of leaving. I need to find the root of her decision, or else, who knows when she’ll leave without telling us again.


                When practice ended, I asked manager hyung to bring me to the ice cream parlor where Yuna is working. She must be off work now so I could freely ask Wo-chen what happened there earlier. He’s the only hope I have right now.


                “Kyu-hyun! Long time no visit, huh?” Wo-chen greeted dramatically. I rolled my eyes.


                “I was quite busy these past few days.” I told him. “How’s Yuna doing?” I let my eyes wander around the place and saw it’s almost deserted. This is comfortable for me, though it feels weird having this few people in the shop. I sat myself on the bar and faced Wo-chen up front, waiting for his answer.


                “She’s fine.” He smiled at me. “Worried much?”


                “A bit.” I reasoned. I turned my head around again and watched out for suspicious people. The last thing I need now is a scandal or an article about me in the newspaper. I almost fell off my seat as I heard Wo-chen’s loud laugh.


                “You are worried. It’s obvious.” He roared in laughter again.


                “She tried to leave yesterday, how can I not worry.” I explained. With this, Wo-chen’s face hardened.


                “She tried to leave? She tried to run away?” he asked as if what I’m saying is not making any sense.


                “Yes, and she won’t tell any of us why.” I looked at Wo-chen’s concerned eyes and I almost thanked him out loud for taking good care of Yuna, if only we weren’t whispering.


                “Have you been mean to her again? She always tells me that you’re bullying her.” he snorted and his statement caught me off-guard.


                “I’m bullying her?” my tone raised a bit and I bowed my head low. I’m bullying her? I’m not, right? I’ve been good to her since that time when she was dead scared of that head I put on her bed. How could that be the reason?


                “Well, she said you loved playing pranks on her.” Wo-chen nodded to himself as if hearing Yuna tell him how mean I was again.


                “No. That’s not it.” I hope. “Did something happen yesterday when she’s here? Like she got on a fight with a customer or something?” I asked him, trying to clean myself from the accusation.


                “Well, there’s a girl who came and talked to her just when she’s about to leave. They went out together too.” he replied clearly.


                “A girl? Do you recognize her? Or do you know her name?” Yuna has no friends here. She doesn’t even know anyone here, so who’s that girl?


                “She’s pretty and she’s working at your company, I think. She wears that same Identification card like you do.” He stared into space as he tries to remember details of the girl.


                “What does she look like?” I asked again. Now that the scope is smaller, it won’t be too hard to find her now.


                “She’s tall and slim. Her hair is curly and short.” He tried again. “She looks like a trainee too. Too pretty to be a regular employee.”


                Tall and slim? Hair is curly and short? Why does that sound familiar? And given the fact that she knew Yuna, she might be someone we knew too. I slumped my head on the counter and closed my eyes and tried to think again. A girl who knew Yuna. A girl who knew that she’s living with us. A girl that might’ve asked her to leave.


                There’s only one girl that entered my mind, but I can find no solid reason for her to ask Yuna to go away. She’s the only girl Yuna met so far which is related, or somewhat connected, to us.




                “Thanks, Chen. I’ll be going now.” I suddenly burst out as I ran out of the shop. I waved to Wo-chen with my back facing to him and called a taxi immediately. I don’t know when I’ll have enough free time again to investigate things, so I have to do what could be done now.


                I arrived at the building in no time. I tried to find Cha-eun on my own, but ended up without any result. I was at the edge of giving up on finding her when I saw the girls of SNSD coming out of their practice room. Having no other choice, I approached them.


                “Jessica, Yoona!” I called and waved at them. They waved in return.


                “Kyu-hyun, I heard your practice ended a while ago. Why are you still here?” Jessica asked as we closed the distance between us.


                “I’m looking for someone, a trainee. Could you help me?” I quickly asked, knowing they still have their schedules.


                “Sure thing. Who are you looking for anyway?” she replied steadfastly too as the other members started to head out.


                “Her name is Cha-eun. I guess she just got in here. She’s a friend of Ki-bum.” I’m almost out of breathe because of running and speaking, I guess I lack some exercise now.


                “Ah, Cha-eun-ssi? I know her. Ki-bum introduced her to me while back.” She thought for a while. “I don’t know her whereabouts, but I know her number.” Jessica smiled. I sighed.


                She entered the number of Cha-eun on my phone and I thank her and the other members. Now all I have to do is to confirm if she’s the reason behind Yuna’s attempt. If she is, there’s no way I could forgive her.


                As I made my way out, I called the number given to me and waited for her to answer it.


                “Hello?” a shy voice answered. I almost snorted.


                “Cha-eun-ssi?” I replied and I’m sure I heard her gasp. “It’s Kyu-hyun. Could we meet?”





an update!!!


hahah well, is it getting boring or what??






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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...