The Beginning of the Game

Stuck With You


~ Dong-hae’s P.O.V. ~


                It’s funny watching Yuna lose her nerves now. The handkerchief which escaped its end earlier is now slowly reaching that again. Her stare at Kyu-hyun who’s still on the phone is so hard, he could die with it. I understand her, completely. Kyu-hyun just said he loves Yoona and we heard it all. Although I don’t know how things are going for them to arrive at this situation right now, I still can’t help myself to have fun just by looking at the two of them.


                Kyu-hyun definitely likes Yuna. He admitted that way back at China. I guess he’s even cursing me now for sitting here with Yuna at the back of the car and ordering him to sit in front. But, hey, I’m not the bad guy here. He wanted Yuna to see him the way the he sees her and I’m just helping. If this girl beside me doesn’t really feel anything for him, then I’ll be the one to tell him to stop it already and move on. But, seeing how Yuna’s reacting at Kyu-hyun’s overheard conversation, I know there’s really something mutual between them. And , being the FishyHae that I am, I won’t just sit back and watch these two hurt and long for each other. I know, I’m such an angel. AngelHae.


                I leaned down and smiled widely to myself. Yuna just waited for me to say or do something so I said the last thing she wanted to hear right now. “Jealous.”


                “ No!” she screamed and the laughter that I’ve been holding back since we got into the car exploded from my mouth.


                I held onto my stomach and washed off my face with my other hand. Yuna bent down to squeeze her head between her knees then, she turned her head to my direction. I just smiled at her. Her eyes are like orbs of some sort which begs me to stop everything around her, maybe even her feelings. I don’t know why it’s so difficult for her to accept the fact that she’s jealous. Does it degrade her pride that badly? Well, pride doesn’t really matter in love, right?


                I glanced at Kyu-hyun, who’s keenly watching us up front. His questioning eyes didn’t escape my vision and I just shrugged my shoulders. I tapped Yuna beside me and nodded to her. She just shook her head. Glancing back at Kyu-hyun, I could see that he’s fighting his very will to not throw me out of the car and beat me until I spill the beans out. That, I won’t allow to happen.


                “We’re here.” The driver suddenly announced, breaking the tension in the car. Kyu-hyun looked out and I did too.


                It’s a cold day and I guess everyone’s in their respective house or at school, staying warm. The streets are almost abandoned and silent. The restaurant in front of us seems inviting as an escape from this cold weather. I quickly grabbed my wallet and paid for the bill. Then, I pulled Yuna, with her face still hidden by her messy hair, out of the car. Kyu-hyun followed closely behind us as we entered the establishment quickly, trying not to grab anyone’s attention.


                The place is almost abandoned, with the day coming to a close. I just grabbed Yuna with me to the farthest table and let her sit beside me.  The waiter, who followed us immediately as we entered, quickly handed out their menu to the three of us and watched as the crying girl beside me continuously sulks.


                “Could you please give us a glass of water?” I asked, seeing how he’s eyeing Yuna and me accusingly. I smiled at him, then he walked away.


                “What happened back there?” Kyu-hyun asked, sitting by the other side of Yuna, soothing her back with gentle taps with his left hand.


                “Yuna was just…”


                “Nothing.” Yuna bolted up her head, revealing her bloodshot eyes and crumpled forehead to us. “Nothing happened.” She hardly added.


                “Then, why were you crying and screaming?” Kyu-hyun investigated further.


                “I… I was… Because… Because I had a stomach ache.” She stuttered, obviously finding it hard to come up with a valid and reasonable reason.


                Kyu-hyun looked at me, yet again, suspiciously. I raised my brows and shook my head. Then, I glanced back at Yuna and saw her taking in deep breaths of air to calm herself down. I patted her shoulder, one last time, before I let go.


                “Here’s your water.” The waiter suddenly appeared. “Are you ready to order now?” he put out his small note and pen, ready to list down our orders. I gawked at him and his dumbness. Can’t he see that we even barely sat down comfortably on our seat because of the situation?


                “Can you give us a moment?” Kyu-hyun growled before I could come up with a respectful response. I noticed the waiter take a step backwards, as if avoiding a threat in front of him. When I looked at Kyu-hyun, I saw the reason why.


                Kyu-hyun’s face is flawless and dead serious. His eyes are sharp and in slits of red as he stared the waiter down. His lips are curved in a corner in a mocking grin. He looks like a dark angel, staring down his prey, killing it with just one look. I can’t help but smile.


                The waiter scampered away in fright, I guess, and we both focused to the puffy eyed girl between us.


                “Do you want anything?” Kyu-hyun’s ever-so gentle voice washed over me as I stared in awe. He had his hand on her back again, soothing her continuously as he tries to catch a glimpse of Yuna’s tomato red face.


                How can a dark angel turn into a silver-bright knight in a moment? I don’t know, but that’s just what happened to the enraged Kyu-hyun who suddenly turned into a calm angel. He looks and sounds different, as if the evil side of him was never there. And, honestly, I don’t know what to think of it.


                “I don’t want anything from you.” Yuna’s broken voice cut my thought. I looked at her and saw that she’s already calm. I handed her the glass of water and she finished it in a gulp. Then she gave Kyu-hyun the hardest stare she could muster as she continued “Why don’t you ask Yoona unnie if she wants anything?”


                I quickly put my hand over my mouth to cover the smile that quickly spread through my face as soon as the name of Yoona slipped her lips. So, she really is jealous and she’s not even trying to hide it. Is she even aware of what she’s saying? She just admitted that she’s eavesdropping earlier and that it affected her so much, she’s going crazy about it.


                Kyu-hyun is back on his evil phase as he stood up and put out his phone. He let out a small laugh before dialling on his phone.


              “Maybe you’re right.” He said. “I’m really worried about her because of her schedule she’s not having enough rest.” He murmured as he dialled a number on his phone. Then, he turned his back towards us and divulged on another fake conversation with Yoona.


                I shook my head. Do they really need to play this game? If they do, then may the best player win.



i know i owe you guys a lot for not updating for like two months?? anyway, i'm a graduate now!! yeah and work has just begun... so i hope you understand... thanks for those who didn;t unsubscribe.. ^__^ i missed you guys!!!





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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...