
Stuck With You




                “Oppa!” a familiar voice shouted as Kyu-hyun and me approach the dorm. Yoona waves her hand eagerly as if we’re too far away from her to see who she is. I smiled timidly, erasing the remains of the tears I shed earlier.


                “Annyeong, Unnie.” I greeted, accompanied with a slight bow. She smiled at me but didn’t greet me back. Instead, she wrapped her arms around Kyu-hyun’s and gave him a peck on the cheek. I frowned.


                “I’ll go in first.” I murmured, being all itchy with the way they’re acting. As soon as I closed the door behind me, I heard Yoona’s loud laughter. So, they’re having such great time without me in the picture, huh? Fine! Aish, that mean dragon, pretending that he cares so much for me and then leaving me like that in an instant. He’s such a liar.


                I marched my way to my room, frowning and breathing heavily as I do so. When I entered the room, I jumped on the bed and screamed on one of the pillows.


~Kyu-hyun’s P.O.V. ~


                I stared Yoona down as her laughter echoed on the doorway. I don’t know why she’s so happy after seeing Yuna walk off like that. She’s obviously mad and I can’t even comprehend why. Anyway, I should handle this crazy girl in front of me first before barging into my room to talk to Yuna.


                “Yah, what’s you’re problem?” I asked Yoona as she calmed down.


                “Nothing. You?” she giggled. I bit my lower lip to prevent myself from screaming at her.


                “Why are you here again?” I crossed my arms in front of my chest as I watch her expression become serious.


                “I heard Ki-bum broke up with Yuna.” She replied, not a trace of smile on her face.


                I frowned. How could anyone, except us, could know that event? Yoona seemed to notice my questioning face because she blurted out “Cha-eun was mumbling to herself in the girls bathroom at the building.”


                Cha-eun? What’s her role in this? Didn’t I threaten her enough to stay away from Yuna? Could it be...


                “What did you hear?” I asked Yoona, trying to erase the conclusions arising from my mind.


                Yoona fidgeted on her stance, then she’s on the role playing mode as she imitated Cha-eun’s voice.


                “I hate her! Ki-bum oppa broke with her and yet he won’t even look at me! She should just leave so that everything would be back to normal again!” Yoona frowned as she ended her not-so-good imitation. “How did she know those things?” she asked me.


                “I don’t know. I still need to ask her.” I drifted on to drafting a plan to squeeze out any information from Cha-eun but Yoona’s hands shook me.


                “Is she alright?” Yoona pouted her lips to point to the door. I shook my head, understanding her question.


                “She’s been crying for almost a week now. She cries in front of me most of the time and maybe, she cries more when she’s alone.” I admitted, trying to gulp down the bitter truth that I can’t do anything to ease her pain.


                “And? You’re still not confessing? No ‘there’s another man who loves you and won’t hurt you; someone who’s just by your side’ thing?” she almost yelled that I have to cover with my hand to stop her.


                “This isn’t the time to bring up that topic!” I whispered as I drop my hand. “I don’t want to take advantage of the situation.”


                “You’re such a masochist.” Yoona shrugged. “You can just tell her that you love her and then you two could run away to happily ever after. Is it that hard?”


                “She even thinks that we’re together and yet you want me to do those things?” I snickered. “She’d think that I’m some playboy toying with her like Ki-bum and the man she first loved.”


                “The man she first loved? Does it mean she already opened up to you?” her glittering voice sounds annoying that I found myself opening the door and getting inside the house.


                “She just told me her first love story and how she got hurt back then. I don’t want to be compared to that guy and Ki-bum. I don’t want to be levelled with them in her heart. I want to be so much more.” I babbled as I approach the living room. There’s no one there and it’s such a huge relief.


                “So she did open up. That’s good!” Yoona clapped as she followed me inside. I slumped on the couch, ready to block out any word from her again.


                “Aren’t you busy that you’re lousing around here?” I asked as I laid back to relax.


                “Aren’t you attentive to not see Yuna being so scrunched up seeing the two of us together?” she asked back I frowned and closed my eyes. So, she wanted to play this game?


                “Are you so airheaded to arrive at conclusions without basis?” I smiled.


                “Are you so numb not to feel her feelings for you?” she giggled.


                “Isn’t it obvious that she just needed me for now because of what had just happened and you’re mistaking it as a from of affection?”


                “Isn’t it obvious that she’s just so jealous that she’s screaming up at her room?” my eyelids fluttered and my eyes widen at her words.


She’s about to add something to her sentence but I shut up. I listened to the silence around us when a tiny, squeaking and high-pitched sound broke the stillness of everything. I stood right up, ready to run upstairs.


                “Such a bummer, Kyu-hyun.” Yoona concluded as I heard her footsteps approach me behind. “You won’t even let me enjoy the moment when Yuna is all mad up there.” She pouted.


                “So, you find it entertaining to hear and see her like that?” I faced her, showing my disapproval.


                “I find it more entertaining whenever I watch you run to the rescue when she’s like that.” She giggled before turning her back to me. “I’ll be going then. Since you’re not good with dealing with your emotions, I’ll find a way.”


                “Yoona, just stay out of it.” I sighed in resignation.


                “You regretted saying that before, remember?” she reminded as she put on her shoes. “So don’t tell me the same lines like that. I’ll see you around.” She waved off, totally ignoring my plead. I shook my head before going upstairs to see what happened to Yuna.






sorry if it took too long for me to update.. but, nahhh.. i know you're all used to it.. anyway, we moved to a different house now so i rarely touch the computer.. everything's still in mess, so yeah...


i figured.. on february it'll be a year already since i started this story.. i'm just that slow!!!


I'm Sorry!




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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...