Clearing Things

Stuck With You



                “It’s fine. He’s not mad.” Kyu-hyun whispered to me as he sang me to sleep again.


                I shook my head. He’s wrong, Ki-bum is mad.


                He gently tapped me on the shoulder, I shrugged him off. He can’t understand what I’m feeling. The one he likes never got mad at him. If he has someone he likes.


                I closed my eyes, but the tears are still falling. So, I faced Kyu-hyun and buried my face in his chest. He welcomed me with a hug.


                He started humming, instead of singing. I’m still crying, but his hand tapping me gently makes me feel protected.


                Ki-bum didn’t talk to me after I ran out to the roof top. I didn’t even see him when I went down. I’m scared to face him, but I can’t live with it either.


                What should I do?



~Ki-bum’s P.O.V. ~


                What’s wrong with me? I’ve never been this mad before. I’ve never been this scary either. I’m the kind of person who never really cared about anything! Why am I like this now?


                I grabbed another bottle of beer.


                “Hyung.” I turned and saw Kyu-hyun holding a bottle of beer, too.


                “Oh, it’s you.”


                “Are you okay?”


                “Think so.”


                “Yuna’s been crying.”


                “Is she?” I gulped some beer. I don’t want to hear this.


                “She thinks you’re mad.”


                “I’m not mad.” I replied quickly.


                “Really? Then why are you here drinking all alone?”


                I shook my head as I took in another gulp. “I need some air.” I heard Kyu-hyun drink his own beer. I took a glance at him, but looked away quickly when I saw him staring back.  “You’re here now.”


                He laughed. “Yeah. This is my spot, actually. And you’re intruding.” I laughed too.


                Yes, since Yuna moved here, the rooftop is Kyu-hyun’s spot. But why am I here?


                “You care about her that much.” Kyu seemed to hear what I just asked myself as he answered it.


                 I cared about her that much.


                I was so surprised when I received no greeting from a young girl when we arrived home earlier. I got used to being welcomed by that jolly, cute and innocent girl. But as I found no sign of her, I got worried.


                Did something happen?


                Is she alright?


                Have she decided to leave for good?


                Did someone kidnap her?


                Is there something wrong?


                Is she sick?






                At work, still?


                These were the questions that popped into my mind earlier this evening. The third one scares me the most.


                “Hyung, you should go, talk to her.” Kyu-hyun tapped my shoulder.


                “Why?” I stupidly asked.


                “I don’t know. To clear things out, maybe.” He gulped again.


                I laughed. To clear things out? There’s nothing to clear. It is obvious that she went out with Henry, not even asking for my permission. Not even thinking about me. Not even considering my feelings. Not even... urgh, whatever. I got so worried and... And...


                “Hyung? Are you okay?” Kyu-hyun shook me.


                I composed my features. “Yes.” I calmly replied.


                “Then why are you all red?”


                Red? I coughed. “It’s dark here, how can you tell?”


                “Well, you’ve been clenching your fist, and your color just changed.”


                Yeah, right. “I got to go to sleep.” I escaped. I stood up and head to the door, just then a petite, small figure popped from the darkness.


                Am I hallucinating?


                “Ki-bum oppa.” She whispered, tears glistening on her cheeks.


                I froze. I caught a glimpse of Kyu-hyun moving from the sides, the next thing I know, he left us here, whispering “Talk it out.” in my ear.


                I sat back to where I was sitting a while ago. I heard Yuna move to my side.


                “Why are you still awake?” I coldly asked her.


                “I can’t sleep when I know someone is mad at me.” She silently replied.


                “I’m not mad!” I defended. I faced her and saw her face flushed from color again. The tear flow on her cheeks doubled. I felt the urge of wiping them off, but I held my hand back.


                Don’t give in, Ki-bum. YOU. ARE. MAD. I chanted on my mind.


                She stared at me too, eyes wide in shock. It seems like her eyes are questioning me why the hell am I like this.


                “Sorry...” she murmured and then she stood up and started walking. I pulled her hand.


                “I’m sorry.”  I said loud enough for her to hear. She stayed, my hand still holding her. “I’m sorry.” I repeated.


                You’re totally mad, Kim Ki-bum. Why are you saying sorry now?


                I struggled as I tried to stand up again. When I finally managed to get on my feet, I pulled her in a hug.


                “Ki-bum...” she sobbed.


                “I’m sorry I was mad. I’m sorry if I ignored you...”




                “I’m sorry if I’m mad about nothing. I know you just got bored here that’s why you went out...”




                “I’m sorry if I kept quiet. I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you earlier. I’m sorry...” I trailed off.


                She pulled out from the hug and started wiping something from my face. “Don’t cry.”


                I’ve been crying? I felt my cheeks wet, and she smiled at me.


                Unconsciously, I started wiping her tears too.


                We laughed after a while, still holding each other. Silence reined the place and it still look like we’ve said everything we have to say to each other.


                I feel contented.


                “Will you two sleep now?” a voice pleaded from the door behind us.


                We both turn around to look at it and saw Lee-teuk, Kyu-hyun, Dong-hae, Si-won and Hee-chul staring at us.


                “Your sweetness disturbs our slumber.” Hee-chul added.


                I laughed nervously. Sweetness? I looked at Yuna who is currently blushing to the full extent, as if admitting that we are doing something sweet.


                I stood up and pulled Yuna with me.


                “Cleared everything out?” Kyu-hyun asked me as we approach them. I nodded.


                “Yah, Ki-bum, you know the rules, right?” Teukie hyung reminded me.


                I lost the smile on my face. The rules. The rules I hate the most. “Yes, hyung.”


                Dong-hae patted me and threw us a worried look as we went down to the third floor.




                “Sleep Yuna.” I ordered the girl beside me when we reached the room.




                “Goodnight.” I started to walk away but a hand pulled me.


                “Sing me to sleep again.” she pleaded with those irresistible eyes.


                I nodded. She lay back on the bed and I sat beside her, leaning her head on my shoulder. And then I started singing.


                Not long after, I heard her soft snores. I laughed, but my laughter quickly ended when I remembered what Teukie hyung said.


                “You know the rules, right?” those were his words.





hey guys, i know i owe you more than one update.. but i can't give you another.. my on the job training will start tomorrow, and i don't think i can update that often.. please bear with me.. i'll try to update two chapters each weekend, but i won't promise anything.. thanks !






April 4, 2011

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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...