In To Trouble

Stuck With You


~Ki-bum’s P.O.V.~


                I watched as Yuna made her clumsy way out of the rink. She’s a fast learner, although her posture on the ice isn’t that good yet. We’ll get to that later. When she’s almost at the exit, I started on following her. I slowly skated towards her when suddenly, a force knocked me down on the ground. My whole left side hit the freezing ice and it left me dizzy. I shook my head before opening my eyes. There are people around us and someone is stretching his hand to me. I accepted it, wanting to stand up and go to Yuna that same moment. I shook my head again to clear my vision.


                “Oppa!” a girl screamed. I quickly turned my head towards the source of the voice. The girl is looking at me happily while skating her way to me.


                “Ki-bum Oppa!” another one screamed. I turned my head again and saw another girl, with her peers, coming towards me.


                Then, I remembered where I am. I looked down on the floor and saw the mustache and the wig Yoona gave last night lying there. I’m busted.


                “Be sure to put this disguise on if you want a peaceful date, okay?” Yoona reminded me before leaving the dorm. “Don’t get in any trouble.”


                People started on crowding around me and the guy who bumped me started on apologizing to me, non-stop. I told him it’s fine before tip toeing to look at the exit. My eyes frowned when there’s no girl in a yellow jacket standing there.


                Where did she go?


                “Oppa! take a picture with me!” a girl on my side shouted and her voice rang out above everything else in the rink. I smiled as a reply.


                Maybe, she ran away knowing we’re busted. Maybe, she went somewhere safe to avoid thee people. Maybe, she hid to protect herself. But what if someone hurt her? what if someone mistook her as a kid and kidnapped her. She couldn’t fight off. I got to do something.


                “Oppa?” a voice broke my thoughts and I smiled. When the flash dissolved into nothing I started making my way out of the crowd. Unfortunately, they’re all following me.


                I put my phone out and started on dialing our manager’s number. When he picked up, I started shouting on the phone for him to hear me audibly. I told him my location and what happened. He said he’d come. I thanked him before hanging up. I’m at the exit now. I gave the place another look before calming myself. Yuna’s gone and I don’t know where she went.


I returned the skates we borrowed and then I checked if Yuna got her purse back. No, the baggage number is in my pocket. I retrieved the purse and kept it under my shirt. I struggled my path out of the park. When a black van came, I quickly got in. our manager was scolding me badly but I can’t understand a thing he’s saying. I hope Yuna’s fine. I hope she’ll be home.



~Kyu-hyun’s P.O.V~


                Why does she always gets in to trouble whenever she’s with Ki-bum? Why am I always there to help her and get her out of it? Am I spoiling her too much? I’ve been like a stalker the whole day! I didn’t even take a rest after arriving here at Korea. I quickly got on a taxi and went here at the park. I searched the whole place and I almost gave up when I suddenly saw a girl wearing a yellow jacket falling down on the rink.


                Then, she’s there! And Ki-bum, too.


                Her hand slipped off my grasp slowly, making me stop and glance back at the girl I just pulled from the rink. She’s melting on her knees again. Her head is bowed down and her shoulders are dropped low. It’s like she lost a game she really liked. What’s worst is, I don’t exactly know what to do. I just dragged her with me, not even asking if she’s fine with it. I don’t even know if she recognize me or not with this mask on my face and a huge dark sunglasses I have on my face. She just followed me, like a lifeless mannequin.




                Hell, why did she hang up on me? She’ll help Yuna, right? She won’t abandon her dongsaengs. She’ll do something to prevent any bad thing that could happen. But, what if she have a full schedule for tomorrow? Right, she’ll tell somebody else. She’ll ask for help. She’ll help me, right?


                Aish, Yoona, tell me you’ll help her!


                “Kyu-hyun, are you okay?” a voice stopped me from pacing in the room. I lifted my head up and saw Dong-hae slightly grinning at me.


                “No.” I grunted.


                “Obviously.” He shrugged. I want to tell him to stay away but that would be rude. I need some time alone to think, why can’t he see that?


                He sat down on the bed in front of me and I frowned at him. He just stared at me more, grinning ever so widely.


                “What do you want, hyung?” I asked, not being able to bear with his irritating smile.


                “I discovered something interesting.” He replied confidently. I eyed him suspiciously. Could he have known that Yuna and Ki-bum would have a date tomorrow and that they might be in danger? That’s interesting, right?


                “Well, I cleaned up our room after our conference since manager hyung said we stink. And I found something really weird in your belongings.” He continued.


                I frowned more but then, panic started to occupy my mind. There’s no way he could’ve found my…


                And there it was, my very dear wallet. Dong-hae’s holding it in his hand, waving it right in front of me as if taunting me to get it from him. I did. I grabbed it from his hand and checked if the picture I just printed is still there. It’s gone.


                “Looking for this?” he said, waving another object on the air. I blushed as I recognize the picture. He laughed loudly at me.


                “Give it back.” I ordered, opening my palm for it, waiting.


                “Is that even the proper way to beg your hyung to give your stuff back?” he teased. I shook my head but I complied anyway.


                “Hyung, please.”


                He put the picture on my palm and laid back on the bed again. His smirk never wavered, it’s like he’s having a lot of fun as I’m starting to get annoyed with him.


                “You like her?” he suddenly asked as I keep the picture back on my wallet. “Yuna.”


                Should I admit it? Or should I play along? I don’t know, but I better go with my instinct.


                “No.” I shrugged. “I’m just making fun of her.”


                “Really?” he sound unconvinced.


                “Really.” I started to make my way out of the room. I opened the door and saw Henry standing behind it. He gave me a sheepish smile before entering the room. My jaw dropped in surprise as he stood next to Dong-hae, who now stands up from the bed.


                “Kyu-hyun, you like Yuna?” Henry asked again. Holding up another picture. It’s the same picture of Yuna from my wallet!


                “What are you talking about?” I asked, charging towards them. Henry hid behind Dong-hae but Dong-hae just laughed again.


                “You don’t need to be so worked up about your feelings.” Dong-hae stated after forcing himself not to laugh anymore. “It’s pretty obvious but I’m not saying that it’s a bad thing. “


                I stopped reaching out for the picture of Yuna and looked at Hae instead.


                “It’s not wrong to like someone, Kyu-hyun. What’s wrong is when you don’t do anything to confess your feelings to her. You’re not even putting up a competition with Ki-bum, right?” he beamed at me.


                “I didn’t say that I’m giving her up.” I surrendered. “I just don’t want to force myself to her.”


                “Then you do like Yuna.” Henry giggled, still hiding from me. I nodded my head in defeat.


                “But we all know that she likes Ki-bum and that they’re together now.” I started complaining like a kid, making them believe that I can’t do anything about it now. “For all I know, they’ll be going on their second date tomorrow and I’m not even there!” I raised my hand up in the air in frustration.


                I glanced at Dong-hae and Henry, who is now both looking at each other. They nodded in the same time before turning their back on me. I watched as Henry pulled out my luggage from the cabinet while Dong-hae grabbed his stuffs and threw them on the bed. Henry stuck my other scattered things at my bag too and it inflated instantly from the force being exerted on it. Meanwhile, Dong-hae started on rummaging in his things, searching for something.


                When I heard a cracking sound from my bag, I quickly snatched it from Henry’s hand.


                “What do you think you’re doing? Ruining my things?” I screeched as I searched for the broken thing. Fortunately, it’s just my stored snacks he’s crushing.


                “No.” Dong-hae said out of nowhere. “We’re helping you pack.”


                “Pack? Why?” I zipped up my bag and held it, right side up.


                “For you to return to Korea.” He replied. “Don’t tell me you’ll be staying here while your girl gets on a date with your brother?”


                I smiled at him and at his bright idea. I nodded hardly as I grab my bag. Dong-hae approached me, stretching out his closed hand.


                “Take this. I don’t think manager hyung would give you any money to get a plane ticket.” He explained, revealing his money on his palm.


                I bowed in appreciation before turning to leave. “Tell them something happened and that I have to go back.” I reminded them before opening the door again.


                “Kyu-hyun!” Henry called and I smiled at him for the first time since he entered the room. “Don’t fight with Ki-bum, but don’t let go of Yuna without confessing to her, arasso?”


                “Sure.” I waved before closing the door behind me.


~end of flashback~


                I pulled Yuna into my rented car and she obliged without any protest. When I got in the drivers seat, she’s crying. Tears were falling down from her eyes. I wanted to reach out to her and wipe it, but I know that I couldn’t do anything now. I don’t even know why she’s crying! There’s nothing I could do.




so just like what everyone wanted (including me!), KYUHYUN is back!!! yup yup.. i sure missed him.. ^___^ hope you're all happy because... i am ecstatic right now.



thanks for the brilliant ideas chocolate and Zailei !!! you guys are so daebak!!!




that's all for now.. ^___^

(and, wow... three consecutive updates for three consecutive days? i must be inspired... LOL)




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Sky2001 #1
Chapter 66: pufffffyyy!!! ohh so cute. Update soon
Chapter 66: yeeey!!! Finally update!!!
awww make it quick ><
yuna and kyuhyun together! lol
danvinguyen24 #4
Chapter 66: holy toleedo !!! finally an update!!!!! gaaahhhhh
soooo gooooooddddddddd :DDDDDDDDD
update soooooon!!! <3
niqho07 #5
update na plss!!
LOL cant control to smiling like an idiot! xD
update soon~
rheiii youre back huuu hugies
what an
update na girl pls...